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School Rumble (Broom and I)

"I know, right?" Komoku grinned. "How about you? Got a guy that hangs to your every word, sweetheart? Or is the famous life a little rough on relationships?"
Sophie's cheeks turned red as she sighed heavily. "It's complicated...I guess. Famous life IS hard on relationships. It's really no fun at all.."

"I heard pop stars liked to stay single for the fans. I read that in an article somewhere." Mei liked to read about pop culture sometimes..for whatever reason.

"Some do that, but not me. If it was up to me..." Sophie trailed off and then shook her head. "Well whatever. We're here!" Hopefully Mifune wasn't running around Turuga trying to find her.
"Oh my god, it's Sophie!" Well, that about did it, didn't it? Screams practically thundered into the air as Komoku quickly grabbed the pop-star and yanked her between him and Mei.

"Hey, Hey!" Komoku growled. He had never felt fear like he had today, stuck between a massive army of fans and their idol. He was their bane of existence, he was not Komoku Rokujo, he was simply dead meat. "Back! Back! Keep it in your pants, people!"
"GET BACK." Mei's voice was loud and held such an authoritative tone that the crowd temporarily went silent. It was enough for Mei to put up two make shift walls of ice that led straight to the door as they escorted her in. Ugh, rabid fans...gave her the fucking creeps.

Sophie looked at the walls in awe before she finally got to the doors of the convention, and they came down. Before the crowd could follow behind them, Mei shut the door.

"Hurry, this way! Before more people notice me!" Sophie beckoned as she rushed into the back where the VIP section was. The guard recognized her and didn't say anything as they accompanied her. "Whoo, we're safe now. Not bad for first time bodyguards!"
"Are you serious?" Komoku wheezed. "Those girls were going to kill me! I saw the death in their eyes!"

"Sophie," There was that calm, deep voice that seemed to rumble faintly against the convention halls. There he was, in all of his dark haired, muscled dreamboat glory. This was her bodyguard? Jeez, no wonder Komoku got attacked like that, they probably liked touching her guy. Mifune's eyes narrowed faintly in annoyance, arms crossing with a sigh. "There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you!"
Sophie slowly turned around and gave Mifune a sheepish smile. "Really..? Because I was looking everywhere for you." She teased before she ran behind Mei to hide. She was just as scary as Mifune was. "Hey, but I made two friends. See? They helped me back here!"

Mei blinked before she narrowed her eyes. Wait..this was her cousin! Well..a very tall and dark and muscular version of him...had he really been gone that long? He looked completely different! No...this couldn't be him. She wouldn't say anything...all she knew was that if this was her cousin, she felt bad for her wandering eyes...
"I see that," Mifune murmured dryly, glancing at the two of them before settling on the girl she hid behind. Sharp green eyes, a cold as ice stare...wait a minute.

"...Mei?" he muttered curiously. "Is that you?"

"...You know this guy, Mei?" Komoku asked curiously. ex-boyfriend or something?
Oh God, it was Mifune. "..He is my cousin. Kokoro's brother. It's been a long time, Mifune...I see your journey has treated you well." It was the closest thing to a compliment she would give him. Anything more than that would sound creepy.

"No way, you're Mifune's cousin?! Scariness must run in the family!" Sophie commented cheerfully. "..You look more like your boyfriend than you do your own cousin, though."
"Something like that," Mifune said faintly, choosing to ignore Sophie's comment for the time being. "Whose this?"

"What, you haven't heard of me?" Komoku sniffed faintly, arms crossing.

"Should I?" He said, brow raised in almost brazen boredom. "You look like every single street rat in Turuga."

"I'd be insulted if that wasn't true," Komoku grinned. Ooh, this guy was just all kinds of badass, wasn't he?
"Don't be rude, Mifune! He helped me out!" Sophie scolded. Gosh, he could be so brazen at times!

"It's fine." It's not like Komoku would take offense to that..and it seemed like Mifune's attitude hadn't changed at all. Only this time he had the muscle to back up his sharp words. "Mifune, this is Komoku. As Sophie said earlier, he is my boyfriend. So I take it the only reason why you're here is for her..?" From what her mother told her, he didn't leave on the best terms with his family.
"That's right," Mifune mumbled, arms crossing. "Sophie hired me as her bodyguard, small world to see you here, Mei. Didn't figure you were the kind of girl to be hanging around a hood rat."
"His name is Komoku," Mei repeated as she narrowed her eyes at him. "And I didn't figure you to be the kind of guy interested in protecting pop stars. Have you seen Kokoro yet?" Sophie could sense the tension in the air, but she wasn't entirely sure if it was okay to step between them...they both sure were scary.
"Why would I see her?" Mifune asked, brow raised. "When nobody ever gave a damn about when I left?"
"Mother did," Mei muttered as she folded her arms. "I'm sure Kokoro did, too. When you left, she started hanging around all sorts of...people." Not trash, Mei was trying not to think like that anymore. "She got a boyfriend shortly after you were gone...a trouble maker. But he was all she had. Thank God it didn't work out and now she's with someone who will treat her better than that, but still. I'm sure she, at the very least would like to see you." Mei couldn't speak for the rest of his family, however.
"Sorry," Mifune said casually. "I don't get a lot of time off with this job, and I prefer it that way. Besides, Sophie needs some rather attentive you see."

"No kidding," Komoku grumbled. "Jeez...animals."
"Well, we can see your sister if you want to, Mifune. I do have free time, you know. And being here, I don't know what to do. Other than enroll in school of course..." Ugh, she was really behind in her studies.

Either she was dense, or simply unaware of the situation. Mei would believe both.
"You don't want to do that," Mifune murmured. "This is an entirely different world here, Sophie. There's lots of other places we can go if you want to study."

And quite frankly, he didn't want to be here any longer than he had to be.
"I know it's different, but family is important! You should visit your sister, Mifune!" Sophie insisted as Mei reached over to take Komoku's hand.

"Just let him be. He's stubborn." He probably wouldn't even visit her mother, who was more of a mom than his own ever was. But she wouldn't get in the middle of this drama.
"Coming from you, that's rich," Mifune said dryly.

"...Kind of," Komoku grinned. "She's gotten better though, much better. She's practically reasonable now."
Mei jabbed her elbow in Komoku's side roughly at that before she glared up at him. The nerve, he was just as stubborn as she was!

"It really does run in the family..." Sophie commented before she smiled at Komoku. "Anyway, when is your sister coming over? Maybe we can meet her half way? I'm pretty much done here."
"Yeah, she's on her way," Komoku grinned, rubbing his side. "Stop pickin' on me, woman. I'm just tellin' the truth. Where you headed next, party girl?"
"Don't know yet, Mifune hasn't shown me anything fun. It's been work-work-work since I got here. But tonight, I want to do something awesome!" Sophie exclaimed as she jumped up and down a little.

"Well from my knowledge there is an arcade not too far from here. That's fun, I think. Maybe not the place for a pop star though..." Mei suggested, ignoring Komoku for the moment.

"It's alright, I have a disguise! It works! Sometimes, anyway. But that's what Mifune is for." Sophie said with a sheepish grin.
"...a disguise?" Komoku said, brow arched as Mifune sighed.

"...Yep," he muttered. "A disguise." He couldn't argue that Sophie needed to relax, but this was just dangerous.
"Here, I'll show you!" Sophie moved over to her purse and then brought out a large pair of red framed sunglasses and put them on. Then she pulled out a sun hat and placed it on her head. "Tada!"

" don't really think.." Mei trailed off as Sophie smiled at her innocently. "..Never mind."
"...It works better than you think," Mifune offered as a mild defense. Surprisingly, anyway. "Just as long as nobody gets a close eye on her."

"...Oookay then," Komoku mumbled faintly. "If it works, it works...right?" he said, nudging his girl.
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