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School Rumble (Broom and I)

"I'll be there in twenty," Aiden said, hanging up as Jana watched her before moving to get dressed herself. "...So?" Jana said faintly.
"Are you kidding?" Jana said, slipping on her own jacket. "You couldn't stop me if you tried."
"He can get upset all he wants," Jana muttered. "I am saving Mei, end of discussion." She just hoped she was doing okay...

Okay was a word for it, probably. It was more like awful, horrible, annoying, torture...for everyone else. Komoku was good on his word, honestly. Since the first day...all they had done was slow, hungry, hot sex. The air was thick and sweaty anyway, the only time they stopped was to eat before Komoku was on her again like a horny lion. Komoku's hips were slow and hungry, they were sweaty, dirty...and all together well sexed since the inception of their little kidnapping. If anything, it was Komoku's giant middle finger to all of them; they weren't scaring his girl while he was around.
Mei did enjoy the sex...she truly, honestly did. But she still couldn't help but think about how long they would be there. She missed Jana...she was worried about her and the fact that Blake was out and about. But there wasn't much she could do except enjoy spending time with her loyal boyfriend.

Well, enjoy him inside of her...she was amazed at how long he could stay hard...and how many times she could cum. She had long since stopped caring that people could hear her and was being as loud as she possibly could just to annoy her captors.
It took them hours into the morning until they had found the right spot, but they had. It was clear enough by the number of parked cars in a harbor, and the men casually smoking. More adults? Shit. How did he know that Mom would pick the most out of the way, and completely harmless looking place to be the real spot?

"Hm," Aiden murmured. "More than I can handle..."

"Don't worry," Jana murmured, eyes narrowed. "I know just who to call about this..." Mom and Megumi would be more than happy to help...
They were there within half an hour thanks to Megumi already being with Mel when Jana called. They had already been out searching, and the moment that Megumi had heard that Jana found Mei...she couldn't help but be happy. Nothing would get in the way between her and her daughter..but first they would meet up with Jana before they charged in.

Seeing Eva and Aiden made Megumi uneasy, but at least they actually helped. She wouldn't get angry with them. "Jana...are you three certain Mei's in here?" Megumi drew her sword as her eyes narrowed. Once she let herself loose..she wouldn't stop until she found her daughter.
"Positive, ma'am," Aiden murmured, ever the bastion of politeness as Mel regarded the men, head tilted a little.

"Huh, think I know some of these guys, small world." she said casually, drawing her blade with a casual little spin of her wrist. "Hope none of them get off on me reaming them into the pavement," she smirked. "You kids stay behind, Megumi and I will handle this. Let's not make this too bloody, alright?" Yes, shocking everyone no doubt...Megumi was the violent one.
Megumi didn't respond, mainly because she just couldn't promise anything. Things would get as bloody as they needed it to be. Luckily for most, they wouldn't even get close enough to fear her blade..because Megumi didn't ever waste her time on the weaker ones.

She and Mel made their way out into the open like they were taking a casual stroll. If they hadn't been carrying their weapons, they might have seemed like they had gotten lost.
"Hm," Mel said, glancing around a moment. "My best guess? She's in the back," Mel murmured. "You go on ahead, sweetheart...I'll pick up the trash." She wasn't surprised that Jana and the others were following, Jana herself was curious...she had never really seen Mel fight before. She was...excited, to say the least. "Be careful, alright? These guys don't look like they're cannon fodder."
Megumi looked at Mel and nodded, and then started to advance.

"Stop! Don't come any closer!" One of the men shouted at her as the others began drawing their weapons. Megumi ignored them as she gripped the hilt of her sword tightly and continued to walk.

"I'll give you all one chance to run." She warned loudly so that every one of them could here. "Otherwise, I'll show you why you picked the wrong mother to fuck with."

"Fuck you! You think two women and a few children scare us? You stupid fuckin-." The man was interrupted as the water behind him suddenly shot high in the air and then whipped forward, knocking clear across the port and into a large collection of crates. It then snaked around Megumi who continued to advance.

"Come at me then, fools."
"Go on ahead!" Mel said, covering Megumi's back with a wave of fire from her sword as she effortlessly weaved through attacks and flipped men onto the pavement, her sword was simply a parrying device. "I got it, Meg!"
Megumi picked up her pace, not wasting any time with the men that came for her. She just weaved around them and pushed them back with the water that was hovering around her like a whip at the ready. She trusted Mel to make sure no one came at her from behind.
It sounded like hell outside, but he wasn't surprised that someone had finally come to the proverbial rescue. What Jian wasn't expecting was the door to come flying off at the speed of a jet engine, he tilted his head to the side as it brushed past, splintering behind him and the furious, intimidating visage of an angry woman came into the building. Thank god, they stopped fucking for two goddamn seconds. Most annoying thing ever, that girl was a squealer...probably did it on purpose.

Huh, she looked familiar...
For a moment, Megumi glowered at the man in sunglasses as she raised her sword defensively. Something about him seemed familiar, but that wasn't important right now. "Mei!" She called out as loud as she could. "Mei, are you here?!"

"Mom? Is that you?!"

Megumi felt the biggest relief hearing her daughters voice. She had finally got to her. "Step aside, pig! I'm taking my daughter back!" The body of water that had followed her lashed out at him to push him away from the door. Her daughter was in there and nothing would stop her!
Jian flipped gracefully into the air to avoid it, lightning sparking his every move as he moved to attack a moment, then stopped.

"...Wait," he said. "Megumi?" he said, almost incredulously. "Mizuchi Megumi?" Water Dragon Megumi, quite the illustrious name...but obviously, the street name held some truth to it. Hold up, Megumi had a kid?
Megumi stopped her attack for a moment as she narrowed her eyes. There was something about the way he moved that really seemed familiar, and the fact that he knew her..they had met. was hard to tell with the sunglasses but...

"Jian?" She was still on the defensive, but was it really...that guy?

"Holy shit, you had a daughter?" Jian said curiously, slipping his shades off. "Shit, if someone would have told me that, I would have dumped the money in the river." He had ran with her quite a few times, her and Mel. Didn't really know if she had much of an opinion of him, but...damn. You didn't get out of the streets at their ages not knowing about Mizuchi Megumi, she was something else. Looked like she still was. Didn't think she was straight thought.
"You can still do that and walk away. I don't like hurting old friends." Megumi told him as she placed a hand on her hip. "Guess you never gave up the street life...not really surprised you ended up in a place like this. I won't blame you for doing your job...but rather the bitch that hired you."
"Well, not everyone has options," Jian admitted. "Gotta do what you gotta do, yeah? Go ahead and take her, not like we've been torturing her," he snorted. "The torture is hearing that dog of a boyfriend fuck her all day."

"Hey!" Komoku said. "I heard that, you prick!"

"...please take them," Jian muttered, rubbing his face. "Was I that obnoxious at his age?"
"Probably.." Megumi gave him a bit of a smile before she walked over to the door of their cell and unlocked it. The second the door opened, her naked daughter jumped on her, squeezing her tightly.

"Mom!" She cried out as she nuzzled into her, tears streaming down her cheeks. She was so glad she was here. Megumi dropped her sword and squeezed her just a tight.

"I'm so glad you're okay...thank God, you're okay. I was so worried.."
"Hey, I didn't hurt them or anything." Jian said in his defense as Komoku came out.

"What? You ran a car into me!" Komoku muttered. "How is that not hurting!?"

"Hey, I told them to pull over! They're the ones that said my boss needed it asap!" Jian sighed. "God, I need to find better employers..."

"Mei!" Jana said,coming inside after Mel was done cleaning up, dusting off her hands with a smile. "Mei! Thank god, you're okay!"

Why were they know what, she wasn't going to ask.
"Jana..." Mei was about to run over to her and give her a hug too, but then she saw Aiden and Eva and chose to stay behind her mother who was still holding her tightly anyway. "What are..they doing here?" She asked quizzically.

"Just enjoying the reunion." Eva answered with a smirk. Mei had a tight little body on her, no wonder Jana adored her so much.
"They helped me find you, Mei," Jana murmured, moving over to embrace her tightly. "God, I was so worried..." She smelled like sex, and sweat...well, at least Komoku was keeping her calm...?

"I must apologize, Mei," Aiden murmured, looking anywhere but where Mei was. "I should have known that my mother would go to these lengths when you didn't agree to her proposal."
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