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School Rumble (Broom and I)

"And here everyone thought me dating her was a bad idea." Eva rolled her eyes. "Fine, I'll talk to her. But I'm not promising much more than that." She wasn't going to jeopardize her relationship for her ungrateful mother, but Aiden was right...this was better than the alternatives. "On one condition. Mother has to let this die no matter what the outcome is."
"...Fine," Mina sighed, waving it off. "Since you're so attached to that girl...I suppose I'll have to meet her sometime."

"Preferably when the whole kidnapping her best friend thing cools over," Aiden said sarcastically. Why was she so calm about this? He didn't like that...
"Great. It's a deal then. Now can I go?" The night was still young..and she just really did not like being around her mother any longer than she had to.

Jana and her mother meeting? She wasn't even going to touch that one.
"Hm, yes," Mina murmured. "You can go, I have some business to attend to anyway," she said, rising up easily. Yes. Some business...
"This late at night? That can't be good." Eva muttered though she was already leaving. She might go drop by Jana's again to surprise her and pay her back...
"Says the girl who spends all of her nights causing problems," Mina sniffed. "I don't snoop in your business, girl."
Eva gave her mother a sly grin before disappearing from her site. She had a bad feeling Aiden she found that her mother was too relaxed. She must have had something different planned...mother always did have back up plans.

Alaric did not think Megumi would actually leave, and perhaps that upset him much more than the news that his daughter was pregnant by a boy he couldn't stand. Before she would have never left him, but hanging around Mel had made her defiant and he didn't like that. A divorce was out of the question...the one mistake he had made was never having Megumi sign a prenuptial agreement. But that was something he couldn't fix now so he'd just have to get her back somehow.

This was all that stupid boys fault, honestly. He lost it because of him...because of his audacity to try and stand up to him after his argument with Mei. It made him so angry when trash thought they were something other than that...and now he'd look bad if Mei really did decide to stay with him. Everything Mei was doing made him look bad. If only he could just get rid of the problem...then he might actually be able to convince her to terminate the baby and find someone worthy of her...

The fact that he could do nothing now only prompted him to have a few more drinks while the TV blared in the background. It was imperative that he get Mei and Megumi back before people found out about any of this. His image was everything, he wouldn't let them ruin that.
Mina knocked gracefully on the door of the Wolfe residence, running a hand through her hair to make sure it looked appropriately tussled. Her precious little girl had given her a clue that she just had to capitalize on. So she dressed properly, someone like Alaric would appreciate an elegant dress that slid to her knees, hugging every inch of her curvaceous body and offering just a peek of her impressive breasts. She felt that they had much in common to talk about...
Mina knocked gracefully on the door of the Wolfe residence, running a hand through her hair to make sure it looked appropriately tussled. Her precious little girl had given her a clue that she just had to capitalize on. So she dressed properly, someone like Alaric would appreciate an elegant dress that slid to her knees, hugging every inch of her curvaceous body and offering just a peek of her impressive breasts. She felt that they had much in common to talk about...
"Come now, Alaric," Mina said dryly. "If you heard that the murderer of your wife was stalking around free, wouldn't you do something drastic to see justice served? Besides, they didn't lay a hand on her, I assure you of that. That rat Komoku was another issue entirely, but one I didn't care much for," she sniffed. "May I come in?"
If he wanted to, he could have argued with her. But he was more interested in what she wanted. He also enjoyed the fact that someone else saw just how horrible that street rat he'd listen to whatever she had to say. He moved to the side and gestured her in, closing the door behind her. Then he led her back to the living room, lowering the TV when he got to the remote. "Have a seat. Make yourself comfortable. And then tell me what you want."
"Always right to business, Mr.Wolfe," Mina smirked, sitting down with a graceful cross of her leg. "Fine, I think you and I share a common dislike of Komoku...and I think that you and I could become quite...friendly," she purred. "That little rat needs to be put down."
Alaric's eyes narrowed in suspicion slightly. She was a pretty thing but he wasn't so eager in getting wrapped up in her schemes if it meant risking his own career and freedom. "I'm listening." He said as he poured himself another drink. They could become friendly, huh? He couldn't help but read between the lines...and the implication made his pants get a little tighter.
"There is a tournament coming up, my dear," Mina said, hand casually slipping along her knee with a smile. "One that determines just who exactly will have control of the DC, it's purely an affair for the children...but with some help...perhaps we can find a suitable challenge for that little rat Komoku?"
A tournament? He hadn't heard anything about that from Mei, sounded easy enough. Still...he really didn't trust her. " nice as that sounds, Mina...I know you're not just doing it purely for revenge of your late husband, Pitor. Still trying to take away Mei's position at DC?" He was having a hard time keeping his thoughts about when he was somewhere between drunk and buzzed...and she kept giving him body language that he found hard to ignore.
"Your daughter is not my main concern," she said, waving it off. "While I do not like her in the position that my children deserve...I would gladly let her keep it if it meant that mongrel was put down like the dog he was."
"Hmph....forgive me for not immediately trusting you. I would very much like it if he was out of the picture too. I'd be willing to help out with finding a proper...opponent for him. One that understands that accidents happen during these little scuffles..." Alaric smirked. It would hurt Mei a lot, but it would only make her stronger in the long run. That's what he needed Mei to be...stronger.
"Excellent," Mina purred, fingers tapping against her lips. "Now why in the world is such a refined, handsome man alone in this big house? Mm? Where is your wife?"
"I don't know, and at the moment I don't particularly care." He said stiffly as he took a sip of his drink and sat it down on the counter. So she was coming onto him. He could do what he always did to women and just ignore it, or he could actually flirt back. Megumi had betrayed him by leaving, after all. But the reason he never really cheated in the first place was so that no one could catch him in a scandal...but someone of Mina's caliber wouldn't need black mail money..hmm. "I have never seen you interest in anyone elses affairs other than your own, Mina. Did you come here for another reason? To get more friendly with me, as you said earlier?" He smirked.
"We share a common interest, Mister Wolfe," she purred, her red eyes glittering. "Is it so wrong to want to strengthen that bond?" Such a weak, pitiful man. So easy to twist and turn. No matter, at least he was handsome.
"No, but from what I know of you, you're not interested in anyone but yourself and your own goals. You're just as cunning as you are beautiful...and I'm not entirely convinced that you're advances are as innocent as you make them out to be. However.." Alaric put his glass down and moved over to her, that boyish grin still on his face. He ran his fingers through her hair affectionately. "I don't care right now." He'd deal with it later...whatever it was he'd be able to handle it.
"Good..." Mina purred, leaning forward to kiss him hungrily. Well, this was far easier than she expected...
For a moment he let her kiss him as eagerly as she wanted...but then he grabbed a fistful of he dark hair and yanked her back gently so her neck was exposed. He laughed softly as his teeth ran over the pale flesh of her neck and looked up at her, with his lust filled eyes. "Just so you know, Mina...We're going to strengthen our little bond my way." He growled playfully. She had entered his den, so he'd be the one to lead this dance...
"Mm..." Mina mewled easily, leaning her head back more with a pleased gasp. "By all means..." she mumbled hungrily, slipping her hands along his belt to unfasten it. Well, at least she'd have some fun out of this...
Alaric chuckled softly, his hand moving in between her thighs. Her skin was like silk, and his impressive erection was pressed painfully against his slacks. He kept biting her softly, over and over again until his hand forced her legs apart rather roughly.
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