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School Rumble (Broom and I)

"Oh my god," A new voice said as Komoku glanced behind him, and sure enough...there was Masami, fire in her eyes as Komoku grinned. He expected, you know...something...but the first thing Masami did was rush forward to Sophie, grinning widely. " really is you!" she squeaked excitedly. "Oh my god! He actually DID meet you! I'm a HUGE fan! I just imported your latest album!"

"Komoku, you're the best brother ever! I knew you could do something like this for me," Komoku added in dryly, his voice a mockery of Masami. "Why, thank you, little's my duty as your big brother to make you smile." Sheesh...was it that hard to say thanks?
Sophie giggled a bit before she gave Masami a big hug. She was absolutely adorable and not quite what Sophie expected...well she wasn't sure what she expected but what was with Komoku's girlfriend looking more related to him than his actual family?

"You must be Masami. It's a pleasure..." Sophie began as she slowly let go of Masami. "So what do you do for fun around here?"
"Me...?" Masami said, feeling a bit light headed. Sophie hugged her! Touched her body with her body! That was hugging! That happened! "I...I mean, nothing that'd interest you, there's...there's an arcade nearby..."
"That sounds really fun, Mei suggested that earlier. Mind taking me?" Sophie could see how star struck Masami was, and it was cute. Mei on the other hand just didn't understand it at all.
"Y...Yeah, absolutely!" Masami beamed. "But...I mean...won't it be a little hard for you?"

"It'll be fine," Mifune said casually. It'll be fine because Sophie seemed to be completely capable of hiding in plain sight. It didn't make sense to him either, but he supposed it was just a hidden talent of hers.
"Just don't say my name out loud." Sophie grinned as she pulled down her hat a little and then took her hand. "Lead the way, Masami. I don't want to get lost in Red again...everyone keeps telling me how dangerous that place is, but I got around okay." She giggled.

"That's because we found you first." Mei muttered.
"I hope you keep that ignorance, girl," Komoku said. "...For your sake as much as ours."

"...Yeah," Masami's smile shifted somewhere awkward, but was more than happy to hold her hand. Oh my god, she was holding Sophie's hand! "C'mon, it's not very far."
The arcade was everything Mei didn't want to remember, crowded with sweaty kids that were way too wound up on the sugar candy they sold at the counter. This time, though..they had two rather noticeable and intimidating men with them. So they had room to walk. Which was good for Mei, because she didn't want to be touched.

It was also good for Sophie since nobody wanted to look at the group for too long.

"Wow, how fun!" Sophie exclaimed as she pulled her sunglasses down a bit so she could see a little better in the dark building. "What should we play first, Masami?"
"Well, I'm a fan of Dance Dance Fiesta" Masami grinned. "Quite possibly the best player in Turuga, actually...Galaxy Arcade is kind of my stomping grounds."

Komoku took a casual glance around, perking up just a little at the nearby cabinet. Ooh, they had Street Fights Five! That just came out!
"Funny, I remember beating you by a point or two." Mei casually mentioned as she looked up at Komoku. Did he like video games too? Of course he did...

"I'm pretty good at Dance Dance Fiesta, too. Want to play?" Sophie asked Masami as she looked over to the machines. She was itching to do something other than work, she would even settle for a fighting game if she had to.
"Are you kidding?!" Masami grinned. "I'd love to! I'll even pay for the games, c'mon!" she said, pulling her deeper into the arcade, while Mifune followed after with a minor sigh. Why did he get pulled into this mess...?

"We could probably leave, you know," Komoku told Mei. "Especially if you wanna go home, sweetheart."
"Yeah...Masami seems distracted enough. If you want though...we could play something before we leave." Mei told him as she watched the three disappear into the crowd. She was starting to get accustomed to doing things she didn't like. Sometimes at the end she wound up liking them. Either way, she didn't mind doing whatever he wanted to do before they left.
"Nah," Komoku grinned. "C'mon, let's get you out of here, you look exhausted." Eh, he could always play it later...truth be told, he was tired as hell too. He could probably nap right on his feet.
Mei just smiled at him. She could tell...not that he'd ever admit to it. She could tell he was tired too. She squeezed his hand and led him out of the arcade. The walk home was short, but Mei stopped at Cemtral. "It's almost finished..." She began as she walked up to the site, stopping just short at the gate. "Please refrain from blowing it up after they are done, Komoku." Mei laughed a was strange how it was all just a funny memory to her...when back then it was the end of the world. Things had changed...she changed.
Komoku flushed a little, rubbing his neck. "...Heh, yeah...well...y'know..." He missed that feeling, honestly. He missed being able to just...let it rip. To let everything go in one huge boom, but things changed without him knowing. Hearing Mei joke about that kind of hit him in the reality a little hard. Guess he'd gone soft...or he just didn't care. "I'll try, I have a thing with blowing up buildings."
"Then take a second job being a demolition man." Mei sarcastically answered as she started climbing up the fence. Home..this was her home, really. She had her own apartment now, but that didn't change the fact that this place had been her home. It was just as she remembered it.
"Breaking the law, Miss Commanding Officer?" Komoku said, brow raised in amusement. Ah, screw it...what was the harm in taking a look around with her? he moved toward the fence as well, being taller...much easier to move over the top.
By the time she got to the top, he was already over and on the ground. "Show off." She smirked at him before she jumped to the ground, landing with a thud. "This isn't breaking the law, I pretty much own the place." Mei continued as she started walking towards the main building. She just wanted to see how it looked now...if it was the same.
"Yeah yeah yeah..." Komoku sighed, hands in his pockets as he followed after. "Whatever you say, your majesty." Well, it certainly wasn't the old building...that was for sure. It was built on the same foundation, but this thing was cutting edge. Very important and business like looking, lots of front glass and multiple floors with windows and...ugh, it reminded him he had a job now.

"With the crew we got now, this place looks fancy as hell," Komoku smirked. "Dujae and Sejae might have to put on shirts, god help us."
"It's even more professional than what it was before, it's perfect." Mei said with a smile, ignoring his complaints. It was better to her, but what she was really interested in was the dorms. After they explored much of the main building, she walked over to the housing area. "Now we can house people again...that will bring back the majority of people we lost." People who couldn't make it to Blue every day to conduct their business. Everyone was healed up, so now they could start bringing people home.
"Uh huh," Komoku murmured, hands in his pockets. "I'm sure they'll be quite excited to see the type of people we brought in," he smirked.
"They'll get over it." Mei got over it...and anyone who didn't wasn't welcome back anyway. DC was about helping Turuga, it wasn't some clique. Anyone who was willing to help was welcome now...and her idea of training those who might be inferior had kicked off. Even the weakest of the recruits were strong enough to hold their own.

It was strange how everything was different, yet familiar. Eventually she stopped at a particular room and opened it. This was where her old room would have been..back when she roomed with Jana and things were closer.

Why did she feel so comfortable here?
"What's this?" Komoku asked, glancing around the room. Mei was...acting strange, not bad strange...just...strange. It was empty, pretty much. With a window overlooking the living area.
"It's my old room. Kind of." Mei told him as she walked over to the window and looked out into the courtyard. The sun was setting..soon the place would be completely dark. They should really get going, but she just didn't want to. "I spent most of my time in here alone, and then..this was where I first met Jana."
"No kiddin?" Komoku mused, walking next to her. "...Mei, you okay?" he said, arm around her shoulder. "You're getting a little nostalgic on me, sweetheart."
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