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School Rumble (Broom and I)

Mei hugged her back, a little self conscious about her current condition. But feeling Jana against her again just amazing that she didn't want to pull away. "I thought it had to do with her..." The few times she actually had time to think, all signs pointed at the Kishi family. She didn't expect that Aiden and Eva would help find her though. "But what about you two? Won't she get upset at you?"

"We'll deal with that when the time comes." Eva muttered as she stuck her hand in her pockets. Yeah, it was going to be annoying dealing with her when she found out what happened.

"I will make sure she suffers for this." Megumi growled under her breath before turning to Komoku. "Thank you for keeping Mei safe.."
"Yeah...well," Komoku grinned. "Can't say I did much more than uh...distract her. And I got a little pissy when a car hit me, so..." Woo, don't look too hard at Megumi, or he'd get hard...again. It hurt to get erect, it hurt really...really badly. In a very, very good way.

"Let us handle our mother, Mrs. Wolfe." Aiden murmured. "It's the very least we can do after all of the trouble this has caused."

"Amazing how such a bitch of a woman had such a well mannered boy, and you..." Mel said, regarding Eva. "I think I like you..." she purred. "I like the look in your eyes..."
For a moment, Megumi was quiet before she sighed. Right now, she was just glad to have Mei back. "Fine..but I better see results. And you..." Her gaze returned to Komoku. "Stop being so humble.." Megumi gave Komoku a smile before she moved over to hug him..she didn't care if he was sweaty and naked and stunk of semen. She loved him like her own for what he did for her daughter. "I really do appreciate it..."

Eva returned Mel's gaze. This was Jana's mother? At least she approved. "Heh, same to you ma'am." She could also respect her elders...if they deserved it.
"...Uh..." Komoku said, well...that happened. Megumi was feeling his erection mash against her like a desperate need to be satisfied. Ugh, god that hurt so wonderfully. "Thanks...I think..."

"...Um, Mom," Jana said a little quieter. "...This is my girlfriend, Eva."

"That right?" Mel smiled easily. "Well, you look about as mangy and rabid as Jana was when I first brought her in, must be poor parenting...but you'll do for now, I suppose."
Megumi giggled when she felt his cock against her. How her daughter could take that on the regular basis, she didn't know. But it was kind of arousing. Megumi liked dick, she couldn't ignore that...and it just made her hug him even tighter. "You're just so cute..."

Mei wasn't really sure what to feel about Jana's statement...and the sight of her boyfriend pressing his dick against her mother was helping.

"When did this happen?" She asked Jana as her arms slowly fell from her sides. Why did it happen and how? She wanted Jana to be happy, but why Eva Kishi of all people?

"A couple of hours ago." Eva answered as she folded her arms. Mangy and rabid, huh? Well, she wasn't going to argue.
"and bbout the same way you and Komoku started dating," Jana said dryly, not sharply...just to prove a point that she didn't have much room to argue about how Jana conducted her relationships. Komoku shifted a little uncomfortably, but grinned.

"Um, thanks..." Okay, he felt a little aroused now...more than a little aroused. Ugh, he had a Wolfe fetish. There, that had to be it. Megumi was just as appealing as her daughter.
"..Well, I'm happy for you." Mei gave Jana a smile. For the most part it was genuine, but it was clear that she was more than just a little confused.

"Did you want me to let you go? Or do you want me to stay here until you calm down a little?" Megumi whispered as she smiled up at him.
"...W...Well," Komoku said awkwardly. "I'm uh...not going to calm down with you on me, Ma'am." he said politely. "So..."

"Thanks," Jana smiled, arms around Mei to hug her again. "God...I'm so glad you're okay...I was so worried, I couldn't sleep..." she mumbled, nuzzled against her neck. "Don't you ever get kidnapped again, I can't stand the thought of losing you."
"Yeah, I'll try not to next time..." Mei returned the hug. She would figure everything out later, she was just glad to see everyone again.

"I understand.." Megumi smirked before letting him go. "Come on, let's get you two cleaned up...get out of this shitty place. Congratulations on your girlfriend, Jana."
"Thanks," she smiled shyly. "You two are welcome to join us...we wouldn't have found them without you,"

"I'm grateful, but we'd better get going," Aiden said, glancing to Eva. "Mother is probably fuming up a storm right now...Mei, when you're ready...I suggest you go to the Council. I have no doubt that my mother has been twisting every single corner she could to make her plans work."
"Yeah..." Mei agreed as she watched Eva move over to Jana to give her a light kiss on the cheek.

"I'll be in touch soon..keep you in the loop of what's having. Take care of Mei, alright?" Eva smiled at her.
"Sure," Jana smiled. "Thanks for your help, Eva...Aiden."

"Well then," Mel said. "Let's get loverboy and his precious little sperm doll into the car,"

"Mom!" Jana groaned. "Come on! We could have just ignored that!"

"Hard to, when Komoku's sporting a rock solid dick and Mei smells like sex," Mel grinned. "Nice catch, long you two been going at it?"
Mei's face went bright red as she looked away, covering her breasts as best she could. Ugh..she could feel how dirty she was. "I..don't know. Since we got here?" She answered shyly.

"Well...we'll be off. Even though it looks like you guys have fun. Better not let Mei's dad see her like that..." Eva winked at Mei before taking her brothers hand and leading him off.
"...So why don't we stop by my place first and get you guys cleaned up?" Mel grinned. "Eva raises a very wise point..."
"Yes please.." Mei looked over at Komoku and gave him a tired look. matter how many times they did it he could still get hard from her mother? She wasn't sure what to think, but she knew that he didn't mean anything by it.
Komoku at least looked genuinely apologetic, rubbing his neck awkwardly. But, they headed their ways to Mel to shower, and get a fresh change of clothes.

On a somewhat related note, Mel gave Jian a number. He might be a good contact later.

"Small world, eh?" Mel grinned to Megumi as she handed her a beer once they got back. Little celebration couldn't hurt. "Jian looked good, guess he kept up with his training."
Megumi took the beef and nodded. "Yeah, he looked good...good thing it was him. Anyone else in my way would have woken up in the hospital days from now." She said as she untwisted the top of the beer. Import..nothing but the best from Mel.
"You kidding? Jian's too smart for that," Mel chuckled, sitting down next to her. "He told me he never would have bothered if he knew you had a kid."
"Yeah, that's why I didn't attack him anyway. Because I knew he knew better. All the money in the world doesn't matter if you're dead." Megumi gave Mel a sheepish grin before taking a sip of her beer. She didn't have the urge to drink as much now that Mei was safe and sound.
"True," Mel grinned. "That, and I think he's always kinda had a thing for us, one of those friends that got hot on seeing us together."
"Most guys had a thing for us, Mel." Megumi giggled and then leaned back on the couch. "Especially at that age...boys got off on seeing us together."
"True," Mel grinned. "I suppose we didn't help when we liked teasing them so much." Oh, they were awful...but it was fun.
"It was worth it though..I liked making them squirm. Just like I made Komoku squirm earlier today...though that wasn't completely on purpose." Megumi still couldn't believe how well endowed that boy was.
"You shouldn't do that too much," Mel smiled. "Mei gets a little jealous, I can see it in her eyes. It's kind of cute...I don't think that'd boy do much more than savor it without her permission though, he's loyal."
"I couldn't help it. I can't help but be grateful to him for making sure she was safe. It means a lot to me..." There were lines she wouldn't cross, at least on purpose. She respected their relationship too much for that. "Not many people would do what he did for her.."
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