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School Rumble (Broom and I)

"Mm..." Jana giggled, lapping up every bit of the mess she could, even touching along her inner thighs to suckle and bite the skin as she glanced up at her, red eyes glittering with hunger. "You're so cute when you cum..."
"Cute, huh?" Eva huffed as she looked back into her eyes and smirked. "..Maybe. I'm going to have to pay you back for this though. Next time I see you." She caressed her cheek.
"I look forward to it..." Jana said, slipping up to give her a hungry, passionate kiss as their breasts mashed together. She always did like sharing the flavor...besides, Eva'd need all the help she could get to deal with her mother.
Eva smirked and then pressed the elevator door button. "I'll see you tomorrow. Probably." She winked at her before casually strolling out of the building. She needed to be home but nothing said she had to rush. Besides, she didn't live very far away.

Going home was annoying, which was why Eva stayed out late either on the streets, with friends, or with Jana. She came home early only when her mother asked her to, because if she didn't she'd have worse problems on her hands. Their place was nothing short of a mansion, and her mother inherited it all. Though some of the inheritance was given to the DC commander, she still had a good chunk of money to keep their house, at least.

She opened the door and slammed it behind her to notify that she was home. Then she started to undo her boots. She didn't want to get their freshly waxed wood dirty or anything. Whatever.
"Eva," Aiden murmured, moving into the foyer. They were polar opposites, the both of them. Both of them got on each other's nerves like nothing else, they had rarely anything in common...but Aiden had always been around his sister, and through that...they did have a surprisingly healthy relationship, at nobody'd expect given the differences. One thing they both agreed on? Dealing with Mother alone was a colossal test of patience, at least with the two of them they could bounce off the things they could handle and the things they couldn't to the other.

"I am so glad you decided to listen this time," he sighed. "Mom's been all kinds of furious."
"Which is why I don't ever want to listen." Eva nonchalantly stated as she kicked off her boots. "'s not fair leaving you to handle her by yourself. So I'm here." They were polar opposites, but they cared about each other. That was all they needed to have a healthy relationship, really.
"Thanks," Aiden smiled, giving his sister a fond squeeze on the shoulder. He ignored the fact that Eva smelled like sex, she usually did least that way, he knew she was with Jana. "I've managed her into something," he admitted with a bit of a bashful grin. "I'm uh...I'm going to have to ask for a huge favor here, sis. But later...let's get going, okay?"

The sooner they talked to her, the better they'd both be.
"I don't like it when you ask me for favors." Eva mumbled as she pushed past him and started walking towards their mothers study. That was never good...but she might as well get everything over with. "When you ask me, the younger kid for a favor, then it's usually something I'm not going to enjoy."
"You're late," Mina muttered sharply, already halfway through her dinner glass of wine. "What kept you, girl? Sit." That was mother in a bad mood, perpetually giving rhetorical questions. Aiden sighed inwardly, moving to sit down. Well, it probably wasn't going to be something she liked...but he had ran out of options.
Eva moved to sit down, her eyes slightly narrowing in annoyance. "I apologize, mother. You're last minute text didn't give me enough time to be punctual." She muttered as she glanced over to Aiden. She just wanted to know what he wanted..she already knew what she wanted. Which was to bitch more about DC not being in her hands.
"And what were you doing that was so important?" Mina muttered, swirling her glass. "You should be here anyway, Eva."
"The Wolfe Family?" Aiden said, head tilted. "That serious now, huh?"

"I'm amazed someone found you that attractive," Mina grumbled, taking another swing of her wine. She didn't mean that, because if there was one thing that she always complimented Eva on, it was her beauty. Her perfection. That she could make men and apparently women dance to her tune. "While you were having dinner with your wonderful girlfriend, it just so happened that the Council laughed me out of their building."
The insult went over her head, mainly because Eva was by no means self conscious of the way she looked. Still, hearing the result of her bitchy mother going to talk to those three stuck up cock suckers who controlled Turuga was amusing. "Oh really?" Eva said as she tried not to laugh...but she couldn't stop her lips from curling as she attempted to keep a neutral expression. "I believe it. You know the council, you know they never liked father or us for that matter. What did you expect?"
"It would have worked if Mei wasn't found," Mina replied in annoyance.

"Mother," Aiden said dryly. "I love you, dearly...but I refuse to let you do something so stupid as kidnapping and consorting with Mafia just to get your way. Maybe you could have talked with her-"

"That whore who fucks the reason your father is dead!?" Mina snarled. "Are you both insane!? How can you stand it!? That the murderer of your father is walking around free!?"

Because, Aiden wanted to say...he wasn't a father. If Mina hadn't been such a loyal, determined mother...Aiden would have given up on this insanity a long time ago. But he didn't say anything, he simply sighed.
"He's doing community service. Besides, he's gonna be a father himself soon. Let's just leave him alone, he's got enough problems." Eva casually responded. It wasn't even awkward having dinner with the boy who killed her father...that said a lot of things.
"...Like what?" Mina said dryly, but not without her own intentions. Well now, tell...
"He basically made his girlfriends parents get into a huge fight. Pretty sure they're divorcing each other since Mr. Wolfe told her not to come back. So now Mei's going to be really upset about it. A pregnant, upset girlfriend is enough problems." Eva shrugged.
"I see," Mina said casually, finger tapping on her glass. "Yes...that is quite the handful, isn't it..."

Aiden narrowed his eyes a fraction, but said nothing. "...At any rate, Eva...I need a favor," he murmured. "...Mother insists that we deserve to lead the DC, and I have thought of a perfectly acceptable chance to see if that's true."
"Oh yeah?" Eva asked as she crossed her legs. Not this shit again...ugh. Couldn't her mother just let it go? "What did you have in mind?"
"A tournament," Aiden murmured. "If the DC are so talented, then it should be easy enough to find the strongest and challenge them."
"A tournament?" Eva repeated, her interest obviously peaked. That wasn't too that was good. Really good, actually. " would that work, exactly? If we win, we get DC?"
"Yes," Aiden murmured. "Mother insists we keep it fair by allowing...non-DC students to join if they wish, so they may have a chance to take command of the DC as well."

"As long as that whore doesn't keep control," Mina muttered. "I can handle the rest, easily enough."
"Yeah, but do you really think Mei is going to agree to those terms when she probably won't even participate?" Eva asked as she raised an eyebrow. She wouldn't let herself get too excited until she knew it was happening.
"If the alternative is kidnappings and violence, then yes," Aiden said, casting a disdainful glance to his 'innocent' mother's way. "I believe she will...which is where you come in, Eva." he murmured. "I'll need your much as I don't want you to take advantage of your situation with Jana, I need to make sure this goes through."
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