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School Rumble (Broom and I)

"Adam helped you, huh?" she teased easily, setting the boots down near the bed before returning to hers. There was almost a wonderfully blessed silence for a moment, before Jana could hardly resist asking. "...So, how big was he? Like...eight, nine inches? I keep hearing that black guys are huge down there, but Justin's not bad himself." she mused.
Mei was about to fall asleep because of the silence, though as soon as Jana asked her that first question, she shot up straight in her bed. Her face was completely red, and her eyes were wide open. "I...Jana! Why would I know how big..?! That's..I don't...! WE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" Pretty much anyone outside their door would be able to hear that. Mei probably had never screamed so loud in her life. Not even in battle. "Damn it, Jana! Why would you ask something so vulgar?! I can't believe you!"
Jana couldn't help it, she just started laughing a moment. "Oh my god, Mei! Calm down! You even cursed! You NEVER curse! I was just asking, jeez! You know Adam has a thing for you, right?"
Oh..she had cursed. Mei was silent for a moment as she felt nothing but shame for her outburst. It wasn't her fault..she just got freaked out. "Adam has a thing for me? What do you mean by that? He seems like everyone else...intimidated and scared by me. He's just slightly less obnoxious about it."
"Oh no...he has a thing for you," Jana grinned. "He thinks you're beautiful, he wants to take you out on a romantic date and shatter that ice. He always gets a little touchy when I talk about teasing you around him. It's the cutest thing ever."
Mei stared at Jana for a moment before looking away. Was she teasing her? "Maybe he just finds your teasing as revolting as I do. That doesn't mean he likes me. Besides..I don't have time for boys." More like she was scared of them. At least the ones who tried to get close to her. She had never even kissed a boy, which was slightly embarrassing at her age.
"Mei," Jana said dryly. "Come on, now you're just doesn't have to mean anything, but he does like you. Besides, there's a lot of you to like," she grinned. "You're a real sweetheart underneath that ice, I bet he really enjoyed spending time with you tonight."
Mei sighed and then laid back down. She was too tired for this. So what if Adam liked her? If he really liked her he'd ask her on a date himself and...

Wait, what? Okay, it was time for bed. "Jana, I need some sleep. Try not to get in trouble while I'm unconscious." She laid back down and rested her head on her pillow, though right now she kept wondering about all the looks Adam kept giving her last night. Why would he like her? And how would he know what she was actually like?
"I can take care of myself," she huffed, heading to her closet to get dressed. " I'm a child..." she mumbled. After this, she was going to see Justin anyway. So what was the worse thing that could happen? Red was her lifeblood anyway!
Mei had really only meant to sleep a couple hours, but she woke up at three. "Ahh!" She cried out when she saw the clock and then ran into the bathroom, stripping off her clothes. Mei hopped into the shower and then hopped back out as quick as possible. "Why did I sleep so long..." She muttered as she got a fresh pair of clothes and dressed herself as fast as possible. Though she didn't leave her dorm room without first making sure she looked presentable. Once she was done with that, she rushed down to the cafeteria. She had to eat first before she went to see that Kuki girl in red territory.
Oh, there were rumors...there were discussions of it. The entire computer division of the DC was abuzz with it, and just because a handful of the girls happened to have their dorms near Jana and Mei's. They were...really talking about it, huh? They didn't say anything on what, but they heard it quite clearly. Was...they supposed to do something? Was that...I mean, did she like him? Was...that a thing? It couldn't be, Mei didn't do that...but she also...ughh...

No, he wouldn't do this to himself, he decided. He was running on four hours of sleep, three cans of coffee and now breakfast. A man got desperate when his energy reserves were low.

"...I'm doing it," Adam decided. His friends glanced at him like he was crazy.

"...Doing what?" Cho said incredulously.

"I'm asking her," Adam said, rising up smoothly when he saw Mei. No, no fear, no anxiousness...he would do this. He was a man, dammit. He would ignore the fact that she was called the Ice Queen because...quite frankly, she was frigid. He would similarly ignore the fact that she was one of the highest graded students in the DC, as well as her combat record being impressive. He probably should have listened to his friends, because his confidence train went off the rails and exploded the moment he walked up to Mei, and remembered the way those green eyes looked at him. Strangely enough, they were...somewhat similar, slightly more like he was used to...but a hint of warmth that lit up her whole face.

...Well, he's done it, hasn't he? He's reached that computer nerd plateau of being too afraid of girls and secretly idolizing them. Terrific. Awesome.

"...Good afternoon, Mei." Adam greeted after a moment, when he realized he had marched right up to her and stood at her, staring like a deer caught in the headlights for a good half minute. "...Did you um...sleep well...?"

Great opening, Adam. Nailed it. He should have kept his stupid ass with his friends.
Mei was in line to get herself something to eat, though she sensed something incredibly nefarious going on with her fellow students. The way they were looking at her made her highly uncomfortable, especially the boys. They were..smiling at her? What was all this about, anyway? She really wasn't putting two and two together...her research night with Adam wasn't a big deal to her. Maybe they were all laughing at her because she was playing that stupid arcade game last night?

Mei could only shoot glares at her admirers to get them to stop looking at her, at least temporarily. She was getting frustrated because she wanted to know what they were all thinking, but she didn't want to care.

She got herself some breakfast, or rather lunch at this point. It was something she could quickly eat so she could leave. Though before she could sit down, Adam walked over to her and then stared down at her. What did he want? Was he in on whatever everyone else was too?! Though before she could interrogate him, he opened his mouth. A general greeting, though it was strange. She thought he'd have business with her, but all he wanted to know was how she slept.

"No. I overslept." She answered simply, though for some reason she found herself wondering how he slept. He looked terrible. "...Did you get yourself some sleep?"
"Uh...well, sort of," Adam admitted, sitting he didn't look like some kind of idiot talking to her as he rubbed his head with a sigh. "About four hours, life of a computer geek is rough around here, heh...I um, I actually wanted to ask you something." He could do this, it wasn't hard...he know, had to ask her. That was easy. Just asking someone something, people did it all the time! She just asked him something, in fact.
Adam must have had some manner of business to attend to because he elected to sit with her. Though he wasn't being very direct about it. For a moment, she was distracted by all the eyes of the students at her table. Were more of her classmates staring at her? Ugh...this better stop soon....

"What is it, Adam? Please be quick about it, because as soon as I'm done here I will be taking the next shuttle over to red territory." Maybe he had more information they had missed last night? What did he want and why was he being so strange?
Adam stared at her a moment, swallowing faintly. "Well...I-" he started, taking a casual glance behind her. Before he realized that everyone...or mostly everyone was looking at them. Mei wasn't the only person who could cut a man in half with a glare, and that's exactly what he did. Almost immediately, people went back to their business, and noise continued. This was stupid...he just...needed to say it. Okay, deep breath...

"...I was wondering if you wanted to...go out, sometime." Adam mumbled, slightly nervous to look her in the face. "I...I mean, you don't have to think about it right now, I know this whole mess with Nicholas isn't over, so...I know, whenever you want to give me an answer is good."
As Mei ate her breakfast and heard his request, she raised an eyebrow. Go out? Go out where? "For what purpose?" She asked him, her eyes focused on his even though it was hard for him to meet her gaze. Clearly she couldn't remember Jana's words earlier this morning, about Adam liking her. Plus, the gears just weren't turning in her head, just like they weren't last night when they had spent so much time together. Still, that wasn't a no, at least not yet...
"...You know, because it'd be fun? Cause...we want to be around each other?" Yep, it was a dream. It had to have been, everyone was playing just some huge joke on him and he was just too tired to realize it. There was no way that Mei was actually that nice last night, he had to be dreaming. He knew he should have just kept it to himself. Ugh. Well, he asked...he felt good about that, at least.
Well, that was really daring to say. She wanted to be around him? Mei rarely wanted to be around anyone, but she couldn't deny that last night wasn't so bad. It was a nice change of speed from Jana, who talked her head off to the point where Mei thought her ears would bleed. "Fun?" The word was foreign to the ice queen. She thought about it for a minute, just eating as she gazed off into space. Adam was asking her to have fun with him, and he apparently wanted to be around her.

"Sure, why not." She finally answered in the most indifferent tone she could muster. Yeah, God forbid she sound interested in being around a boy. "You can tell me more about computers. They seem to be useful, and I should probably learn something about them at some point."
Well, that...was a yes. And that excited him. But her tone was...not what he expected. Maybe this was a bad idea. "Uh...yeah, I was...actually thinking we could...maybe see a movie, go out somewhere to eat..." he said idly. "I...I mean, if you want to learn about computers, sure...I was just thinking something...not related to work?" He was probably reaching, just a little. It wasn't that he wasn't happy, but this...wasn't the response he was expecting, he must have followed her wrong...ugh.

Oh. Oh wait, this was starting to remind her of something. The way he was acting, she couldn't place her finger on it but she knew there was a reason. Hmm, but what was it? It was on the tip of her mind, and...

You know Adam has a thing for you, right?

Immediately, the gears turned. So he was asking her out on a date. She not only felt stupid, but her cheeks were getting warm as well. Jana was right..Adam did like her. "...Okay." She simply said, her eyes shifting away from him as she felt her heart race. Oh, there was human Mei. The one he saw last night. Only embarrassed. Very, very embarrassed. "That's fine..."

She was acting so shy now, and her body language did a complete one eighty. Even her voice had quieted down to just barely above a whisper. She couldn't help that, though. Adam was asking her out, and if she had never spent time with him she probably would have turned him down. But last night, well he impressed she just didn't want to turn him down. Or maybe she actually...wanted to go out with him.
"...O...Okay, great!" Adam said, his face flush in surprise. "So I'll um...well, whenever you want to do it, just...let me know, okay?" Oh my god, she...she actually wanted to do it!? "I s-should get back, know, work...and..." Adam said, moving as quickly as possible so she didn't...well, she was beautiful and he was a teenager and...oh, he just needed to get out of this mess he had made as soon as possible. "I'll um...s-see you around, okay?"

But he did it. She...she actually looked like she wanted to do it! Sort of? Maybe?
Mei just watched Adam as she ran her fingers through her hair nervously. He wanted her to let him know..? She could never just come up to him and be like, "I'm ready for that date now!". Well...she would cross that bridge when she came to it...probably. Something told her that she would probably procrastinate as long as possible until he forgot about it. Great...

He was gone before she realized she hadn't said bye...but she was too busy trying to figure out how to muster up the courage to let him know she was free.

..Okay. That was enough personal stuff for now. She needed to get down to business. Mei promptly finished her meal and then left the cafeteria, ignoring the extra attention she was getting today. No, she was focused on her investigation now. Though Adam did skirt around the circle of her conscious every once in a while. Strangely enough, his sudden request to go out with her made her feel...well it gave her a confidence boost.
It had honestly been a long time since she had been so deep in Red territory, she kind of missed it. Sure, it was kind of cruddy...but not in a run down sort of way. People just liked the urban feel, a few people recognized her. And maybe she was being a little more cheerful because she wasn't in her uniform, and was trying to remind people that they weren't arrest robots. Still, she knew where she was going. Jian Avanue off of Wu Street, a little non-descriptive place that her annoying little lover boy was probably in, still pouting over his lack of love and attention.

It was always the handsome ones that felt so justified...regardless, she tapped her knuckles on the door, hands stuffed in her pockets. Ugh, he really needed to get a less shady looking place...felt like she was going into a porno warehouse...
There was a silence when she knocked. Though truthfully, Justin wasn't inside. He had actually been out to get a few things at the store...he would die if he didn't get some food for him to eat while he was laying low. Justin hadn't gone to school for days, not when people were still out looking for him. Though when he saw his girl walking down the street, he couldn't help but tail her. Being a sneaky bastard had it's perks...He could pretty much tail anyone without getting caught.

So he followed her straight back to his apartment, and while she was distracted knocking on the door, he took the opportunity to play a joke on Jana. Justin was intelligent, but really, really fucking stupid.

After sneaking directly behind her, he wrapped his arms around the girl and lifted her off her feet. "You're coming with me, little girl..." He growled playfully in her ear.
Her feet got an inch off the ground before she let out a surprised little yelp, and retaliated almost immediately with a sharp stomp to his foot to break his grip, then...she grabbed one of his weakening arms and hurled him over her shoulder, slamming him into the surprisingly durable door. She was about a half second from roasting whoever had done it, until she realized who it was.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, you idiot?" she scoffed, dispelling the flames in her hand in annoyance. "I come and see you, and you make me think I'm getting kidnapped!? Are you really this stupid, or is your dick bigger than your brain!?"
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