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School Rumble (Broom and I)

"God,'re such a prude," Komoku sighed dramatically, moving into the car. "What person would want to see your mother clothed? That's practically a crime!"

"I agree," Jana grinned playfully. "Obviously the only thing we should do is just get naked and overwhelm Komoku with our sensual femininity."

"Obviously," he sniffed. "As if there was another plan?"

"You're a real piece of work, kid," Mel said dryly, slipping into the passenger seat.
"I'll say..." Megumi laughed as she started the van and put it into reverse. So this was it? Was this the end of her marriage? She wasn't sure how to think or feel so she just thought about Mei. Her daughter was pregnant...she needed to be there for support.

After getting groceries, the six ended up at the condo as planned. Mei knew Komoku would be busy in the kitchen as much as she wanted to cling to him. She didn't feel comfortable clinging to Jana while Eva was around...and she couldn't put her finger on it but something was off with her mom. So she just sat down at the dining room table by herself while her mother brought out all the rum she bought. Which was a lot...

"Aren't we going to eat dinner before you drink, mom?" Mei asked as she narrowed her eyes slightly.

"Before, during and after." Megumi said with a smile. "At least for me."
"Always the casual drinker, huh?" Jana said, emerging from her room in a pair of boyshorts and a tanktop. Ah, so much better! She sat down on the couch, motioning Mei over. "C'mon, Mei...don't be so stiff out there, let's relax! You got your servant making us dinner!"

"I heard that!" Komoku groused from the kitchen.
Eva followed Jana out of her room and sat next to her, throwing up her boots onto the coffee table and sinking back into the couch. Mei looked at her for a moment, a minor look of annoyance crossing her face before she got up and joined them in the living room.

"Casual? No, I am a social drinker. I never drink alone..." Not that it was any excuse....she still got drunk rather frequently around Mel.
"Uh huh," Mel said dryly, hand along Megumi's shoulder as she sat next to her. "We'll go with that," she smirked. "You're an enthusiastic drinker, my dear."

Jana smiled at Mei, arm around her shoulder. "You holding up okay?" she asked gently.
"I guess so..." Mei muttered as she leaned into Jana. "It would have been nice to have my father as my doctor during the pregnancy, but it's fine. Like you said...we can't all get what we want."
"Who needs someone so toxic in their life?" Jana murmured. "I'm sorry, Mei...but Alaric has always been way too judgmental. Besides, you see Komoku back there? He stood up to your Dad," she grinned. "Took some serious heart to do that."
"He did?" Mei asked as she glanced over at Komoku. She didn't know what happened or what he said, but...she felt good hearing that. A smile spread across her face. "Of course he did. That's one of the reasons why I really love him..."
"Yep," Jana sighed. "Went right up to his face and looked about ready to shatter his jaw." That was Komoku, gut first, logic later.
"Good thing he didn't. But I'm glad he stood up for me. He's going to be a great father...even if he isn't sure what he wants to do for the future. We'll figure it out together..." Mei told her as she rested her head on Jana's shoulder. Eva didn't seem to mind.

"You don't have to know what you want to do with your future to be a good parent. Alaric has always been very strict about those things because they were drilled into his head when he was younger. Mei, he still loves you. But he has a lot to learn himself about have never gone against his wishes and now that it's finally happened he doesn't know how too handle it." Megumi told her as she filled up her glass with rum.
"That and he's a stuck up asshole, always has been," Mel sighed. "Always, I never understood at all what your mother saw in him, ever."
"He used to be a romantic. He used to be a lot of things that he's not anymore. A businessman who's a doctor doesn't have a lot of time for his trophy wife..." Megumi sighed as she took a sip of her rum...or more like a gulp. "Let's not talk about this..let's just enjoy today. Mei, I really look forward to being a grandmother. And I will take care of your baby when you are working."

"Thanks don't have to do that but...thank you." Mei smiled. At least she still had her mom...
"See? Everything is gonna be fine," Jana grinned. "You've got all kinds of support, I'm sure me and Eva would love to watch the baby too, wouldn't we, Eva?" That was a bear trap of a question if there ever was one, now wasn't it?
"Uhhh...what?" Eva asked as she looked at Jana. "I don't know anything about babies..." She didn't really like them either...

"Not much to learn. I can teach you everything you need to know..." Megumi said with a grin. She could see that fear in Eva's eyes.
"Oh they're fine," Mel waved off. "All they do is cry, eat, take naps, puke, crap all overthemselves and cry more. What's not to love? Mei was a little hellion of a baby if Megumi wasn't breastfeeding her." she sighed. "Ugh, I still remember that horrible a tiny little dragon."
Mei blushed at that and looked away. Eva just sighed and then scratched the back of her head. "I guess I can deal with it if Jana is gonna volunteer me. Nothing against you or your baby, Mei. I just have never been around infants."
"Well, guess you have plenty of babysitters, then," Mel chuckled. "We'll make sure to spoil the little brat rotten."

"Mmhm," Jana grinned. "Auntie Jana is going to wire that child all up before she gets whisked back away to the parents."
"Think it's going to be a girl?" Megumi asked as she polished off her glass. "I think she'd be daddies little angel..."

"Komoku would be the most overprotective father ever...I've heard the way he was with Masami.' Mei stated with a smile. It wasn't a bad thing....but Mei had no idea if she wanted a son or a daughter. She would be fine with either....she'd love them all the same.
Komoku sneezed out in the kitchen, sniffing faintly as he continued to tend to dinner. The familiar smell of Japanese cuisine was drifting through the air, he had learned quickly that Japanese food seemed to be Mei's comfort food. Figured that'd be a good start.

"You should have heard the stories Dujae and Sejae shared," Jana teased. "Guess he'd follow his sister to school every day, made sure nobody bugged her. When she got old enough to do it on her own, he...sort of stopped watching."
"That's adorable. He will be am amazing daddy and husband, Mei." Megumi smiled at her daughter and got up. Time to check on the future father!

"Sounds like my big brother when I was younger. He always had to walk me everywhere. But mainly because he wanted to make sure I didn't bully the other kids." Eva grinned.
"Poor Aiden," Jana sighed. "How come he doesn't have a girlfriend? Guy is really handsome, or is he too busy dealing with you and your Mom to bother?"

Komoku was making the full spread of Japanese dishes, Miso Soup, Tempura, a little grilled fish...some hamburger steak, a couple boiled vegetables...the whole nine yards. He was in full cooking mode, complete with apron. Boy, this kitchen was wonderful! He had so much space! He was practically a sexually charismatic ballerina across the tiles, chopping and stirring and cooking and tasting...
"No clue. I don't ask him about stuff like that. If I had to guess, mom and I just scared him away from women altogether." Eva mused as she shifted her boots on the coffee table. Mei immediately turned to them and grimaced.

"I put my food and drinks there..." She mumbled.

"You probably put other things on here too." Eva gave her a sly smile and Mei immediately turned bright red. Eva burst end out in a fit of laughter. "Guilty!"
"Oh, you can't even hide that one either," Jana said dryly. "Because I woke up one morning to your lady juices all over this thing, with Komoku on top of you." He really did love fucking her absolutely everywhere. "Only place I've fucked Eva in here is the couch, like a normal human being," she teased.
"Jana!" Mei shouted as her cheeks burned hotly. Why did she always have to go that far!? Eva couldn't stop her fit of laughter and it was embarrassing her even more!

"Sounds like they are having fun. How are you feeling, daddy?" Megumi asked Komoku after refilling her glass. His food looked good as always. At least Megumi didn't have to worry about Mei anymore when it came to home cooked meals.
"Eh," Komoku said idly, slipping the chopped vegetables into the boiling pot. "I guess I don't understand the drama since I never knew my parents, I mean..." he tried again, jaw shifting in thought. "I don't get why it's a big deal, deep down. I did just fine without my parents, and she's not even losing both. Just one, who seemed to be a gigantic prick anyway."
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