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School Rumble (Broom and I)

"Better than nothing I suppose," Mei murmured with a shrug. She still wanted to go home...she hadn't been home in so long. But she knew Masami would be happy to see her brother after he disappeared with her.

"Well, let's go! We will meet her half way!" Sophie said as she moved towards the back door.
Komoku rubbed Mei's arm faintly, glancing down at her. "You sure you're up for this?" he asked quietly. "I can take you home, you know."
"I'll be fine. I've waited this long...I can wait a little longer." Mei told him with a smile as she laced her fingers with his and started following the eager pop star. "..Wait, Sophie. You're going the wrong way."

"Whoops, hehe. I probably shouldn't take the lead then...I just wanted to get out of that stuffy room and get some fresh air." She explained with a smile.
Mifune sighed heavily, arms crossing. "Just stick close to me, Sophie, let the others lead the way...and please don't run off again, this place is far too dangerous for you to be doing that."

"An adorable little ball of energy, isn't she?" Komoku smirked. "My sister is going to flip her lid."
"Well I would have brought you, but I wanted to surprise you with your favorite snack..." Sophie was once again reaching into that large purse of hers. What didn't she have in that purse? "I almost forgot. But here, curry flavored chips! So don't be mad at me anymore!" She handed him the bag and gave her the cutest smile she could muster.
Mifune blinked in surprise, taking the bag. "...Wh...Where did you find these?" he said warily. She did not go into Red, did she? She didn't, right?
Sophie shrugged. "Some Asian convenience store, it took me a little while to get there. How come?" She asked as she pulled out a box of pocky snacks. Her favorite kind, the ones shaped like bears!

There were a few Asian convenience stores in Turuga...most of them were in or around Red.
"...Wow," Komoku grinned. "You must have a sixth sense of danger, or people just didn't know what the hell to do with you, girl."

"Ugh, Sophie..." Mifune grumbled, as he opened the bag of chips. "What did I tell you about going that way?"
"She didn't know which way she was going." Mei muttered as they walked. "Good thing we found her when we did."

"I can't help that I have a bad sense of direction, everything looks strange here..." Sophie whined as she started munching on her snacks.
"Which is why you don't wander around, Sophie, especially not here of all places," Mifune sighed. "Honestly, do you even know what kind of danger this place is?"
"Well if it's so dangerous, then teach me how to do the thing you do! Or the thing they do! You never told me people could make Ice and Firecrackers with energy!" Sophie pouted and crossed her arms.

"That's right...Sophie told us you had a strange power. Last I heard you couldn't manifest your energy..." Mei stated as she glanced at him. The whole reason he left...
"Of course she did," Mifune mumbled, rubbing his neck. "...I found out when I started traveling," he said, glancing at them. "Spoke to a lot of people, met a lot of people. It's not so cut and dry, like Turuga seems to think...but why wouldn't they? They have the highest concentration of people here, they practically spit them out like candy."
"..Alright." Mei had no idea what her cousin was talking about.

"Show it to them, Mifune!" Sophie urged excitedly. "They haven't heard of it before, I told them you'd give them a demonstration!"
"Yeah, let's see it," Komoku grinned, offering his hand. "C'mon, give me a nice punch. Hard as you can."

"...You're serious," Mifune said, eyes darting to Mei. "You really want me to do that?"
"He's durable. Go ahead." Mei said with a shrug. "One punch isn't going to do anything."

"You two are underestimating Mifune, that's a bad idea..." Sophie warned as her expression turned serious for just a moment. She then grinned at Mei as she put both hands on her hips proudly. "Komoku's going to get sent flying by my Mifune!"

"Your Mifune, huh?" Mei asked as she glanced over to him. Was there something else going on between those two?
Mifune was artfully ignorant of the entire conversation as he flexed his fingers a moment to focus. It was faint, subtle. Enough to make Komoku's grin widen like a hungry lion who caught a fresh scent. It was there, and it was gone...that was the wonderful part. He didn't need much wind-up, in fact...his entire body shifted forward in his punch and slammed solidly against Komoku's hand, Komoku felt his entire arm jerk back half an inch as he grunted in surprise, shifting digging in on his heels as a gust of wind billowed past him. Even the wind hurt.

"...Not bad," Mifune grinned. "You saw it."

"The hell was that?" Komoku panted heavily. He had never felt anything like that before, and that said something about just how deep that rabbit hole could go.

"I don't know," Mifune admitted, noting with interest that Komoku's grip on his hand seemed to be tightening. "But it's what I can do...kind of like extending my strength, literally. The difference between you and me? You have a filter, I don't." he said casually. "Takes some practice, though. I dislocated my shoulder the first time I tried it."
"See, I told you! Boom! Komoku is lucky his arm is in one piece!" Sophie shouted as she moved over to his side. "Every time I see it, it's amazing! Mifune rarely ever does it, but when he does...I never get tired of seeing it..or not seeing it..haha."

"Interesting..." Mei muttered as she moved over to Komoku. "What did it feel like? There was wind, but it only came after the it's not an air type element..."
"It felt like getting hit by a brick wall, except amplified," Komoku said, rolling his shoulder with a grin. "Now you? You I want to see cut loose...I think you and I should have a friendly match sometime."

"Sorry," Mifune said dryly. "My job is protecting Sophie, it'd distract me."
"Awww, stop being such a stick in the mud. I want to see that! I want to see you fight someone who is close to your level at least once. Please, Mifune? Pleeeease!" Sophie begged as she tugged on his coat.
"Sophie, we can't just-" Mifune huffed. "Stop it! Stop tugging on my coat!" he groused. "We have a schedule, you know! Your producer is going to flip out if we're here any longer than we should be!"

"...Wow," Komoku said quietly. "Guess your cousin likes the bratty, spoiled types." Damn, he thought Sejae was whipped.
"It doesn't have to be today, we can make time! I'll talk to the producer! You can have a life too!" Sophie took off her sunglasses and gave him "the look". She even went as far as to poke out her lip. "I didn't just come here for me, but I thought you'd like it back here..."

"I guess so..." Mei wasn't sure...It's not like he looked like he enjoyed her hanging off him.
"Alright, alright..." Mifune sighed. "Don't gimme that look, Sophie...I'll figure it out, okay? Stop that." Ugh, she did that every time...

"Totally hooked," Komoku smirked. "You can't tell me you don't pull that with me."
"It's all in your head." Mei said with a smile before she looped her finger through his collar to pull him down for a kiss. It was a habit really, he was so tall that was the only way she could kiss him.

"Awww, they're so cute together!" Sophie exclaimed. "Excellent use of the collar, Mei."
"Pretty sure that's why she got it," Komoku said, not that he seemed bugged about it. On the contrary, he seemed quite smug as he grinned at her, eyes glittering in arousal.

Mifune sighed, rubbing his head. How did he get pulled into this...?
She knew that look, and she had to wonder how he could even be in the mood after they had done it for so many days. She was sore, and she didn't even want to think about sex right now. "I got it because I thought it would look good on him." Mei muttered, her cheeks slightly red.

Sophie reached out and grabbed Mifune's hand before smiling up at him. Was he bothered by this? Jealous maybe?

Probably not, but Sophie would hold his hand anyway.
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