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School Rumble (Broom and I)

"You're always gonna be my partner," Jana grinned. "Eva's my girlfriend, two different things, Mei. Besides! We're going to have all kinds of time together, now that things have gotten less crazy." Everything was moved in, their place was totally fine for hanging out...yeah, this would work nicely.
"Hopefully things stay like least for a while." Mei's eyes shifted towards the window, looking out onto the campus. Change was good, but so was stability. It had been a long time since things were this relaxed. "How are you and Eva anyway?"
"Clothing optional," she teased, hand running over Mei's. "...Good, actually. Really good." Eva was...something else. Reminded Jana of how she used to be, she didn't feel like her old self anymore, but that was expected. Feelings were complicated, but...Eva was a pillar, just like Mei. People she could rely on for everything, she didn't know why Eva had given her such earnest loyalty...but she appreciated it. She was still...well.

She was a bitch, a really snarky, insufferable bitch. People didn't like her, Jana told them they didn't have to. She never wanted anyone to think that her position meant they couldn't have an honest opinion, just don't expect Eva not to fling something back. They did not have a traditional romance, she supposed. It wasn't all fuzzy and romantic, it was holding hands, having each other's back emotionally or physically...cuddling in bed. Eva didn't need to say how she felt, Jana just felt it.

It was a weird, uncomfortable relationship...and she liked it, a lot.
"That's..good. I'm glad." Mei gave Jana a smile as she gripped Jana's hand. "I was worried about you for a while. Especially since...he's out." The mention of that boy caused her expression to darken. They had been keeping a close eye on Blake, but he was being strangely...well behaved. Even going back to school. "But whatever Eva is doing is working, obviously."
"...Yeah," Jana said faintly. "...I'm always going to be here for you, Mei. You know that, right?" she said. "Doesn't matter who I'm dating, who you're with, what you're doing...if you need me, I'll be right here, like always." Mei was a possessive girl, in a lot of ways...Jana kind of liked it, she wasn't used to having a friend like that.
Mei was quiet for a moment before she moved over and hugged Jana tightly. "I need you tonight, then. I want to tell everyone...tonight. I don't want to deliver this news more than twice. So...could you, Eva and your mom come to dinner tonight at my parents house?"
"...Yeah, you bet," Jana said, arms around her to nuzzle into her hair protectively. "Absolutely, Mei. It's going to be fine, okay? Everything is going to be fine."
"You know I like to worry about everything though...even if there is nothing to worry about." Mei began as she rested her head on her shoulder for a bit. This was nice...she smelled nice. Everything about Jana was comforting to Mei. She was the only person other than Komoku who made her feel like everything would be okay. "I'm really glad that you came into my life, Jana."
"I'm glad I'm here," Jana smiled. "...I mean, have you seen my office? I can be half naked and nobody'd ever know, my desk is amazing." she laughed, rubbing Mei's back fondly. "You're the best, Mei. I'm always going to be in your life."
Mei laughed softly before she pulled away. "I'm always going to be in yours too...I promise. No matter how busy my life will get...I won't ever go away unless you want me to." Mei told her as she looked into her eyes.
"Well, guess you're sticking around for good then," Jana grinned. "What's the dress occasion for this fabulous outing, should I wear a dress?"
"It's whatever you want...just know clothing isn't optional." Mei said with a smirk. "I'm only announcing something that's going to change my life and my boyfriends life what, the occasion is casual?"
"I'm kidding, I'm kidding," Jana chuckled. "I'll dress nice, promise. Better savor it, because it's the only time I'll wear something so nice."
Mei definitely would savor it, because when Jana met up with her at her parents house, she looked amazing. Eva was...well she was dressed like Eva. Combat boots, stockings and a long dark red skirt passed her knees, with a leather jacket over her black band T-shirt. " look great, Jana. Really great." Mei told her as her eyes did a once over. Not in a lecherous way, but...she honestly seemed amazed.

"Doesn't she?" Eva asked with a grin as she wrapped an arm around her girlfriend. "Almost didn't recognize her when she came to my place."
"Oh come on," Jana huffed. "It's not like I dress ugly!" No, she certainly didn't...but she was wearing a lush, crimson dress that seemed to make her red eyes all the more prominent. Form fitting didn't even seem to explain the way it fit over her toned figure, molding over every tight curve of her body and wearing a pair of nice ankle boots. She said dress nice, so she dressed nice!
"Now I feel a little under dressed." Mei murmured as she brought them inside and led them straight to the table. Now everyone was here and as time went on she started feeling...apprehensive about her announcement.

"Jana, you look so nice. What's the occasion?" Alaric asked the moment Jana came into his line of sight. His eyes darted over to Eva. Was this another friend of Mei's? It was strange, this dinner was completely out of the blue and she was inviting people he hadn't even heard about. He was doing his best to be...civil. He wasn't entirely happy to see Komoku, but he ignored him...for now. For his daughters sake.

"Dinner." Mei answered for Jana as she sat next to Komoku. Her mother and Mel were in the kitchen still, preparing to bring out the food. Soon...
"Well, thank you," Jana said, pulling a chair out for Eva. "I thought I'd dress nice, since this is such a nice home you have, Alaric." Ever the solid actor, Jana. She could play the innocent woman despite wearing a dress that looked painted on. Komoku was mildly uncomfortable with everything himself, but...mostly Alaric. He felt completely ignored, and he wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not.
Mei looked over to Komoku and then moved her hand to his as Eva took a seat and folded her hands across the table.

"Well you certainly looked like a gem even dressed casually in my house. Who's your new friend?" He was perfectly silent up until now...Jana was definitely someone her father actually liked being around. Mel and Komoku? Not so much...

"Girlfriend," Eva corrected with a polite smile. "My name is Eva Kishi."

"Kishi..?" Alaric repeated with a dumbfounded look on his face. Especially knowing who was responsible for the kidnapping of his daughter.
"Long, complicated story, sir," Jana said, her hand slipping along Eva's leg underneath the table affectionately. "But not every Kishi was involved in what happened to Mei. Eva helped us find her."
"I see...Mei and Megumi told me not to press charges against your mother, so I haven't. I suppose you asked us not to?" Alaric asked curiously, his sharp green eyes directly on Eva.

"Yeah, my brother and I are taking care of it. Don't worry about it. Not exactly proper dinner conversation. I was told this was a special occasion and I don't want to ruin it by talking about my dear mother, Mr. Wolfe." She worded it carefully, for Jana's sake. She was usually much more snappier to people like him.

"I agree. Let's not talk about that right now." Mei muttered as Aimee came out of the kitchen with dishes in her hand to spread across the table. That must have meant dinner was ready...Thank God.
"My daughter is wearing a dress?" Mel said in surprise as she came out with Megumi. "What in the world happened today,"

"Shut up," she groused, face slightly flush. "I wanted to make this nice, dammit! Stop ruining it!"
"You look so beautiful, Jana!" Megumi exclaimed as she sat down the table. Aimee was already serving the food, and she started with Alaric first as usual before she made a bee line to Komoku. Seemed like men had the priority for the maid, and she lingered a little too long around Komoku for Mei's taste.

Eva casually slid her hand against Jana's inner thigh, though an innocent smile remained on her face. "Nothing can ruin this for me, Jana. You really do look..." Eva licked her lips a little. "Sensuous."
"Uh huh," Jana said dryly, hand settling over hers. She'd have her moment...once she was sure that this was going to go nice, not that it stopped the thrill of pleasure running up her spine. "Kiss up."

"Alright, Mei...we're all here," Mel murmured. "What's this about?" she said, taking a sip of her wine.
"I'm also curious about the occasion." Alaric murmured as he started to eat. They hadn't had dinner together in a long time...and the last time they had dinner as a family...just the three of them...even longer.

Mei could feel her heart racing now as Aimee joined them at the table. "Umm...well. I just have something to tell you all. It's...really important and I wanted you all to know. Especially...Komoku." The words came out slow and awkward...Mei could already feel her fathers eyes on her as he ate.
"...Okay?" Komoku said idly, halfway through a bite. "...What's up, Mei?" Oh man, this sounded not good...
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