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School Rumble (Broom and I)

One minute he was yowling in pain after she stomped her foot on his and the next he was on the ground, ass up in the air and in incredible pain. "Fuck! I was just playing with you didn't have to hurl me into the door like that..." He whined as he rolled over to his side and started to collect all the groceries that were now scattered across the floor after she had flipped him over. Man, how a girl like that managed to swing him over her shoulder, he'd never know...

Once he finished crawling around on the floor he got up and took out his key, grumbling something under his breath about feeling that in the morning. Though the door swung open and he smiled down at her. "Ladies first."
"Prick," Jana muttered, stalking past him. "If you want to do that, do it in your own damn house, you ass. Not where I've actually had to deal with that before." she sighed, taking off her jacket to drape it across one of the chairs. Why did she always fall for the stupid ones? Ugh, he was a sweetheart when he wanted to be...and when he wasn't sad he didn't get laid. Regardless, she settled back on his couch and propped her feet up on the coffee table. Like usual, her clothing left very little to the imagination of her figure. Her pants looked panted on, and her shirt molded around her breasts.

His face looked to be healing well, but he'd have a few more bruises. She couldn't help but grin a bit at that.
" was inches from my own house. You're the only one who knows where I live. Well, at least I hope you're the only one." Justin grumbled as he started putting things away. "I'm sure if the Ice Queen knew my address, everyone would know it. Everyone suddenly knows my last name because of how often she throws it around. So much for my cool street name." He sighed heavily and then joined his beautiful, sexy girlfriend. Looking down at her he frowned a bit. "Jana, I really love the way you dress...I mean...I really do love it, but...well I'm not too keen on other guys seeing all your curves like that. You're mine, you know?" He wrapped a long arm around her shoulder and sighed. "I missed you."
Jana leaned against him a little, arm around his waist. "Uh huh," Jana said dryly. "Oh, I'm sorry...I forgot, since your dick was in me, that now means you can tell me how to act, and dress. Stupid me, I thought I could dress in what I liked. I better go find a turtleneck sweater and a chastity belt while I'm at it," she sighed ruefully. "And I might as well just stop acting like my opinion matters, because my tits are nice to look at, and while I'm at it, why don't I just stop acting like I can do what I want? I may as well just stay here forever, and walk around naked while I tell you how wonderful and perfect you are, because my silly woman brain can't do so many things at once."
"Hey, don't be that way." Justin told her as he pulled her into his lap. "I'm just know how it is around here. Guys are gonna oggle at you and it's asking for trouble, dressing that way. I'm not good enough to protect you right now if you can't fight them off..." He seemed pretty bitter when he said that. Honestly Justin was fine running away when he only cared for himself, but now that he had something worth fighting for he was too weak to do it. He was a D+, maybe C- on his better days. Not to mention he really didn't have a weapon or anything really. Never thought he'd need one.
Jana settled on his lap with a faint sigh, arms around his neck. "Look, sweetheart. I grew up around here too, I'm a big girl. I don't need you to protect me. I know what it's like." She smiled, giving him a kiss. "And if you ever tell me how I should dress again, I'm turning Chip and Dale and their stripper pole into molten goop, got it?"

The look in her eyes was hardly a joking one, either.
"Fine, fine. Just let me get used to it. Being the weak one. I usually go for girls who can't fight at all." He kissed her neck and wrapped his arms around her, sighing heavily. "Sometimes I still have nightmares about it though..about watching you get beaten up really badly by Komoku or someone even stronger than him...I really don't ever want to see you get hurt like that again, Jana."
"Better get used to it, Princess." she purred. "You're a sweetheart, Justin. But I'm not the girl you can just charm the bad parts of me away. I like fighting, I like the rush. If you don't like that about me, then maybe I should go," she shrugged. He was a sweet guy...but she wasn't going to change because it made people uncomfortable.
"Guess it can't be helped then." Justin lifted Jana off his lap and sat her down on the couch and then rose slowly to his feet. "I knew this day would come, guess I better just accept it. I need to get stronger, so I'll be looking for a teacher. If you're gonna keep getting into fights, I better be strong enough to save your ass if you get overwhelmed." He looked down at her and gave her a big grin. "As if I'd let you walk out of my life, just because you think you're too scrappy for me, Princess."
"Really?" she grinned in amusement, legs crossing to regard him. "You're serious, Justin? I'm a C Plus. That's quite a training regimen to get on." But still...Jana's expression was honestly warm. He wanted to do that, just for her?
"I'm not aiming to be as strong as you, I'm aiming to be better. Like, Ice Queen level is a reasonable thing to shoot for, right? Or are you stronger than her? Fire does melt ice." Justin went over to the kitchen and got them both a can of soda. He handed her one and plopped down on the couch beside her. "You know, I've never been motivated to actually learn how to fight better. I've kinda just avoided being in confrontations up until this point. But I know with you in my life, I won't be able to do that much longer."
"Well...Mei is a B Grade," Jana said with a chuckle. "It's not so easy, handsome. I've heard stories about how good she is when she fights. Your heart is in the best place though," she said, kissing his cheek. "Never settle, always improve. Mei could probably sweep the floor with me."
"Yeah, I've heard stories too." Justin said thoughtfully, recalling the gossip that went on about the way that woman fought. Most of the time people never even really got to witness her actually fighting. She only drew her sword if she felt like her ice couldn't win the battle for her. "But I won't lie, I'd love to see the two of you fight..." That is, he'd probably get turned on watching the two of them fight. Two attractive, terrifyingly strong girls at each others throats? Cat fights were sexy as hell, especially at their level.

"I wonder, if I ask Mei to teach me, do you think she'd freeze me or stick me with that rapier in rejection?"
Jana watched his expression a moment, eyes narrowed suspiciously in warning. But she let it go, for now. "Well, you might want to find someone in your element." she mused. "Like Komoku's sister..."
Justin thought about it for a moment before shrugging a bit and taking a sip of his soda. "Oh..her? The only thing she'd teach me is DDF. I'm pretty sure I've asked her to show me a few tricks when I discovered that we have the same element. She just challenged me to a game and that was too much work for me. If I have to play a stupid game to get her to help me..well it's just so demotivating..."
"With that kind of attitude, no wonder you're not any stronger." she said dryly. "You don't understand why she does that, do you? It's about focus, reflexes...and determination. Which you obviously lack. Unless your dick is hard, anyway." she smirked.
Justin gave Jana a butthurt expression before his gaze lowered to her chest. "Well then maybe you should come with me the next time I ask least then my dick will be hard, and I will be filled with all the determination I need. Then afterwards, you can suck my cock in front of her to reward me for my hard work."

Yep, definitely butthurt.
"You're such a damn child," Jana sighed. "I'm not a woman at your beck and call, you idiot. Your dick isn't always my main concern. I didn't have to come and see you. But I wanted too, if you're going to be a sour ass, pull your dick out."
Justin scratched the back of his head, not sure what to do at this point. Did she want him to actually pull his dick out or was she being difficult. "...Nah. I'll keep it in my pants for now." He still remembered that one time she had threatened to burn his cock way he'd pull it out unless he was sure she wanted it. "But seriously, I'm really glad you came to see me, Princess." He had to redeem himself. They hadn't seen each other for a while and he missed her. Sure, he missed the sex too, but...he genuinely did miss being around her. Once again he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close to him. She felt really soft and warm.
"Good," Jana mumbled, content to nuzzle against his shoulder. "Whining doesn't turn a girl on, you know." she smirked. "You want some more love, quit acting like you deserve it." she said, rubbing his inner thigh with a small peck to his lips. "Besided curfew, I don't have too much going on today...what do you said we get some lunch?"
Justin's smile immediately came back to his lips when she kissed him and rubbed his leg. He had to remember that if he wanted to see this side of her, he'd have to just take her abuse and not lash out at her. Though it was hard, he was a sarcastic asshole at times. "Sure, Jana." He was going to say no at first, but...he had to start facing the music. People wanted to beat him up...badly. He couldn't avoid it and he couldn't hide forever.
"Good," she smiled. "Do you want me to cheer you up first, you grump?" she purred playfully. "Or can you hold it until after lunch?"
He rolled his eyes playfully and then leaned in and pressed his lips against her. His tongue slipped into her mouth to make the kiss more passionate, and he caressed her cheek lovingly. Eventually he pulled back and looked into her eyes. "After lunch. If we do it now I won't feel like leaving the apartment."

Mei had finally arrived where she wanted to go. Despite knowing that her uniform would draw the wrong kind of attention, she was never one to hide her identity or authority. She ignored the looks she got, not planning on getting into a fight with some random truant. Lots of truancy going on in these was school hours and yet she saw many students in red shuffling about. She wasn't here to stop that though...

Mei took out a folded piece of paper and opened it. It was a map, with highlighted and circled streets. She started to make her way up and down them, and whenever she saw someone who didn't look like they wanted to rip her head off, she gave them a description of the person she was looking for hoping she could get pointed in the right direction. Eventually someone gave her a specific street name that they might have spotted a girl fitting her description, and so Mei wandered off to mindless walk up and down that specified street.
Jana blinked a little in surprise, pleased little breath escaping as she licked her lips, nuzzling against his hand as she looked at him with hungry eyes, promising much more than he could ever imagine.

"Then we better hurry..." she smirked, pulling him off the couch.
People were both confused and wary, seeing Mei walk up and down. Sometimes she'd stop at a local store, other times she'd just walk. She probably prevented more than a few things from happening, and less and less red uniforms were showing on the streets.

As she walked up and down the street, a lighter ignited on a nearby patio. The owner took a long drag and exhaled. He knew who she was, curious that she was here. Actually, he had a decent idea...especially given the way things were going recently.

"Long time no see, Mei" Damien said after moment.
Mei really wasn't getting anywhere but...well if this was going to be easy, she would have had an exact address at the ready. At least two hours had passed since she had started her search, though she was determined to find girl. She might have been the only person willing to talk if the price was good enough. Plus, she had spent hours just figuring out the general location of where she might be hiding.

So of course, Me was so focused on finding her that she paid no mind to whoever was lighting up that cigarette. Her eyes just continued scanning the streets looking for whatever she was looking for.

..Then she heard her name, and a very familiar voice spoke it. Mei turned towards Damien and narrowed her eyes. Of all people she thought she would find, he was the last person that would be on her mind. Though it was quite funny, the only one of those names she really wanted to avoid just fell into her lap. "Damien." Mei began as she turned her whole body towards him. "Didn't expect you to be hiding around a place like this.."
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