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School Rumble (Broom and I)

"..Things are changing, Komoku." Mei said before looking up at him. "Sometimes I wonder if I can handle all of it. I'm changing...everything and everyone around me seems to be changing. Sometimes I just miss when I was here, reading my books and minding my own business." She wasn't sure why her eyes were stinging...maybe it was the stress of being kidnapped. "I'm sorry...let's go home. We're both tired."
"...Hey," Komoku murmured, pulling her a little closer. "End of the day? You're still Mei, still the hottest thing on two legs around here, and someone worth being uh...well, in both ways." he grinned lazily. "You're okay, Mei...this is okay. It better be, anyway...I get tired of being authority, but the uniform makes me look good, so I deal with it. Besides! You're a regular heroine here, taking care of business our way. Not the stupid adult way."
"'re right." Mei smiled at him and then hugged him tightly. He was so simple, but...for whatever reason she just felt better around him. And she was okay with that. "Let's go home."
For once, life progressed without something being blown up, people being kidnapped or something immensely dangerous happening. Mina was furious, to both Aiden and Eva...but she'd get over it, because she couldn't do much without them. There wasn't a day that went by that Aiden didn't argue in vain with his mother over the stupidity of what she had done, but she seemed indifferent to it. The council had told her the politest version of 'fuck off', that they could...and now she had been seething since then. Aiden had the willpower of Atlas, because he refused to budge on anything. It helped that Jana kept Eva in line...for the most part, so he could focus on dealing with his crazy mother.

The new HQ was done, finally. Things were being moved in, offices were actual offices. Mei's office was huge, since it more or less replicated the old building. Jana and Damien had exceptionally sized places too on the top floors. It wasn't a huge building, just a very prominent and imposing one with four floors, the top brass at the top with the records and other other offices spreading down to the bottom of the main floor. Other than the people who actually build it, the entire presence was teenagers and younger adults.

It was nice seeing things back in their proper place, and where the threat of Turuga wasn't a daily thing like it used to be. It had only been a day or so since they had really moved in when Jana decided to see Mei in her new office. She glanced around in surprise, letting out a faint whistle.

"Well, look at all the places Komoku is going to try and bend you over on," she grinned. "Very nice, Mei."
Mei wasn't used to it...being in an office like this. Even though she had no problem filling it up with designer furniture and the was actually kind of lonely. Her old office was much more homier. Still, it was the least of her issues. Another change she had to get used to, but the biggest change of all was what she had found out this morning. No one knew yet, and of course she'd tell Jana first...even though her best friend had been a little bit busier now that she had a girlfriend, Jana was still the person she trusted the most.

"Thank you," Mei said with a bit of a smile. "I tried to make it as comfortable as possible, didn't even think about what Komoku would want to do in here. But, Jana..I'm glad to see you." Mei moved over to her and gave her a hug. How was she going to word something like this? This was Jana, she knew that she wouldn't judge her. But still, she was struggling to come up with the right words.
"You know I'm right next door, right?" she teased, returning the hug affectionately. "I'm not a million miles away, how's it feel? We've actually got the place to back up our positions now," Being 'Lead Field Officer' sounded so military like, but it was essentially true anyway. It wasn't so bad, that gave her a lot of reason to not be in her office.
"It feels...good." Mei began as she shifted her eyes away. It was one less problem she had to deal with. The students were behaving, things were back to normal...stability was a good thing, and something she needed now. "Really, it does. Now people will take us more seriously. It's just...I've got something else to worry about now, Jana. You might want to sit down." Mei trailed off as she took Jana's hand and led her to the plush couch in the corner.
Jana glanced at her curiously, sitting down next to her. "Eva and I are very open, if that's what you're interested in," she joked playfully. "What's wrong, Mei?" No wonder she seemed as serious as she used to be, something was bugging her.
Mei sighed a bit, her cheeks getting warm as she thought about just how open Jana and Eva were. But those thoughts lasted for a brief moment before she took a deep breath. "Jana, I..haven't told anyone about this yet. But, I'm pregnant." Mei confessed as she squeezed Jana's hand.
Jana blinked a little at her, fingers tightening around hers a moment. "...Oh," Well, it wasn't honestly surprising the way that the two of them fucked. " this a bad thing, or...?"
"No, it's not a bad thing. I just...wasn't prepared for it, I think." Mei hadn't really thought about it..not since they were rescued. It was only when she was late that she realized she was pregnant. "I don't think Komoku will be upset, or my mother...just...I know my dad won't like this at all."
"So?" Jana murmured. "Who cares, Mei? If Komoku is happy with it, you have all the support you need." she grinned. "And you have me, of course...and Damien, and're not alone here, so screw what your Dad thinks!"
"Yeah, I know.." Mei mumbled as she looked down at her feet. She actually...did care what her father thought. She knew he would be disappointed, but hopefully he wouldn't stop supporting her. He had done so much just to help her out up until now. A part of her really wanted him to accept Komoku as their family, but...she wasn't sure if that would ever happen. "I still have to tell him though...after I tell Komoku and mother. I just don't know how he's going to take it.."
"Probably not well, he never liked Komoku," Jana murmured, glancing at her. "...Mei, why does it bother you so much?" she said. "Your father's done a lot to help you, yes...but when you actually need someone, your mother has always been there. Your Dad seems about as emotionally constipated as a angry hippo."
"Because he's been the one that I always looked up to until..a few years ago, Jana. I just want him to respect me. I don't think he will...and he won't respect Komoku either. I wish I could just not care, but I do. I want him to love my child..and I want him to accept Komoku." Mei closed her eyes and sighed. "I don't know..I don't think that's too much to ask for..."
"...Mei," Jana said, arm around her to pull her close. "Listen, okay? If your father doesn't respect you for being the very first Commander of DC since Turuga was founded that wasn't a Kishi, the one to stop not one, but two major attempts to overtake the DC...and not only that, half of them are our friends, or at the very least, they want to help us...I mean, what more does that bastard need?" Jana said firmly. "You're my goddamn hero, you're a lot of people's hero. Ever since you started dating Komoku, you've opened up a lot more. People aren't afraid of you, they want to help you. Why do you give two shits what he thinks about your boyfriend? It's not like Komoku's changed much, he's just relaxed."
Mei looked at Jana and then smiled a bit. "I want Komoku to marry me eventually and I want my fathers support." The keyword there was eventually. They were young, and Mei knew that marriage was...a really big deal. She didn't expect Komoku to propose to her right away...she didn't want him to just because he got her pregnant. But was important. To her that both her parents would be there for her. They would be the only parents at their wedding after all...
"Well, the world doesn't always work how you want it, Mei," Jana replied, not harshly...simply the reality. "I could hope for a lot of things, but none of them will come true...did you ever think you'd hope for this? That'd we'd be the leaders of the DC?"
"No.." She was right, but it didn't mean that Mei liked it one bit. "I mean, I never thought I would be here. I was just happy with being apart of it. This is even better than what I wanted...most of the time, anyway. Maybe I am asking too much. Maybe I am worrying about nothing."
"Mei, there's two things I do know: Komoku's never going to leave you, and your mother is happy when you're happy." Jana smiled. "And Mel too, she likes you too. You've got all kinds of support. I can't say I personally understand what it's like to have a father, but...if you have all of these people wanting you to be so happy, why does one person make a difference? Your Mom is going to be ecstatic about the baby, you know it. I bet Komoku's going to be happy too."
"You're right," Mei started as she squeezed Jana's hand, returning her smile. "Thank always reassure me when I need it. I know that my mom will be excited, and Komoku...considering we talked about it already I know he's okay with it. I am too...I think. I just hope I will be a good mother." Her father would tell her she's too immature to be a good mother, she could already hear his voice and disapproval. Why did it bother her so much? Even she didn't know why...she just had a bad feeling.
"Are you kidding?" Jana said dryly. "You're going to be the greatest Mom ever, and your little baby is going to have the best aunt ever," she teased. "Because I am going to spoil that little brat rotten."
Mei laughed a little and then leaned over to hug Jana tightly, closing her eyes. "You..really think this is okay, Jana? Me being pregnant and everything? I can't work outside of the office anymore...I won't be able to fight while I'm carrying another life with me. I know everything is okay right now...but what if something happens again? I won't be able to help..."
"Well, I am gonna miss my partner out there with me," she teased. "But it'll be nice knowing I got someone I trust holding the fort,'s not like it used to be. We may not always have the toughest guys out there, but we sure have the smartest. Like Remy."
"Yeah, that's true. Plus...Eva is always an option if she ever wants to help out. As your new..partner." Mei had gotten to the point where she accepted it, but she still got jealous every once in a while when she wanted to be with Jana but she was spending time with Eva. But she didn't complain...Jana seemed a lot happier now.
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