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School Rumble (Broom and I)

"Jana, wait..." Mei began as she started to follow her but then stopped in her tracks and narrowed her eyes. "I'll be right back." Mei wasn't going to make her feel better, Eva could make her feel better and she was not going to let her walk away. Not when Jana came so far with her help.

She hurried out the door, not even bothering to put on her shoes.
"...Mei?" Komoku blinked faintly in surprise, quickly taking things off the oven. "Uh, Mei?" Oh crap, what was she doing? Komoku felt it best to follow her. For someone's safety, she was quite certain.
"Eva!" Mei called out as Eva walked into the elevator. She turned around and narrowed her eyes. No..she wasn't dealing with an angry girlfriend and her angry best friend. She just casually pressed the button to close the door, and before Mei could jump into the elevator with her the door closed. That didn't stop Mei...instead she just opened the door to the stairs and started traveling down. She would catch up to Eva...this wasn't a game.

Sure enough by the time she finished taking the stairs, Eva was in the lobby and Mei stood in front of her. "Go back up there and apologize to Jana!" She growled.

"I did...and she didn't accept my apology. Like I said, if she wants to be mad she can be mad. I didn't mean to offend her but she wants to be offended. I can't change that." Eva said with a shrug as she slipped her hands in her pockets.

"I'm not letting you leave. You better go up there and try again." The tone of Mei's voice was threatening, and Eva didn't particularly like that.

"..What are you going to do to stop me, Mei? You better be careful..if you're going to play around with fire you might get burned." Eva's tone was just as threatening..and that made Mei narrow her eyes. She wasn't going to back down.
"Wait, WAIT!" Komoku huffed, barging through the stairs and hunched over with a heavy breath, hands on his knees. "Gimmie...Gimmie a minute..." God damn, how did Mei just sprint down those stairs like that!? "Eva...this...oh god, I can't feel my lungs. This isn't the way to do this." he wheezed.
"Looks like you have your own problem to take care of, Mei. I'll be going." Eva said with a smirk, though Mei stood her ground. Komoku would be okay...running down a few flights of stairs wouldn't kill him.

"I'm not letting you go, Eva. I don't want to fight you, but you hurt Jana's feelings even if you didn't mean to or not. You can't just leave now!" Mei insisted.

"I'm don't want to fight you either, Mei. But I want to leave, and if I have to get a little rough to move you out of the way, I will." Eva passively said with a shrug. "Your call."
"Doesn't work like that," Komoku said with a faint breath, hand running through his hair. "Look here, girlie. You're goin' back up there and apologizin' to Jana. You're not going to just wait until she's better."
Eva sighed heavily. Now he wanted to get in the way too? "I'm not waiting for her to get better, I'm waiting for her to stop being mad at me. When people get all indifferent like that, they don't want to listen to anything you say."

"You don't have to say anything to Jana," Mei began as she took a step towards her. "All you have to do is let her know you're not going to leave when things get tough...and things just got tough and you left." She folded her arms.

Eva was quiet for a moment..mainly because she didn't know what to say to that. It made too much sense. "Fuck..." She muttered under hear breath. She did fuck up there, didn't she?
"No offense, Eva," Komoku said, scratching his cheek. "But if this is how your family deals with problems, no wonder the Kishi are so fucked up. Jana just wants you to be there, that means you're gonna be in the crosshairs sometimes, but if she means somethin' to you more than a cheap fling, you'll take it."
Eva sighed heavily before she turned around and then went towards the elevator. She only left people alone because she was used to leaving people alone when they were irritated with her. Her mother...her father...pretty much no one except her brother wanted her to be around them. She used to it.

Either way Mei took Komoku's hand and smiled at him. "'re really out of shape though when it comes to cardio."
He glanced at her almost in befuddlement. "...Mei," Komoku said dryly. "You just went down thirty floors of are you not out of breath?" God, was it wrong that her being so damn fit got him rock hard?
"Mnn, well it's not like I had to move much...I jumped most of the stairs. I'd probably be out of breath if I went up the stairs though. Gravity is your best friend." She smirked.

Eva didn't wait for them to get in the elevator with her. She had to apologize..again. For being an idiot..she hated apologizing for that. But Mei was right...even if Jana was angry with her, she wasn't doing any good by leaving her alone.

The moment the elevator opened she was out and heading to their apartment. She didn't even bother closing the door behind her, she just rushed in and stalked through the place until she found Jana...and when she did she just hugged her tightly. "I'm sorry, Jana. I shouldn't have left. I'm sorry for being an idiot."
Jana was in the middle of a very effective feeling of brooding and being miserable when Eva's familiar scent hit her like a ton of bricks. She wasn't sure what to feel before she glanced down at Eva.

"...You better be," Jana mumbled. Yes, she was crying. Because she was stupid, and she felt like that this was supposed to be something more. Or at least something honest. "You do it again, and I toss you out the window."
"I won't do it again. Mei just reminded me you're not like everyone else who gets upset with me." Eva looked up at her and then wiped her tears away. "I just did what I'm used to doing..."
"I'm serious," Jana replied firmly, hand on her wrist. "I don't want to do this, Eva. I know I'm a mess, okay? I get it, I don't need it from you. You either stay or you go, I'm not dealing with one or the other. I need someone, I don't need someone when it's convenient."
"I am going to's not like I was leaving you forever. I just thought you didn't want to be around me. I'm obnoxious and crude...I can't promise I'm not going to offend you again. But at least I know not to joke about that. And now I know not to walk away even when you're mad...okay?" Eva looked into her eyes...and for the firs time that cool exterior of hers was cracking. She refused to cry, but she couldn't stop her eyes from watering.
"Eva, I want you around, always," Jana sighed. "Besides, have you heard Komoku? He practically fucks Mei with his eyes all the time. I can handle you being that way, trust me."
She gripped Eve by the chin, eyes narrowed. "You're not out of the woods yet, girl." she muttered. "But lucky for you, a tournament is coming up and I need a sparring partner."
"...Sure." Eva told her as the smirk fell off her face. She'd just have to get used to this, wouldn't she? She wasn't even excited about sparring..she cared more about making things right.
"Good," she said faintly, giving her a kiss. "Thank you for coming back, Eva. I appreciate it," she said sincerely.
"I would have came back anyway...just not as quickly if Mei hadn't stopped me from leaving." She'd give credit where credit was due. That's the least she could do.
"Mei, huh?" Jana said faintly, she'd store that away for later. "Don't look so glum, Eva. You're still getting a tangible benefit here," she smiled. "Training clothes, you know?"
"The only benefit I care about is making you happy." Eva told her with a shrug before she sat down at the kitchen table. "If I'm going to spar with you I'm going to need a lot of protein."
Jana tilted her head a little as she wiped her eyes and moved forward. "...Now I see why Aiden always talks about you so much," she teased, sitting next to her. "You're not as bad as you act, you just act like an idiot."
"Yep, that's me. An idiot," Eva began sarcastically as the door shut when Mei and Komoku finally made it back. She didn't hear any screaming so she could only assume that everything went okay. "So nothing is my fault. I don't know any better."
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