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School Rumble (Broom and I)

"Oh stop it," Jana smiled, arm around her shoulders to pull her close. "It's a good thing, Eva. A really good thing."
"Sure. I'll make sure I send my regards to my brother." Eva said with a smirk. No...she was serious. He was getting it for talking to her girlfriend about her while she wasn't around.

Mei went into the kitchen to fix herself some breakfast. She was looked like Jana wasn't upset anymore. She really wanted things to work out between them...she hated seeing Jana upset.
"...Eva," Jana said dryly, eyes half lidded. "That's a good thing, right?" Right? Komoku simply chuckled, glad to finally be able to eat his breakfast in peace. Jana really seemed into this girl, he hoped it was worth it.
"Oh yeah, it's definitely a good thing." For her anyway. Now that the King and Queen had their breakfast it was time to get her share. She wasn't shy..she knew where all the dishes were.
"Why don't I believe you?" Jana sighed, but it was a good natured sigh as she went to get her plate as well.

"Oh, Mei," Komoku said. "Eva's mom had a good idea about settling you guys and your little dispute, a tournament!" Jana almost dropped her plate, because she was kind of hoping she'd have time to butter her up about it, not just drop it on her!
"...What?" Mei asked as she tilted her head to the side. She needed a little bit more explanation than that..but Eva was too busy with food now and she knew she wasn't going to actually elaborate. So her green eyes settled on Komoku. "How is that going to settle anything?"
"Thank you for being so tactful, Komoku," Jana sighed, sitting down with her plate. "It's like this, Mei...Mina wants it settled once and for all, Eva tells me that she'll except whatever outcome it is. So we have a tournament, anyone can enter. Whoever wins is the one that runs DC, or...whatever."
"So let me get this straight," Mei began, her eyes narrowing. "You want me to enter a tournament...fight everyone from anywhere who wants to challenge me for my title...and if I lose you expect me to step down and let them run DC?"
"Do you have a cleaner idea?" Jana said dryly. "Everyone is going to want in on this, Mei. You don't even have to join if you don't want to, plenty of people in the DC want you to lead, and nobody is restricted from entering...well, barring adults. We could knock out potential problems before they become one, and we can show that this DC is here to stay."
Mei sighed heavily before rubbing her temples. "I'm not entering. The winner of the tournament gets to challenge me if they want control of DC." It was complicated..she was pregnant but that didn't mean she'd roll over and let someone take her title if the winner actually wanted to take DC from her.
"Does that mean if I win, I get to fight you?" Komoku grinned hungrily.
Mei sighed softly before nodding. "Yes, the winner can have a match with me even if they don't want to be leader I guess. But seriously...this better be the end of it." She was tired of having her position threatened constantly...
"Hey, rule number one of Turuga, girl. The bigger you are, the more people try to make you fall," Komoku shrugged. "Prolly why an adult always ran the thing, what kid is stupid enough to try and do that?"

"Nicholas?" Jana said dryly. "And Zhao and Shi?"

"...Oh yeah," Komoku mused, rubbing his chin. "Forgot about those three."
"Those two will be rolling in their cells for missing this opportunity." Mei said casually as she nibbled on a piece of toast. Not that they really had to serve much more time in jail, but they'd definitely miss the tournament.

"Oh my God, that was so good." Eva finally said after she was done eating.
"What, you think it wouldn't be?" Komoku snorted. "Between the four of us, someone has to cook right."

"I can cook," Jana sniffed. "...Just why would I, when you're so much better at it, Komoku?" Jana said, giving him the big doe eyes.

"...Uh huh," he said warily.
"Pretty much what Jana said. I can cook too but what's the point when someone else can do it for you? I used to make my brother cook for me all the time unless he was sick." Eva grinned.

"At least you guys can cook at all...I can't even use a microwave half the time." Mei muttered. Truly frustrating...
"That's why you bagged a chef," Jana grinned.

"Damn right," Komoku sniffed. "I will be personally insulted if you try to cook something around me, Mei."
"Well...I guess that's true. It just sucks knowing that if Komoku is ever not around for some reason I'll have to eat out." Mei never had a problem with that before, but he spoiled her...take out wasn't the same.
"Pfft," Komoku sniffed. "You obviously haven't heard of the Komoku Refrigeration Initiative!"

"...What?" Jana said, brow raised. "What in the hell are you talking about?"

"I used to make Masami lunches all the time!" he grinned. "I had weeks of food prepared for her to eat! Just leave it to me,'ll never go hungry!"
"Homemade TV dinners? That doesn't sound too bad." Eva commented casually. "But I'd much rather have my food cooked fresh."

"I still think it would be better than eating out. Just remember to leave instructions on how long I should warm up the food." Mei smiled.
"You got it," Komoku grinned. "Besides, you're eating for two now, you're not eating anything but what I cook you," he sniffed.
"So I guess you're going to start packing my lunches every day, huh?" Mei didn't have a problem with least now she didn't have any excuses for skipping lunch.
"Yup," Komoku sniffed. "And you better eat them, or else you'll regret it."
"I can tie you down, at least," Komoku grinned widely. "Although eating wasn't exactly what I was thinking about..."
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