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School Rumble (Broom and I)

Megumi leaned against the counter and sighed. "Before Mei became the Ice Queen...before she closed off her heart to others, she loved being around Alaric. He taught her everything about fighting...and business, and other academics. She loved being with him and looked up to him. He was happy to spend time with her until his businesses began to take off. Eventually he started spending time with her less and less...and then stopped altogether to put work before us. That was around the time her grades started to slip and her old friends stopped talking to her." She took a sip of her rum and then looked over to her daughter. "Even though she pretended not to care, I suppose deep down she still did. Still does. She remembers the father he used to be. Just like I remember the husband he once was. We have seen sides to him that no one else has."
"...Yeah, well," Komoku said. "No sense crying over people who don't want to be part of your life, they don't deserve it." Spoken from experience, no doubt. What orphan didn't resent the parents they never knew? Komoku had Masami, Dujae and Sejae...that was his family. Did it hurt that he didn't have parents? Yeah, probably. He didn't know if it was from bitterness or some other problem he never explored.
"You're right...but it's not always so easy." Megumi rubbed his back. "Hey...I know you've gotten this far without parents. But from now on you have a mother. If you ever need anything, just ask. You are apart of my family now. Legal or not." She smiled at him.
"I have a hard time seeing you as a mother when you give me an erection," he said dryly. "...No offense, if that offensive." It was true, though. He was loyal to Mei, but god damn. Every single one of Mei's friends and family were hot as hell.
"None taken. Hey, you just have a mothers complex, that's all." She grinned and then finished her second glass of rum. "Besides, you're not so bad looking yourself, and I can tell you'll age very well. Me? In ten years you won't be getting erections from me anymore. I'm getting old."
"Pfft," Komoku snorted. "Trust me, these little gifts we have? It makes people age different, the guy I learned my tricks from was eighty six, I could have sworn he was on the easier side of fifty."
"Doesn't change the fact that I'll be an old crone." Megumi teased and then slipped her hand off his back. She...lingered a little too long there. She better get another drink and leave the poor boy alone.
"Eh," Komoku shrugged. "You'll still be Megumi, that's all that'll matter, right?" He either didn't notice, or chose not to bring it up. She sure was hitting the rum...
"Sure." Megumi said, her tone less than cheerful as she looked away. Without her husband...she didn't really know who Megumi was anymore. Maybe without him she could find out. "....Hey, want a drink?" She offered with a smile as she forced herself to think of something else.
"Megumi," Mel said, arms around her waist to pull her into an embrace. "Stop trying to corrupt the corrupted," she smirked. "He's not done with dinner." Ah, she knew something was going on with her...Mel had to fix that before it got out of hand. And she knew exactly what she was going to do, Megumi was probably going to be mad...but she knew what was spinning around in her head.
"Oh come on, one drink won't hurt him. He's a big boy, I can tell that he can handle his drinks." Megumi whined as she leaned back against Mel, letting the back of her head settle between those nice breasts of hers. Mnn, she was so soft and warm...
"Uh huh," Mel said, pulling her out of the kitchen. "I think it's time you got some air, sweetheart. C'mon, the balcony should help you chill out." That was Megumi, little bit of a sexual predator. She wasn't arguing about the closeness either way.
"I didn't do anything wrong." Megumi complained as she was pushed out the kitchen and out to the balcony. Not before she grabbed that bottle of rum though. "Come on, Mel. I was just trying to bond with my new son!"
"Uh huh," Mel repeated dryly, plucking the bottle out of her hands as she slid the glass door shut. The air was cool, but Megumi was hot in all kinds of ways. "You can't drink this issue away, Megumi. Stop it, this isn't good for you."
"I...know." Megumi frowned as she glanced at the bottle in her hand. "But for tonight...I need to be strong for Mei. It's the only thing I can do to numb my pain in order to help her get through hers."
Mel sat the bottle down with a heavy sigh. "...You're probably going to smack be for this," she admitted, but at this point? She was getting tired of seeing Megumi drink her worries away. She needed reality. So, she slid forward, hands on Megumi's jawline before pulling her in and kissing her, firmly. She still mattered, she was still loved...she just needed a tiny little reminder.
Megumi was caught off guard by that...but that didn't stop her from moving her hand through Mel's hair and taking a firm grasp while her tongue snaked into her mouth not even a second after their lips met. Her feelings for Mel flared up, and she felt nothing but passion at that moment. Passion...she truly missed. Passion she hadn't gotten from her husband in long had it been since they last kissed? It was just as good as she remembered...the taste of her mouth was heavenly and Goddamn was she ever warm! She always liked Mel's was always so comforting in comparison to her icy exterior. She always felt cold and numb...and she didn't mind the feeling. She got used to it. But feeling Mel's was just amazing.
Mel pulled away after a moment, letting out a heavy breath. "...Okay, maybe you won't..." she grinned eagerly, tongue flicking over her lips. "Jesus, trying to choke me on your tongue?"
"Don't act like you don't like it." Megumi said with a grin before she sighed heavily and licked her lips. "I haven't kissed you in so long, couldn't control myself. I'd ask you why you did that, but I already know why. Not even three hours and you want to steal me away from Alaric, right? Not that he wants me anymore, anyway..."
"Don't be stupid, Megumi," Mel said dryly. "I want you to remember that people love you, not just me, your daughter...she needs her mother. Alaric is not your world, you know that." she said firmly. "Look, I'm sorry it didn't work out...and I admit, I'm the last person to give you a neutral opinion about this...but that?" Mel said, motioning offhand to Mei sitting on the couch, smiling...laughing with Jana and Eva over something stupid or another.

"That was bullshit, Alaric had no right to do that. I know that girl I grew up with is still in there, the one that knew this city inside and out. Komoku is just like we were at his age. That's why you like him so much, isn't it?"
Megumi blinked, her eyes lowering just a little before glancing over at her daughter. "..I never thought about it until now, but...yes. He's so loyal to Mei...and he's still honest even if his words can get him into trouble. I really like that about him. Seeing him stand up to Alaric..well I just wanted to stand up to him as well. I don't think I would have left tonight if Komoku hadn't stood up to him." She would have just went up to Mei's room and tried her best to comfort her before she left...then try to talk to Alaric after he calmed down. That was always the way she handled conflicts in her family, she never just walked away until now.
"I still don't know what you saw in that idiot," Mel muttered, arms resting on the railing as she glanced out into Central. "I really don't, he beat you in a fight and that was it. Stability." Old wounds never healed right. "So I had to see you repress everything into a little corner and be a housewife. You know how painful that was?"
"I'm sorry, okay?!" Megumi suddenly shouted before she sat down on the patio chair and let her head fall into her hands as she fought back the tears. "You're never going to see what I did in him, okay? I know I hurt you, but I can't regret it Mel. I can't regret what I did, if I stayed with you Mei wouldn't daughter is my entire world." The thought of not having her killed Megumi inside. She took heavy breaths to help her calm down. She couldn't help it...she was tired of hearing the same thing over and over. There were just some things that were better left unsaid. At the end of the day, Megumi was still a rich girl and she chose to have a future with a rich guy who could give her anything she wanted. At eighteen that was all she cared about.

She was just as horrible as the rest of them.
"I know you're sorry," Mel said, elbow resting on the railing as she propped her face up to glance at her. "But you beat yourself up over it more than I do, Megumi. Look," she sighed. "This isn't about Mei, alright? Mei's a great kid, I helped you babysit her. That wasn't my problem. Seeing that girl light your eyes up was good for me as it was for you, because I knew that meant you'd be happier. But Alaric? I don't get it." she said honestly. "I never have. Whatever you did to him must have lasted about as long as he became a doctor, because I never saw you look that happy after that. I left because you wanted to do that, and I didn't want to see you be miserable."
"Mel, I was eighteen years old. I was about to be kicked out of a lifestyle I enjoyed because I turned down all the suitors that my parents tried to attach to me. For all the talk that I did back then, I didn't want to...I didn't want to not have money. I didn't want to work for a living. I just wanted someone to take care of me while I continued to do what I wanted to do. It could have been anyone with a good amount of money...all they had to do was beat me and charm me a little. I threw away our relationship because I wanted more. I'm so sorry. I was a really selfish cunt." It might have been in the past, but she felt guilty for it every day that Mel wasn't there. She knew that she was the reason she left.
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