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School Rumble (Broom and I)

"Uh huh," Jana grinned, returning the kiss. "Okay, can stop kissing my ass," she said, tapping the seat next to her. "What's up?"

"Distracting my appreciation of Mei in a bathrobe is what's up," Komoku said dryly. "How am I supposed to ogle with all this talking?" Inconsiderate tarts, all of them.
Eva took a seat and ignored Komoku while Mei went back to the bathroom to finish her beauty regimen..which took a while. She had been in the bathroom every since Komoku was up cooking breakfast. "What's up is that Aiden has a proposal for you. It's something that will get my mother of Mei's back no matter what the outcome of the situation is."
"Really?" Jana said with interest, fingers drumming on the table with a curious frown. "What's that?"
"A tournament." Eva began as she placed her hands over Jana's. "Whoever comes out on top deserves to be the leader...if mother is right, we'll be the ones. If Mei deserves to be leader than she won't let that happen. That's the general idea, anyway."
"A tournament, eh?" Komoku mused, rubbing his chin. "Now that sounds like fun..."

"It does," Jana smiled. "Turuga could use a little more controlled violence, it's been a while since they could relax."
"Yep. The terms are simple, just have Mei agree to it and I'll tell my brother and we'll handle everything from there. It's not an exclusive tournament, any student can enter. Just to be fair." Eva explained as she placed her hands behind her head. She just had to convince Jana...Jana could convince Mei on her own.
"Well, it would calm down the city a lot," Jana murmured.

"And most of the trouble makers would try and join anyway," Komoku added with an amused grin. "I know a few people to prod to get them out of their little holes, could kill two birds with one stone. Your Mom wants to be all smug about this plan, I say we show her what we can handle."
"Sure. It's not like I really care what happens, but I'm not going to hold back either. And I've been dying to have an excuse to rip someone to shreds." Jana had really been keeping her on a short leash...and truth be told the fire inside of her was burning wildly and sometimes she found it hard to control.
"You've been doing really well," Jana smiled fondly, arms around her waist to pull her onto her lap. "I'm really proud of you, Eva...I didn't honestly know if you could do it for me, you're a sweetheart."
"No I'm not." Eva grumbled, though it's not like she didn't want to hug her back. "The only thing that holds me back is you, it's not like I don't feel those urges anymore."
"I know what you mean," Komoku mused. "Being a good guy is so much work, you always gotta worry about people and always gotta care about what happens to them..." Komoku sighed, the bacon sizzling. "Before I could just do whatever I want anyway, now I gotta be careful."
"Isn't it just the worst?" Eva asked him as she rested her head on Jana's shoulder. "I don't think Mei and Jana know what sacrifices we have to make for them. Ignoring instincts is the hardest thing I have ever had to do..."
"Oh come on," Jana sighed. "It's not that bad...I did it."

"And you had your Mom whoop you into shape," Komoku said dryly. "I didn't have parents, I had an old guy who taught me how to cook. Everything else, I did on my own."

"Well, you better get used to it," Jana replied. "Because you got a kid on the way, Komoku."

"...Yeah, I know," he said dryly, swiping the toast from the toaster.
"Aww man, now you're like...locked into it. At least I can get out if it gets too hard." Eva was joking...for the most part. Though at the moment she was okay doing this for Jana. She came to appreciate her the more they spent time with each other.
"Hey," Jana frowned. "That's not funny, Eva. At all." She had insecurity issues as it was, that wasn't the kind of joke she appreciated!
"I know, I know. I'm sorry I can't make you laugh all the time." She had a twisted sense of humor, sometimes it was hit or miss. "But I wouldn't leave you for something like that..I told you I would try to behave...I knew what I was getting into."
"Do you?" Jana mumbled. "Especially if you miss the old life so much?" She knew how she felt! Why would she even kid about something like that?!
"I miss it, doesn't mean it's worth losing something I care about for." Eva mumbled as she scratched the back of her head. Damn, she really did it now. Jana was really upset with her and she wasn't good at...recovering from her bad jokes. "Come on, Jana. Don't be like that."
"Don't be like what? Be like my girlfriend just said that she's going to bail when it gets hard?" she said, eyes narrowed. "When I took a chance on you, that's what you joke about?"
"Look, I'm sorry. It slipped my mind that you are so sensitive about this..." Eva admitted before Mei came out, this time actually clothed in her uniform.

"What's going on? Everything okay, Jana?" Mei knew what Jana sounded like when she was she wanted to make sure she was okay.
"...It slipped your mind?" Jana muttered. "Please tell me you're kidding, Eva."

"Uh..." Komoku said warily. "...I think maybe this is something you should leave alone, Mei." This was escalating, quickly...
"Yes! You're not as miserable as before when we first started dating. I just forgot for a second. I don't think about what I say sometimes because I'm used to saying what I want. If you want to be mad at me and not accept my apology, that's fine." Eva was ignoring Mei for the moment...she probably should just leave because her mouth was getting her into more trouble than her shitty humor did.

Mei looked over to Komoku and said nothing since neither of them responded to her...but she was still there for Jana.
"Whatever," Jana muttered. "Do what you want, since I apparently stifle you so much."

"Hey," Komoku said. "Maybe we should eat some breakfast instead?" he tried. Woo boy...
"You don't mean that." Eva said stiffly before her eyes shot over to Mei. "Anyway, I'll skip the breakfast. You two have something to tell Mei. Later." Whenever someone was upset, she just left them alone until they came back to her. That was just how she handled things.

The fact that she was leaving instead of eating gave Mei a bad feeling as she watched Eva get up and leave.
"Nice," Jana muttered at her leaving. "Instead of dealing with things, she just crawls away, great, awesome. I'm not hungry," Jana said, rising up as she headed to her room. She knew it, she knew that she had taken a bad chance. Why wouldn't it be?

Komoku glanced at the both of them a moment, rubbing his head with a sigh. Well...that happened.
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