School Rumble (Broom and I)

Mei seemed entirely unimpressed with Lili's estate. Well, perhaps indifferent. After all, her parents house was similar in terms of extravagance. Though Mei had chose to leave all that stuff behind when she enrolled herself at Central. She didn't care too much for living in luxury. She had done it for so long it had become boring. Though this made trailing a lot easier for her. She had a cab waiting on her, so she used that to follow them. Though to be honest, she wasn't exactly sure why Lili would be headed down town like this. This might be the lead she needed.

When Jana would get to Justin's apartment, she'd see something a little disturbing. A trail of dried blood on the floor, and a couple of smeary, bloody hand prints on the wall and railing of the stairwell. It led all the way up to Justin's apartment, even to his door which wasn't even closed all the way. Justin was sprawled out on the floor in his living room, a beaten and bloody mess. His clothes were torn up pretty badly, and long, thin cuts were littered all over his body. His face was barely recognizable as one of his eyes was entirely swollen shut. The other was closed, as he was unconscious or..sleeping. One of the two. Then there were the bruises and lacerations...well all in all Justin had seriously gotten his shit kicked in at some point last night. The back of his head was the he had gotten hit with something large and blunt. Dried, coagulated blood stained his shaggy blonde hair. He was so still on the floor that it almost looked like he was dead..but that wasn't the case.
The Limo drove for a while, before it stopped in front of a very obvious bar: The Purple Panther. The driver glanced back to Mei when they stopped, as Lili slid out of the car. She was wearing...interesting attire. A shirt that left very little to her midriff, and low cut pants that exposed her toned stomach and some hints of her hips and pelvic bone, there was a curious little tattoo that darted across her hip and into her expensive jeans. Her gold eyes cast a lazy glance around, before she headed inside.

"Here we are, Miss?" He said curiously. What in the world was a kid doing in a bar? Meh, none of his business...DC kids were a different breed.

Stepping inside Justin's place after the door opened, was...shocking. The hint of blood was everywhere, she moved quickly over to Justin, her hand cupping the back of his head gingerly. "Justin! Hey!" she said quickly, checking the pulse against his neck. It only ebbed her panic somewhat, he was alive...good. But it was faint, she quickly grabbed her phone from her pocket, cradling his head gingerly as she called for the ambulance. It was a fucking massacre in here, who in the hell would do this!?

"Justin...come on, sweetheart." she said quietly. "Come that pretty eye of yours."
Mei was also a little wary of this place. A bar was not somewhere kids her age went. Mei herself wasn't even eighteen yet, so...she hoped being DC would get her in there. "Thank you." She told him before giving him her cab fare and slipping out of the car. She waited for Lili to disappear from her sight, and then she entered the club. Good thing for her..they didn't seem to ask for her ID. What a sleazy place. She stepped inside and immediately went to look to see where Lili had went.

Justin didn't move for a few moments until she started to speak. First came a pained groan from the man. Then, his eye opened. Searing pain followed, mostly in one of his legs. For a minute he didn't even know where he was, until he remembered what happened last night. Damn..he really didn't want Jana to see him like this, but he just smiled up at her. "Hey...Princess." His voice was soft, but audible. "You're not calling an ambulance are you? I hate hospitals.."
The club itself was surprisingly posh, there was a long oak bar that seemed to serve any number of patrons -none of them looked old enough- and had a VIP section on the second floor. All of the students glanced at her at the doorway, but that was only a split second view. Because the moment people turned to see her, there was a shining, sharp knife swinging right towards her. A lesser fighter would never see it coming.

"Easy...easy..." Jana murmured, leaning down to kiss him gently. "God, Justin...look at you...what happened? Who did this?" she said firmly. "Tell me."
Mei casually side stepped, letting the knife whiz passed her. So, this was that kind of bar. Wasn't too fond of DC, huh? Well, she really didn't want any trouble but..someone attacked her. She couldn't let that pass. Her eyes went to the direction the knife came from, looking for her assailant.

Justin sighed happily feel her kiss him. It almost made him forget about the pain he was in. Almost. "Don't know. I didn't recognize him but..he brought up Remy...So I imagine he is acquainted with her somehow.." Justin started to cough, covering his mouth so he wouldn't get anything on his girlfriend. "He also called me a rat, so..might be involved with Komoku or Nicholas.."
It wasn't hard to see who it was, since the woman simply took a step back with a faint smirk, hand resting on her exposed hip. "My my..." Lili Masenbach purred, the metal reforming around her hands into a sharp sword. "I see what they said about the Ice Queen was are an impressive little thing, and cute, too."

"Easy...easy," Jana murmured, stroking his hair carefully as the EMS came in. "I'll see you in the hospital soon, okay?" She was going to pay one particular bitch a visit...
Mei raised an eyebrow, bemused by her compliment. "You know who I am, yet you attacked me? Then this will make things a lost easier. Come quietly, and your punishment won't be as severe." She remembered what Adam said about this girl...a B-...she would have to draw her sword for this one...

"Please do...I'm serious..I hate hospitals, Jana." As he was picked up and placed on a stretcher, Justin groaned in pain. Any movement hurt his body, and he had a really big headache. He watched Jana all the way until she was out of his line of sight, and then he closed his eyes and let himself pass out once more.
"Hm..." she said, her blade slipping along her own toned stomach. "How about I air out that stuffy outfit of yours instead?" she smirked. "You can get bent, bitch. I'm not letting some stick in the ass bitch tell me to do anything."


Jana smiled faintly the entire time, before she burrowed into her jacket with an angry frown. She still had contacts in Red, and she was going to find out just where Remy was and pay that fucking cunt a visit...
"Fine. Have it your way." Mei said with a bored tone as she drew her rapier. She would wait for her to make the first move. She was a metal element user...Mei was glad that her sword wasn't crafted from that material. It came from a silver smith...which meant that she shouldn't be able to manipulate it.
Lili smirked at that, hand resting casually against the bar. "So, pretty thing...what are you looking for me for, exactly? Maybe if you answer nice enough, I'll cut you a little slower. Did I do something bad?"
Mei blinked slowly and then took on her fighting stance, pointing her blade at Lili. "You'll find out soon enough, after I arrest you and throw you into the interrogation room, Lili Masenbach. Now hurry up and come at me. I don't have all day, and I'd rather not spend another minute more than I have to here."
"Ooh, I like that..." Lili smirked hungrily, licking her lips. "I agree," she said...and suddenly, the long metal bar underneath the bar table shot out like a rocket, it's tip pointed like a spear.
A pillar of ice immediately formed to stop the metal rod, however it was so fast that the ice couldn't develop in time properly and it shattered on impact. Still, it manged to slow it down just enough for Mei to swing her sword so she could deflect it. Tch...her element would be practically useless against attacks like that. That meant, she needed to close the gap between her and Lili. She would not be able to win at long range. Mei dashed towards Lili, closing the distance in the blink of an eye. Her sword was extended and ready to pierce into her torso.
Lili grinned widely, taking a chunk of the metal pole to shift into her hand. It formed into a small little shield to parry away her stab, while her other hand shaped a long set of claws to swipe at her pretty little face. She was good...really good. She was starting to get a little excited...
Mei's eyes immediately noticed what Lili was doing with her other hand, and she immediately pulled her head back. Her swipe had almost hit her, but not quite. She picked up her foot and slammed it down, her summoning her ice and directing it to crawl up to Lili's body. As she did that however, her sword did not rest. She drove it back and once again attempted to break through her defenses. The ice was a distraction...and she would use any opening she could get to end this fight.
The wood underneath splintered and shattered under the weight as Lili grinned hungrily, her claw hand slipping down her leg as the metal slid down her body and settled at the base of her foot...before lancing out in spikes. "Cute trick!" she purred, lashing her foot out with a coiled whip of metal that tore into the ground and shot upward.
"Tch!" Mei moved her sword in attempt to knock away the whip, but it wasn't enough to stop it from swinging and hitting her in the face, slicing through her cheek. She jumped back, ignoring the warm blood dripping down to her chin. Her expression was the same as she attempted to devise a plan to get around her defenses. Her ice wouldn't work unless it had time to fully solidify...

She needed to figure out the weakness of her attack and defenses...which meant she'd have to drag out this fight a little bit.
Lili broke the other ice and stalked forward, licking her lips. "Mm...not bad for a DC..." she said hungrily, connecting the metal she had into a solid spear. "And your face looks prettier with a little red on it," she smirked. She didn't wait, she simply surged forward in a series of thrusts to keep her distance. "Why don't you dance a little for me?!"
Mei began to dodge her attacks, now on the defensive. She seemed to be doing it effortlessly, though in reality Mei was having a hard time. She was having difficulty reading her attacks, and she had never gone up against a metal element user this skilled. She wasn't going to get anywhere at long range like this..she had to get closer if she wanted to attack. The floor started to cool as ice began to form underneath Lili's feet. This time it didn't crawl, it was just there to be an annoyance and to provide an opening for Mei to get closer. When she did slip, she moved passed her metal spear and then swiped her sword at the woman's chest.
The ice was a minor annoyance, but it was one Lili didn't have time to properly defend for. There was only a minor slip of her heel that weakened her defense, and she grit her teeth as she leaned back. The blade sliced clean through her blouse, exposing her cleavage and a thin line of red. She licked her lips faintly, letting her metal dance down into her feet. "Clever trick, girl..." she purred. "I'm impressed, you're starting to get me wet...but if you think I'm going to submit that easily, you've been fighting jokes."
Wow..this girl really liked to hear herself talk. Mei noted that, next time she wouldn't let her finish whatever sentence was forming in that crazy mind of hers. Mei seemed to take her wetness literally, thinking she only meant her melted ice. "I apologize. I will not fool around anymore." Mei told her as ice began to form around her arm, encasing it from elbow to fingertip. First there was a thin layer, but then it began to grow larger until it was about two inches in diameter. It was heavy, but Mei could use it as a defense while she attacked..or even as a club. Lili was not the only one who could encase herself within her element.
"Ooh..." Lili smirked in awe. She returned the favor, forming a similar gauntlet as her other formed an amusing mockery of Mei's own weapon. "I like your style, Ice Queen..." she purred. "I've fenced a few times in Blue, think you can keep up?"
"I'm better than you, I should be asking you that question. So get ready for your defeat, Lili Masenbach." Once again, Mei used her impressive speed to close the gap between them, flinging her sword around more carelessly in attempts to seem more unpredictable to Lili. It was risky, but sometimes logic did not work in battle. Logic could easily be intercepted.
Lili's eyes narrowed slightly in surprise, but she blocked one of her wild swings and went for a stab to Mei's side with a growl. Well, what was this...the frigid Ice Queen adapting her graceful and refined strategy for something else?
Mei moved her iced over arm in defense, barely blocking Lili's swing in time. It was a good defense but it was not flawless...Mei wasn't used to such weight being on her arm. She continued to move her sword, seemingly trying to go for random strike points, but soon her style purposely reverted to more precise strikes...she was trying to confuse her.
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