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School Rumble (Broom and I)

"I just want to get home. And eat something that isn't a TV dinner." She smiled up at him. "I'll make it myself if I have to. I have a fire extinguisher at the ready in case I set something on fire." Mei didn't want to him to worry about her. He did a good job keeping her calm, and she couldn't let these thoughts bother her. She really needed to deal with things better so she didn't seem uptight.
"...Okay," Komoku said, brow raised. "Well, I'll make you something...I'll make Dujae and Sejae go shopping for me, they probably miss being bossed around by me anyway." he sniffed, pulling out his phone from his pocket. He was the leader guy for a reason after all.
"But we can just do it on the way home..." Mei began just before they rounded a corner. She didn't hear or sense anyone, but she sure did feel them when they ran right into her. She stood her ground, but the girl fell right to the ground with a pained grunt when she hit the pavement. She was out of breath and looked like she was in a hurry.

"S-sorry, I didn't mean to..umm..." The blonde haired girl started in Japanese before she looked up at them with a panicked expression. She scrambled to her feet and patted herself down. "I'm sorry. two speak English, right? Can you tell me what street this is?"
"Yeah, it's Black Tortoise," Komoku murmured curiously, arms crossed in thought. "This ain't the best neighborhood to get lost in, girlie...where you looking to go?"

Well, she looked exactly like the type of girl that Red boys ate and spit out...guess their trip home would be a little delayed.
Sophie blinked before reaching into her purse and retrieving a folded piece of paper. "Umm, I think I started out in...hmm. This convention center right here. I went to go buy some snacks because I was hungry but I got lost on the way back. Ugh, I'm in so much trouble..." She held it out for them both to see, and Mei stared at it for a moment.

"You went the wrong went the complete opposite way of the Convention Center. We'll take you back there." Mei told her with a reassuring smile. Why not, it was basically on the way..kind of. Not really. And Komoku was right, this wasn't the safest place for a girl alone.

"Really? Would you two do that for me?" Sophie's eyes lit up as she glanced at them both with a hopeful smile.
"Course we would," Komoku sniffed. "Can't have you roamin' around here by yourself, pretty thing like you would get snatched up and eaten alive. C'mon, let's go...say, you look familiar." Komoku mused curiously, rubbing his chin in thought.
Sophie giggled and blushed a little, not that she wasn't used to guys calling her pretty. Just something about this one, it seemed charming. "Well I would look familiar, I'm a singer! I'm Sophie Frost...I've been touring internationally for a while and I just got to Turuga a few days ago."

The name went over Mei's head, but she reached over and took Komoku's hand...casually. As casually as she could without being too possessive.
"...Huh," Komoku mused, leaning forward to look at her a little. "Oh yeah, you look like the girl my sister has up on her bedroom what, there's a con going on with you in it?" he said, squeezing Mei's hand in return. Sheesh, he didn't even say anything!
"That's right...I was doing a signing all day today. Your sister is a fan, huh?" Sophie seemed completely oblivious to Mei as she reached into her purse again and fumbled around. She then took out a handful of tickets. "Tada! I'm having a concert next Friday, and these are completely sold out. I was going to give them to a fan, but you guys are being so nice and helping me out. So here, you go! Since your sister likes me and all." She smiled at him.
"Hey, thanks," Komoku grinned. "You're going to net me some serious brother points! Let's get you to the convention center, yeah? Shouldn't you have someone with you? Like...I dunno, security detail or somethin?"
"Well, I have a bodyguard...but I didn't tell him that I was going to buy snacks. He's probably going to be really upset when he finds me. At least when we get back I can give him a call, I forgot I gave my phone to him. I can be kind of ditzy sometimes." Sophie explained with a giggle.

"We all can be absent minded at times, but I assume you're not a Turuga native. This place is dangerous for someone like you. So next time don't go off on your own, alright?" It probably wasn't Mei's place to scold her, but she wanted to make sure she knew how dangerous it was on her own.

"Oh, right. Because you guys all have super powers, right? Mifune told me all about it, that's why I chose to come here! That's so awesome!" Sophie exclaimed, a bounce in her step as they walked.
"I suppose it is," Komoku chuckled, scratching his neck. "Can't say I ever much thought about it, to be honest. I mean, do you think much about being able to sing?"
"No, but singing isn't a super power!" Sophie told him as she folded her arms.

"We don't have super powers, Sophie...everyone is capable of doing what we do. It's just a matter of harnessing the energy within you, channeling it and giving it form when it leaves your body. Your element would probably be sound since you already have a talent with singing." Mei explained.

"Wait...really? I could learn how to do the stuff that you guys do? Wait, what do you mean...element? Sound? I don't get it." Sophie's eyebrows furrowed in thought. "Mifune just makes things go pow and boom! It's like an invisible force, it's really cool! I want to do that!"
"...Say what now?" Komoku said, head tilted. "What are you talking about?" Pow? Boom? Invisible?
"Exactly what I said! He hits people and they get blown away! I can hear something faintly, it's like another fist came out of his hand, it's cool! You guys have never seen it? Mifune said everyone in Turuga can do it!" Sophie really seemed excited about what she was talking about, but Mei was drawing a blank. Did she mean combustion?

"Well..that doesn't seem accurate. For example, my energy takes on the form of ice. Like this..." Mei opened the palm of her hand and concentrated her energy, ice slowly forming in her hand in the shape of a flower. Sophie stopped, her eyes growing wide.

"W-woah. Mifune can't do that, I don't think..."
"I don't quite think I've ever heard of a trick like that," Komoku said, glancing to Mei. "Mine doesn't even do that...mine is all..explodey," Komoku smirked, offering up his own hand. Unlike the clam, cool exterior of ice that Mei's had, his was like a burning firecracker, shifting and twisting. "Combustion, they call it. Nobody really knows the deal, they can just tell if someone has the talent or not."
"That's not it either..." Sophie told him as she stared at his hand. "..Doesn't make it any less cooler. Hey, how about I ask Mifune to show you what I mean? I'm sure he'd be fine with giving you a demonstration! I'm not making it up, I swear!"

"I am a little curious..." Mei admitted as she glanced up at Komoku. She just wanted to know what element Sophie was thinking of. It might be wind or spirit...something less extravagant than combustion or ice.

Mifune...she could have sworn one of her cousins had that name It couldn't have been him.
"Sure," Komoku shrugged. "Lemme call up Masami, do you mind? She'll probably freak out at seeing you in person."
"Sure, I never mind meeting a fan." Sophie grinned and then looked at Mei. "So are you related? You look like you could be his baby sister." Mei blinked and then cleared her throat.

"I am his girlfriend. And I'm older than him, to set the record straight." Even though she was half his size, hmph! The nerve..
"Don't let her adorable size fool you," Komoku grinned, hand on Mei's head to ruffle it playfully. "She's a beautiful goddess of war, you know? One bad look and suddenly someone is froze to the ground."
"Wow, really? Well I guess big things come in small packages." Sophie smiled at Mei, who just sighed softly and looked away. Guess she should be used to this when she wasn't wearing her heels...Sophie wasn't even that much taller than her anyway.

"Komoku just makes me look small because he's huge by comparison. I'm not that small." She insisted. Hopefully they'd be at the Convention Center soon...ugh.
"She gets like that," Komoku said casually. "She doesn't know that shorter girls are some of my favorite kind of girls, though." he smirked. There, that should satisfy her for a little while.
"You two are really cute together." Sophie commented with a smile as Mei's cheeks turned a light shade of pink. "I'm loving the collars. Very...chic."

Luckily for Mei, the convention center was coming into view. "Is Masami going to meet up with us at the convention center, Komoku?" She asked as she tried to change the subject.
"Yeah, I'm workin on it," Komoku said, sending her a picture of the tickets. "And thank you, Mei got me this as a gift," he grinned. "I quite like it."
"Aww," Sophie began as she smiled at Mei, who only got redder as she kept her eyes forward. "That's so sweet. And the one she has, you gave to her, right? How romantic." If only Mifune would do something like that for her..oh well.
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