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School Rumble (Broom and I)

"You haven't changed...much, anyway." Damien said, regarding her face a moment as he walked down to join her, hands in his pockets. Had a little more life in her eyes. "I could say the same for you, you're scaring people into attendance."
Mei's eyes flashed to his hands that were in his pockets. As far as she was concerned, he was her enemy. Even if she didn't know he was working with Nicholas, Mei always viewed anyone who voluntarily betrayed their vows to the Disciplinary Committee as traitors. "Good," She began as her gaze went from his hands to his face. "They need to be in school right now...I'd say the same for you, but...well it's been a while since you've been in school, correct?"
"Graduated, actually...decided to come back and see how the town is," he sighed, taking the cigerette out of his mouth to tap the ashes. "See some old friends...try to fix a few problems."
Fix a few problems, huh? It didn't take long for Mei to figure out what he meant by that. "Oh yeah? What kind of problems did you come back to fix, Damien? Must be big problems if they made you come back. Something you speak much about with your old friend?"
"It is a big problem, actually." Damien said, taking another drag. "But no, I haven't...she's not easy to find. And she's going to do something real stupid if I don't find her. Why are you here? What kind of DC buisness is all the way in Red territory?"
Who was she..? The same girl Mei was trying to find? No..that didn't make sense. Mei's nose slightly wrinkled when the smoke passed by her face. "I am looking for a girl. Kaka Kuki. Heard of her?" She might as well just be blunt about it. Plus, she wanted to see if that name would get a reaction from him.
"Yes," Damien murmured. "She's the one I'm looking for, actually," What concerned him even more was the fact that Mei was looking for her. "...Why are you looking for her?"
"...Because I have a few questions I'd like to ask her. Questions regarding a Nicholas Trevlyn, and a protest he's arranging in the near future. I understand you're involved as well. He gave me both of your names...did he not warn you ahead of time that I'd be attempting to contact all of you?" Mei wondered what he meant earlier before when he said she was going to do something stupid...what did that mean?
"Nicholas, huh?" Damien said after another exhale of smoke. "Is that right...I'm here for Kuki, Mei. I don't know, or care what he's up to. I told him I was interested when I heard that Kuki was interested, and I have a decent guess why," she murmured. "But right now, I need to find her. Whatever you need me for, I don't care. But if you get in my way, things are going to get complicated." he sighed, crushing the cigarette in his hands before tossing it into the nearby grass.

"You familiar with the Five Tigers?" he asked. "It's a gang around here, they were causing hell in my freshman year in DC."
"Hmph!" Was Mei's response when he threatened her about getting in his way. Why would she get in his way? If anything she would probably just stick around until he found her, so Mei could speak with her. "I've heard about them, though I haven't personally seen them around. Why the sudden change of subject? I'm not going to stop looking for her, I don't care if you're looking for her too."
"Because that's where Kuki is, Mei," Damien said, arms crossing. "She got paid a decent amount of cash to take them all out...and I don't know if she knows what she's getting into. That's a lot of people, even for her." he mumbled, hand running through his shaggy hair. "...This is my mess, so I need to finish it. If you want answers from me, fine. But not until I get Kuki out of this mess."
Okay, so she finally got somewhere. That explained what he meant by her doing something stupid, too. "Fine. I'll lend a hand to you, only because I need to speak to her too. I can't speak to her if she gets herself squashed by a bunch of dirty, barbaric rapscallions. You can't say no to me either. I've gotten stronger since the last you've seen of me, and I can take care of myself."
"Heh, I can tell," Damien grinned after a moment. "You sure you want to work with a 'traitor'?" he said idly. "Someone who has stained the Disciplinary Committee name?"
"Of course I don't want to, but this goes above my personal grudge against you." Then there was the fact that she might be helping someone who is possibly planning on burning Central to the ground...Well, even if she one deserved the type of punishment gangs liked to dish out when someone messed with them. "So yeah, less talking and more looking for that girl."
"Hm, you really have changed," Damien smiled. "That sounded rather causal of you, must have gotten some great people in your life," he said, moving past her to head down the street. He knew where Five Tigers territory was. He just hoped they wouldn't be too late. Still the Ice Queen he was familiar with, but it was like the ice was starting to melt a little.
"I haven't changed, your memory must be failing you, traitor." Mei didn't know why but she felt like...she had to be difficult. Probably because she knew she was changing, but she didn't want to admit it to herself or anyone else. Though if someone who hadn't seen her in a very long time noticed that she was changing, it scared her. Still, she had other things to worry about..

She followed Damien, keeping her distance and also her guard up. Once again the paranoia spoke to her. This could well be a trap..but even if it wasn't she'd still be getting herself into trouble. Maybe.
Damien chuckled a little at that, hands still in his pockets. The neighborhood changed as they walked, through a block more active places, like restaurants and stores...and then they took a turn into some rougher looking parts, even for Red. "One day, I'll tell you why I left." he mused. "But truth be told, you can think whatever you want. I don't care, there's more important things than what I did, there always has been."
"Of course there is. There is always more important things than the actions of what we as individuals do, but...even still. If we all just abandoned our responsibilities for no reason, the world would be a very unpleasant place." She paid no mind to the rougher areas. Nothing really scared Mei, which was honestly a bit of a weakness more than a strength. She was extremely lucky that she hadn't gotten into anything she couldn't handle. Though there was always a first for everything.
"Maybe so," Damien said, glancing around a moment before stopping. "Well, this is it..." Damien stated, glancing around the street. This was Five Tiger Territory, the heart of it, really. There was graffiti everywhere, which wasn't really a damning sign. But it was all very specific to Red Tigers, the only problem was still finding Kuki...but he had a good guess. Nothing had changed too much in Turuga.

"Come on," Damien murmured. "I have a good idea where she is..."
Maybe so. Mei never really understood how people could deny the way things should work in the world. Order was everything, and there was no question about it. Though, she really didn't have the patience to lecture a man who had already graduated. If he hadn't learned that before..he was never going to learn now. "Lead the way." Mei casually replied as she pulled her arms behind her back.
The time with Justin was nice, actually...yes, she knew it was a little bitchy of her to say that. Her good feelings were usually right, but that didn't stop her from still being surprised about things. He really was a sweetheart when he wasn't busy trying to eyefuck you. Lunch went along briskly, as she expected...but something caught her eye and she was more than a little puzzled. Wait, Mei? With...a guy? Who was that guy?

She lowered her drink curiously, glancing the way they went. Shit. Was something about to happen?

"Head back home, handsome, I'll be after you in a bit," Jana said, rising up and giving him a kiss without really giving him a chance to say anything. Something was going on if Mei was here...and she didn't know who that guy was, but she didn't like Mei not having some backup.
"Huh? What about you? If you got something to do, I'll do it with you." Justin thought they were both having a really good time. Why the sudden change of heart? He was totally going to get his brains fucked out, but now she wanted to send him home and join him later?

...Well he wasn't going to say that to her, then he really wouldn't get any.
"Nah," Jana grinned. "Don't worry, I'm a woman of my word, I'll be back and you'll be happy for it," she purred, giving him a wink. "See you," she said, hoping over the fence and heading down the street.

"Well..." Damien said, glancing up at a worn down, emptied out building. The windows were old, but put together...the pounding of music was heard inside. They had to be about a block away, but the entrance was swarming with Five Tigers, who were casually laying about. "I'd say we found them..." he murmured, gritting his teeth together in thought. "She's probably here, or waiting for the right moment."
Whatever Jana was getting into, Justin knew it was going to be good. Though curiosity got the better of him...he had to know what she was up to...

"Then perhaps we can still talk her out of this." It really didn't matter to Mei whether or not she ended up fighting, but she wasn't here to bust these delinquents, at least not today. "Let's find her before she launches the attack..."
Damien was about to agree, but that's when he realized they were a bit too late. The Five Tigers outside had their attention grabbed by a soft, petite looking girl with a katana against her hip. He grit his teeth in frustration, and bolted like a shot. He wouldn't get there fast enough, Kuki was fast as lightning. Her blade was out of it's sheath and she was a blur and into the doorway. The students who barely even stood up suddenly collapsed in pain, blood streaking across their bodies. It wouldn't kill them, but it was getting the point across.

"Dammit," Damien growled. She didn't know what she was getting into...there were so many of these guys! It wasn't like they just had this one hideout!
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