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School Rumble (Broom and I)

Mei was silent for a moment, her face turning bright red. "Umm..well.." Why was this so much harder than telling Jana? In theory it was a good idea but at this very moment? She...wasn't so sure. "I'm pregnant."

There. She said it. And then there was silence.
Komoku blinked a little at that, lowering his fork as Mel lowered her wine glass. Well, like mother like daughter, huh?

"What, seriously?" Komoku grinned. "Oh man, I'm going to be a Dad?"
Mei smiled back at him. "Yes." She said softly before she glanced over to her father...who was just staring at her incredulously.

"That's wonderful news, Mei!" Megumi told her as she stood up from the table and gave her a hug. "We're going to be grandparents, Alaric!" Mei let out a strained giggle as her mother hugged her.

"...Wonderful news? How?!" Alaric asked, absolutely exasperated. How did this happen?! When did his little girl...with him of all people?!
"Seems like good news to me," Komoku said easily.

"Me too," Mel smiled. "Or are you forgetting when Mel was pregnant with Mei, Alaric?"
Alaric gave Mel an icy glare, his teeth gritting in anger as he rose up from his chair abruptly and then turned on his heel, stomping out. Mei was quick to follow him, jumping from her chair out of...frustration? Fear? She didn't know, but she was following him.

"Well...that went well." Eva muttered as she started eating her food. She was less than excited, but she knew that Mei invited her to be with Jana.
"You better go make sure on that," Mel said to Megumi. Because that wasn't going to be a nice conversation, she could see it in Alaric's expression.

"Should I..." Komoku asked awkwardly.

"Nah," Mel murmured. "You'd make it worse."
"For Gods sake.." Megumi muttered as she left the room. She...wasn't going to be much help. When Alaric and Mei got into it, she never was...

"Dad, wait!" Mei called out as she broke out into a light jog. Just to keep up with his strides...naturally he was faster than her. He stopped in the entertainment room right before the glass patio before he turned around slowly. Mei stopped in her tracks the moment she saw his face. He looked disgusted..disappointed. It made her eyes tear up.

"Mei...I can't...I don't want to talk right now." Alaric growled lowly as he stared down at his daughter. That boy..that street urchin..for him to do that to his daughter...he couldn't even be in the same room as him right now.

"No, we're going to talk." Mei insisted as Megumi caught up to them and stood in the door way. "I love him, isn't that enough? You got mom pregnant when she was my age, so why are you so angry?!" Mei demanded.

"I got your mother pregnant after I proposed to her, Mei. I got your mother pregnant after I had a solid plan to take care of her. Your mother was not the leader of anything, she had no prior responsibilities. She wanted to be a mother before we made the decision to not have protected sex. Did you?" Alaric demanded, his booming voice echoing through the room.

"No...I mean..." Mei trailed off, her eyes slightly lowering before she forced herself to look him in the eye. "No, but I didn't mind if I became one, because I love him!"

"Loves not enough! He is nothing, Mei! He has no ambitions or skills other than beating people into the dirt! How the fuck is he planning to support you and a child?! Did you think about that? Or did you assume I'd be there to help you and take care of your child for you?" Alaric took a step forward, his hands shaking in fury as he thought more about it. The more he imagined his sweet daughter from before, the one that would have never gave people like Komoku Rokujo a chance. The one that didn't even think about boys or dating, but rather her future. He wanted so much more for her, she was his only child. But then all of a sudden she changed.

"Alaric, calm down-." Megumi started but Mei interrupted her.

"How dare you," She began as her face turned red. "How dare you say he is nothing when he is EVERYTHING to me! I don't want your money, I just wanted you to be okay with it! With me...I wanted you to respect me for telling you before you found out!"

"I did respect you, Mei. But then you decided to ruin your future for some worthless piece of trash who stole you from a boy who would have been MUCH better for you! He didn't even have the respect to leave you alone when he knew that you were with someone else, and you LET him steal you. You've must have been all the rats you've been hanging around that corrupted you into thinking you can dress like a whore and have unprotected sex with people you think you love! You're not my daughter, you're not the Mei I raised!"

"Alaric!" Megumi hissed in anger before frantically looking over to Mei. Her heart sank at the sight...the look of betrayal and shame plagued her expression as tears began to stream down her cheeks. "Mei...he didn't meant it. Alaric, tell her you didn't meant it!" Megumi reached out and placed a hand on her shoulder, but Mei shrugged it off.

"Fine...if that's what you truly think of me...and Jana...and everyone else who has supported me...then you're not my father anymore." Mei said quietly before she turned around and left the room. She didn't know where she was going to go. This wasn't home anymore...she just...ugh! She wanted to be alone! She went up the stairs and then made a beeline for her room...or maybe it wasn't her room anymore. She didn't know. She was hurting so much...she just...wanted her father to be okay with it. But now she didn't have a father anymore...
When Komoku heard things escalating, he had decided against his better judgement to see what was going on. Naturally, he came at the worst time. Mei was a blur past him as he glanced at Alaric. For a while, he didn't know what to say, his jaw shifted just a fraction as his fingers tightened and relaxed. Yeah, this was a bad idea...but hey, he made his living off of bad ideas. So what was the harm, right?

"...So, I'm not really up to speed on this whole 'parenting' thing, because I never had any." he started. "But if you're what a father is, then I'm rather glad I don't have one. You got a problem with me, you tell me, you deal with me, you don't deal with Mei."
Alaric pushed passed Megumi and walked forward, his eyes glowering at Komoku as he stopped right in front of him. He was slightly taller than Komoku, and yet he still gave off the vibe of looking down on him. "I don't know what you did to make my daughter think that this is okay...but it's not okay. I've never liked you. Everyone knows that. But I left it alone because I trusted her to be safe. I left you alone because I trusted her not to let your filthy, perverted mind games corrupt her. I guess I was wrong...and that does make me a bad parent. Now, I'm going to go up there and try to talk some sense into my daughter. And will wait here like a good little dog and stay out of our business." His voice was low and slightly was obvious he was holding back. No matter how angry he was a this boy, he was still the adult in this situation.
"Yeah, sorry," Komoku said idly. "See, I have this hearing problem when repressed assholes act like they can boss me around because they're older and stronger, so you can take all the money you have and shove it up your ass and spin on it. Mei said you're not her father anymore, so if you want to do this, I'd love to make your rich ass house real dirty, real fast." he said, energy trailing up his arm as his fists tightened, eyes narrowed.
"Try it..and you will never see my daughter again." Alaric threatened lowly, his knuckles turning white as his fist tightened.

"Hey..." Megumi started as she pulled on her husbands arm. "Stop it, Alaric! You've done quite enough...just leave them alone! They know what they want, and that's to be together..."

"Get off me, Megumi. This is your fault as much as it is encouraged her behavior! You even bought her those slutty clothes! You should be ashamed of yourself for enabling her behavior...letting him stay in my house while I wasn't here! Now look at him...he lashes out like a spoiled child when he's helpless to do anything else. Is this the boy you want raising your grand child?!" He barked at her.

"Stop being an asshole! You're just angry and you want someone to blame! You're the child!" Megumi challenged.
"You got problems," Komoku said dryly. "Worse problems than I do, buddy. That's why I always thought it was funny people from Blue would look down on me for being an orphan, for working places nobody else would. You can go fuck yourself, I know more about this city than you probably stare at on your rich doctor office. I can't believe Mei was worried about you," Komoku said, as Jana moved out with Mel and Eva.

"...I'm going to go check on Mei," she said, heading up the stairs as Mel moved forward. Surprise, surprise...Alaric was acting like a tight ass.
"It doesn't matter how much you are still nothing. And that's what you'll always be..." Alaric trailed off as he moved over to the bar and then poured himself a glass of whiskey. So is this why she invited all these people over? To make him look bad? To prevent him from getting angry? Tch...typical of his daughter...

"Alaric...I can't believe you...for you to alienate your own daughter just for doing the same thing we did!" Megumi shouted at him as he fixed his drink.

"..Get out." Alaric growled before taking a swig of his glass, downing the entire thing and slamming it on the counter. "All of you. Just get out and leave me be."
"Fuck that," Mel said dryly, moving closer to Megumi. "Just because you're having a little temper tantrum because things aren't going your way, what the fuck is wrong with you, you asshole? Do you even care that you just broke your daughter's heart?"
"What the fuck is wrong with me? What the fuck is wrong with you? You think this is okay? You think that my daughter having a baby with some loose cannon punk while she's got an entire body of students to look after is okay? You're fucked in the head!" Alaric shot back at Mel.

" want us to go? You want to be alone? Fine! We're going!" Megumi growled as she took Mel's hand and squeezed it. How dare he treat her daughter that dare he talk to Komoku that way! She couldn't deal with him when he was like this!

"Oh, going back to spend the night with her again? You do that every single time you get mad, I wouldn't be surprised if you've gone back to your old ways, Megumi." Alaric muttered as he filled up his glass again.

"Why not? She's the only one who ever comforts me anymore! And she doesn't make my daughter feel alone! She supports her no matter what her decisions are! Unlike some people!" Megumi could feel her eyes stinging. Why was he being like this? Why was he...being so difficult!?

"You leave this don't come back, Megumi.." Alaric threatened lowly. That stopped her in her tracks...and she could feel a pain in her chest. She was so tired of this...she was so tired of being controlled. She couldn't take it anymore.

"If that's how it's going to be...then goodbye, Alaric..."
"Go get Mei," Mel told Megumi. "I'll be here when you get back, okay?" she said, glancing to Alaric. What rat crawled up his ass and died?
Mei was still in tears when Megumi went upstairs. For some reason she kept hoping it was her father who came through her door to just apologize, but it was her mother. She looked...Mei had never seen her look that way before. Emotionless, expressionless...her eyes were empty. "Mei, let's go. We are going somewhere else to have dinner." Megumi told her.

"What..?" Mei sniffed as she stared at her mother. "But..."

"Come on. Let's go, you two. Your father wants to be alone..." Megumi wasn't giving them a choice. Mei stood up slowly as she wiped her cheeks but the tears kept falling. She took Jana's hand and followed Megumi downstairs and towards the door. Mei couldn't stop crying as much as she wanted to....but her fathers words kept echoing in her head.did he really think of her as a whore?
Mei," Jana said gently as Komoku moved forward to hold Mei's hand. This entire situation just pissed him off, but there wasn't much she could do. Komoku, however...was having none of this crying business. He couldn't turn away the fact that Mei's father just called her a damned whore, so he was going to put as much energy as humanly possible into preparing a dinner that would make her feel like she mattered.

"Right then," Komoku muttered. "Screw that guy, screw this mood. This is getting fixed."

"You have an idea, I take it?" Jana asked with a faint smile.

"Damn right I do," he said. "Let's get to the grocery store, I'll cook this dinner."
"Komoku's going to cook?" Eva asked as she perked up a little and then rubbed her hands together. "I've been hearing all kinds of stories about your cooking, I have been dying to try it. Make lots of meat..."

"Sounds like a plan. Let's go to the store and then we will go to your place, Mei." Megumi told her as she tried to force a smile. She needed to be strong for her daughter at least...
"And you're coming with," Komoku said, squeezing Mei's hand. "I'm not having you squirrel away in the car, Mei. Not today, today is a happy occasion, I'm not letting the Mom of our no doubt perfect child be miserable about this," he sniffed. "End of discussion, so stop crying, okay? This is going to be fine, more than fine. I got this, I promise."

Komoku was adamant about this, if he had the chance...he would have sent that idiot flying. Nobody made Mei cry, but he couldn't do much about that. What he could do was make it better, he knew he could do that.
Mei looked up at Komoku for a moment, rubbing her tears away from her cheeks. He was was a happy day. She should be happy, even if one person in her life wasn't. "Okay..." Mei agreed as she sniffled a bit and hugged him. "You're right, Komoku. I won't cry anymore. I don't regret our child....I don't regret anything." Other that trusting her father to be supportive of her. Maybe he reacted so badly because he didn't like Komoku...
"...Good," Komoku said, now stuck in a slightly awkward place since everyone was staring at them. "So know..." Komoku mumbled, face flush just a little bit as he stared up at the sky.

"All the things that you two have done, and this embarrasses you?" Jana smirked in amusement.

"Don't think I won't hit a pretty girl in a dress, Jana," Komoku grumbled. "Shut up."
"So, I think with dinner we should also get some rum!" Megumi suggested with a grin. "Well, Mei can't drink now and I think Eva might be too young. How old are you?"

"Old enough." Eva answered with a smirk. Old enough to smoke and do whatever else she wanted at sixteen. Damn she did miss smoking, but Jana was worth going on the patch for.
"Rum, huh?" Mel said dryly. "You sure that's a good idea, Megumi? You get a little...naked when you drink."

"I don't think I'd mind," Komoku added in with a playful grin, arm around Mei. "At all, actually."
"Nobody here would mind." Eva pointed out.

"I would!" Mei knew that Komoku was..sort of joking, but still! She didn't want her mother making a fool of herself.

"I promise I won't get naked. But semi naked is probably happening." Megumi grinned as she started walking to the garage. "Okay kids. Pile in...let's go to the store and get some things to cook!"
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