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School Rumble (Broom and I)

"Fuck her to keep her safe?" Mel grinned. She got her point, but it was still fun to remind her. "Yeah, he's got balls...and he got hit by a car, I didn't see much more than bruises...kid is made of steel or something."
"Yeah. When I saw the scene of the kidnapping, I was expecting one of them to be injured. I just want to know what someone goes through to gain stamina like that..." Megumi wasn't bothered at all by the site...her daughter was happy and that's all that mattered. Alaric would have been furious if he saw, but that's why they were here. So he wouldn't find out.
"A lot," Mel murmured, spoken from experience at least. "...Things that normal people don't like to think about, I bet. Especially for how young he is, to be that durable. I don't know adults that can take hits like that so well."
"I can only imagine, Mel. This world can be so cruel to adults and children alike. I'm glad she found him." Megumi wasn't sure what kind of life he had before. She only knew what she heard from Mei. "He was going down the wrong path before she did."
"Sex does a lot for a boy," Mel mused. "but I dunno, someone like that just doesn't get good hearted...I think he just needed a good reason to spread his wings, what better than sex?" she snickered.
"Do you think a good looking boy like that had an issue with finding girls to bend over, Mel? It's not just the sex...he could get sex anywhere. Especially with that big dick of his. It's Mei." Megumi insisted just before she finished off her can of beer. "Maybe he's not good, but he's not being bad either. That's all that really matters..."
"You really got faith in that kid, huh?" Mel mused. "Think he's something fancy, do you?"
"Something like that..I suppose we will just have to wait and see, won't we?" Megumi smirked. It was only a matter of time before they went to the next step in their relationship...regardless of whether or not they were ready.
"Oh man," Komoku sighed blissfully when he finally came out, rubbing his hair on a towel. Freshly washed, freshly clothed...damn, he felt good. That, and it was probably going to be a while for the afterglow to fade, not that he was complaining about that either.
Mei came out with him, pulling her collar back on that she had temporarily taken off in the shower. She seemed much more tired, but at least relieved. Bathing felt good...even though she was a little sore.

"Well you two look much better." Megumi commented as she gave them a smile.
"I'm going to sleep for years," Komoku said, rubbing his shoulder with a sigh. "Who was the handsome idiot who thought that was a good idea?"
"You deserve all the sleep you want." Mei told him before turning to her mother. "Does father know I'm okay?"

"..I haven't told him yet. I will, soon..." Alaric had been distant with her ever since she decided to go out and look on her own. She didn't feel like him getting angry with her for bringing Mei somewhere else before home.
"We figured we wouldn't worry him until we had something solid," Mel said faintly, taking a sip of her beer. She wasn't fond of that hesitation in Megumi's voice, but there wasn't much to do about it. "You worry about resting, Mei. Now that her kids are on the job, you're pretty safe. Especially once the Council gets wind of it."
"I'm okay...I don't need to rest." Mei insisted as she folded her arms. She was safe, that was good. But she felt restless for some reason. Megumi knew that look...she knew how her daughter looked when she was starting to wind herself up.

"If you're not tired come drink with us, Mei." Megumi gave her a smile. She was legal..why not?

"I don't...really want to. I just...kind of want to go home." Mei answered softly.
"I'll get her home," Komoku said idly. "And I'll make her relax," he said, arm around her shoulder to pull her in with a smirk. "Cause I know a few tricks to do that, some she's probably going to hit me for later."
Megumi frowned a little before rising up. "But you two know. Got back from a kidnapping? Do you really think it's okay to be by yourselves right now? Until we hear back from Aiden and Eva, you should stay with us..we'll bring you home."
"Thanks for the offer, Ma'am. But I have my own ways of keeping things safe," Komoku grinned. "Besides, you two've done enough. I'd like to at least take her home like I was supposed to before a car decided to ruin my attempt at being a gentleman."

"It'll be fine," Mel promised, tapping Megumi's leg with her foot. They had their own ways of keeping track without them knowing, and she knew Megumi would go anyway...Mel might as well tag along to make sure they stay out of sight.
Megumi's eyebrows furrowed but she just shook her head. "I..guess that's okay."

"We'll stay safe." Mei told her as she linked he fingers with Komoku. She trusted him, though she was still a little...paranoid.
"Don't worry, I have a crack team of expert hood rats, that are capable of navigating the worst of Turuga and coming out without so much as a scratch on them," Komoku sniffed.

"...Oh yeah?" Mel said dryly. "Whose that?"

"Dujae and Sejae...and their girlfriends...scarier than them if you ask me," he muttered. "They got weird taste, I swear."

"Says the boy who fucked his girlfriend for a few days non-stop." Mel added with a smirk. "Nice catch, girlie."
"You bet," Komoku smiled. "And you are getting rest, girl...and not fake rest, real rest."
Mei really didn't feel the least bit tired, but trying to argue with Komoku was like trying to argue with a wall. He was just as stubborn as she was. "Alright. I will see you soon, mom." Knowing her father, he'd be over later to make sure she was okay.

"Yeah, take it easy. For me." Megumi smiled at her.
"Man, what a week," Komoku sighed, hands jabbed into his pockets with a stubborn grumble as they headed out of the house. "Get hit by a car, fuck my girlfriend for days...sorta crap is stressful for my youthful complexion."
Mei was silent as she walked close to him, her fingers linked with his. She was thinking about Jana and Eva and how they came about together. She wasn't sure how she felt other than confused, really. And she was a little distrustful, too. But what could she really do about that? Jana was right, the situation was similar to her and Komoku's. But even still...why couldn't she stop thinking about this?

"Komoku...can you stay the night with me again?" Mei asked him, trying to distract herself from her previous thoughts. She really did like sleeping with him and being with him. Even when they were in captivity, it felt nice having someone to wake up to in the morning all the time.
"..Sure," Komoku said, glancing at her. "You alright, babe?" Jeez, could she not relax for one second? She was going to get grey hairs before she hit twenty.
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