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School Rumble (Broom and I)

"I don't want to know what you are thinking about." Mei said with a slight blush as she finished her breakfast and went to put her plate in the sink.

"I do." Eva grinned as she took a sip of orange juice. "Don't hold back just because Jana and I are here."
"My fantasies are not to be tainted by your filthy ears, Eva." Komoku sniffed.

"You mean like that one time we found Mei bent over the couch arm and dripping all over the place?" Jana smirked. She loved Mei dearly, but damn...that girl was a repressed animal.

"I thought you guys would be over later!" he protested. "How was I supposed to know!?"
"I'm going." Mei said passively, leaving the kitchen so she could go put her shoes on and go to work. She didn't have to stand for their crude conversations about sex, she had other things to do this time!
"Hey, wait a minute," Komoku said, grabbing a box from the fridge and heading over to hand it to her with a kiss. "I'll be by later," he grinned. "Got work to do after all!"

"Damn right you do," Jana smirked. "Don't think you're slacking off because you're living here now, buddy."
Mei kissed him back as she took the box off his hands. "Let me know if you need any help moving things from your place." She told him as she fidgeted with his messy hair in attempts to get it looking a little less..wild.
"I will," Komoku smiled easily. "That's what Dujae and Sejae are for anyway," he grinned. Her attempts were...somewhat in vain, but at least the front smoothed down. He was used to it, Mei mother henned everyone. He was terrified to think what that meant for their child. Ah well, a loving mom was a doting he heard.
"Alright. I'll see you guys later then." She left early sometimes. It wasn't a big deal. Central was right down the street anyway.

"I will talk to my brother about setting up the tournament. We'll make sure everyone gets a chance to train a little beforehand." Eva said as she stood up from the table.
"Sure," Jana said, shifting closer to give Eva a kiss. "You busy tonight?" she asked faintly.
"Yeah, maybe," Jana smiled. "Maybe a little more beforehand, I do need loosened up too," she teased. "Think you can do that?"
"Of course." Eva said with a grin before pressing her lips against hers. "Just leave it to me, I'll loosen you up just right."
"Good," Jana smiled, fingers curling under her chin a moment. She really had to thank Mei, all Eva needed was some nudging... "I'll see you tonight, okay?"
"Alright...I'll see you later." She got up from her chair and wandered off. Luckily for her she didn't have to be anywhere. Despite "acting like an idiot" Eva was finished with schooling because she had graduated early.

With Mei's approval, it was easy for Eva and her brother to set up the tournament. They pulled a few strings and within a day the fliers were posted all around Turuga. The numbers of those who were interested were vast, but she knew that most of them would be weaklings. It was easy to devise a system to root out those who were unworthy of even getting a chance to step into the ring.

It was easy, really...although not many adults were pleased with their system. The preliminaries were nothing but street fights. Collecting a certain amount of bandannas from other kids who had entered would grant access to the actual tournament. It narrowed the numbers from three hundred and seventy three to 32 participants, all in a span of three days. Eva was proud of her system...especially when it was finally time to fight in the arena.

Mei wasn't as thrilled as everyone else seemed to be. All this fighting was positively pointless to her...but she had to be there to witness the arena fights. It was being held at the Turuga Stadium..and she had the best seats along with Kuki who really hadn't stopped following her since she told her that she was pregnant. It was a long sixteen fights to watch...especially when her old enemies that she recognized were advancing so well along with Eva and Aiden. But Komoku and Jana were also doing she couldn't complain. Finally the day was over and it ended on a slightly bitter note. Komoku had put Levy in his place...poor big guy. But at the very least, Komoku was in the top sixteen with Jana and she wanted to congratulate them.

It was a long walk down from the VIP seating of the stadium. The next sixteen fights would be even longer...
It had been little more than a drag out fight, but worth every brawl. Dujae and Sejae had the misfortune to have their defeats displayed for everyone to see, but that was just how it was, really. People didn't think much of Kitten, but there was a lot of silence and surprised cheers for her. Sejae wasn't honestly expecting to win, so he had no real problems congratulating Kitten on a hard fought match. Cat, however...she had fans. Ridiculous amounts of fans, she was such a ham from wrestling that Dujae felt like a sore loser the moment he had stepped into the ring.

"This tournament sucks," Dujae groused, arms crossed tenderly. The fights were also hard...and painful, evidenced by the rougher than usual appearance between the two Koreans. There were many broken hearts when they found out the rumors of girlfriends were true.

"Don't be mad at the tournament when Cat just knows how to make you weak," Sejae smirked. "At least have a little dignity, Dujae?"

"Uh huh," Dujae said dryly.

"Yeah, you both sucked," Komoku smirked, rolling his shoulders casually with a heavy breath. "C'mon, losing to the girlfriend?"

"Coming from the guy who lost to his girlfriend and her friend, that's rich," Jana added dryly, arms crossing. A pair of shorts and a sports shirt was Jana's combat attire, as well as her daisho.
"I wish we hadn't gotten matched up against each other...I didn't want to fight Sejae." Kitten muttered as she crossed her arms, her lower lip sticking out just a tiny bit. She looked...completely a hundred percent fine with a few cuts here and there. Sejae was really the only one who had lasted more than a minute with her.

"Well it was great fighting Dujae in front of all those people! The adrenaline was amazing, God I'm so horny now! Stop being a sore loser and ruining my mood!" Catalina told Dujae as she elbowed his side with a huge grin on her face. She had bruises all over her and a black eye but a smile that was as bright as the sun. Nothing other than Dujae made her happier than a good match, and she had a few!

"Komoku is lucky that I'm not actually in the tournament or he'd be in the same boat." Mei said as she approached them with Kuki trailing behind her. She gave them a smile. "Congratulations you guys, you were all great. Even the losers."
"Thanks," Sejae said, ruffling Kitten's hair with a smile as he pulled her close. Dejae was still being a sour ass about it, but he relented and patted Cat's back. Okay, fine...maybe Cat being happy made him feel okay.

"Yeah, smooth sailing," Komoku grinned. "Been so long since I could actually let loose! I feel great!" he laughed. "Whose next!? I can't wait to beat the next idiot into the dirt!"

"Down boy," Jana said dryly. "The rest of us have to fight too, you know."
"The next match up will be up on display in a half maybe you can try to take a break? The next matches don't start for a few hours anyway." Mei told him as Kitten nuzzled against Sejae affectionately.

"I hope I get Jana this time around. All my fights have been boring." Eva's voice came from behind them as she walked up to join them with a grin on her face. "Watching her fight is a huge turn on. Gets my fire burning..."
Radiant Hero Avatar
Posts: 2,738

May 6, 2015 at 3:44pm QuoteEditlikePost Options Post by Radiant Hero on May 6, 2015 at 3:44pm
"Don't burn out too quick," Jana smirked. "Cause I"m going to make you work for every swing, girl."

"Sophie-" There was a new voice, one that was becoming an increasing familiar in the tournament, one that was often slightly haggard with annoyance and frustration. Sophie had been like a puppy bouncing off the walls, she had never seen all of this before and Mifune knew it would be a mild headache to watch her and fight. It'd be easier if he could just quit, but Sophie'd have none of it. Naturally, he got volunteered to enter the tournament. Ugh, why did he agree to this...?

"Well, if it isn't the popstar," Komoku grinned. "Enjoying the fights?"
"Oh my God, yes! Everyone is so awesome! You were awesome! I felt sorry for that big guy, he couldn't keep up with you!" Sophie excitedly shouted. She practically had stars in her eyes, not that anyone could tell because of the disguise she was wearing, complete with a wig this time. The best part was, Mifune was doing things she had never seen before!

"The sad part is, Levy has been training every day. He's gotten a lot better since he first joined up with us." Mei commented with a shake of her head. "Then Komoku crushed his dreams."

"Eh, that's why you just keep fighting until you get stronger. But people like Komoku and the little one over there are monsters and that takes a long time to catch up to." Eva said as she casually pointed over to Kitten.

"I'm not a monster.." Kitten mumbled as she buried her face into Sejae's arm.
"Poor wording," Sejae agreed, hand on Kitten's head. "What Eva means is that you're an extremely talented fighter, Kitten...and there's no shame in that. Besides, having a girlfriend that can win means my training gets more fun."

"Levy's gotten a lot better," Jana smiled. "I'm surprised, actually...but Komoku's a monger anyway."

"What does that mean?" Komoku huffed. "Do I gotta kick your ass again too?"

"Again?" Jana smirked. "You didn't kick my ass the first time, you rabid dog!"

"Bark bark," Komoku smirked. "You'll get yours, and so will Mei. Just you wait."
"This is all so exciting, you're all super competitive. But Mifune will be the one to challenge Mei, right?" Sophie asked as she clung to his arm.

"Cute. Why are you in this tournament, Mifune? You don't care about DC." Mei asked as she folded her arms.
"Because I want to be," Mifune said with that casual aloofness of his. "Is that a problem, Mei?"

...The reality? Sophie made him, or begged him. And he was the worst person in the world when girls started getting all teary eyed and...ugh, he fell for the lamest nonsense that Sophie did.
"It depends on what you want to do if you manage to win." Mei shot back as she folded her arms. That wasn't the right answer..she just hoped that he didn't have any bad intentions behind whatever he was doing. Hopefully he just wanted to impress Sophie.

" interesting as this conversation is, I think I'm going to get something to eat. I can't fight the next match if I don't have a good meal before it." Eva began as she kissed Jana on the cheek.

"Lunch sounds good, actually." Kitten told Dujae as she looked up at him. She was glad he didn't mind how strong she was.
"Agreed," Jana sighed. "I'm starving."

"I'll cook something," Komoku grinned, rubbing his hands eagerly. "I'm hungry too."

"Go ahead," Mifune grunted. "Sophie, you can eat with them if you want."
"But what about you? Aren't you hungry?" Sophie asked him curiously.

"If Komoku is cooking, you should definitely come. Or not. More food for me." Eva said with a grin.

Mei felt her phone vibrating in her pocket and then pulled it out and opened it. "Hmm, yeah lets go eat. I have the next round of matches so we don't need to stick around." She said absentmindedly as she put her phone away.

"What?! Who's fighting against who?" Catalina asked eagerly.

"You'll all find out in thirty minutes like everyone else. I'll tell you when it's officially out." Mei said stiffly. These match ups were not giving her the best feelings...but there was nothing she could do about it.
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