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School Rumble (Broom and I)

"I was more amused by Eva trying to stop herself from drooling over the smell of your cooking." Mei muttered in a bemused tone, though she smiled a little. She liked this...she liked being around people who really cared about her and just..having fun. Even if the people she cared about were so perverted...

"I haven't eaten in hours and I get cranky when I'm hungry." Eva told Mei pulling her boots off the coffee table and getting up with a grin. "So hurry up and set the table before I burn this place to the ground."
"Good luck with that," Komoku said dryly. "I'd love to see you try, except you can't." he said, sitting down the rice.

"She wouldn't," Jana teased. "She likes my bed too much, isn't that right, pooky?" she said, throwing her arms around Eva to dramatically nuzzle into her face.
"Mmmn, true. But I can always just move you into my bedroom and steal you away for myself while this place burns to ashes." Eva told her as she kissed her cheek. She then glanced over at Mei who didn't seem very amused. "Awww come on, it was a joke!"

"You have a violent sense of humor." Mei muttered as she set down the cutlery.
"It grows on you," Jana smirked, giving Eva a sharp nudge on her ribs to play nice. "After a while, anyway. Besides, she's being romantic."

"Ah, young love," Komoku sighed sagely, sitting down the pot of tea to pour Megumi a cup first, then Mei, then Jana, then Eva...and of course, Mel. Who was still out on the balcony. "They grow up so fast, you know? Brings a tear to my eye."
"There's nothing more romantic than the flames of intense passion," Eva began as she rubbed her side a little. She was playing nice, what did she do wrong? Oh well...some people just couldn't handle her sense of humor! "...and anyways, Jana is the oldest one here. Well...other than the super moms. Don't let being a father make you go senile too soon, Komoku."

Megumi glanced at Mel who was still outside on the balcony and sighed, getting up after a moment. She moved over to the sliding glass doors and opened it. "Dinners ready, Mel." She called out. What was she so bummed out about anyway? It's not like Megumi was mad or upset with her...just frustrated.
"Yeah, sure," Mel said, taking another swig of the rum before turning to face her. She always could hold her drinks in a thousand times better than Megumi ever could. "Smells great, that kid's a wizard in the kitchen," she smiled, moving inside.

"Too late," Komoku sighed heavily. "I already feel the urges of my life slipping away as I embrace the horrible reality of fatherhood."

"You're a weirdo," Jana stated obviously. "C'mon, you're not the least bit nervous about being a Dad?"

"Nah," Komoku grinned, sitting down. "Why, should I?"

"It's kind of a big deal, you know." Jana replied dryly.

"Sure," Komoku shrugged. "So is dating the Commander of the DC, and blowing up a building, and raising my sister by myself, know, lots of other things that people tell me are a big deal, why should I think this one is much different?" But he was nervous, a little...what kind of Dad would he be? What kind of Dad should he be? He didn't even know what his Dad was like.
"So he's already got the raising part down, the only thing he has to be nervous about is how difficult the kids going to be when they go through their teenage years." Eva pointed out as Megumi and Mel sat at the table.

"Well, I'm nervous." Mei admitted as she started pouring the refreshments for everyone. "It's our first child...I have a lot to learn. And Komoku and I may have different parenting views, so it might cause arguments later on. Then I have to decide between breast feeding or formula, plastic diapers or cloth's a lot." She had obviously been doing some research.

"You'll both be fine. It's okay to be nervous or not know what to do initially, but that all comes with time. Oh, and you and Komoku will get into arguments about what's best for the child, all good parents do eventually." Megumi smiled at her as Mei finally sat down and joined them.
"You're worrying way too much about that stuff," Mel agreed, sitting down with a sigh. "Do yourself a favor and breastfeed, and if you like cleaning shit out of diapers, knock yourself out."

"Bah," Komoku said, waving it off. "It'll be fine, Mei. Don't worry, I got this."

"So confident," Jana grinned. "I wonder if it'll stay that way when you see the little bundle."

"Nope," Mel smirked. "Megumi practically had an anxiety attack when she had Mei, all of her little plans shattered like glass until she calmed down."
"Pretty much, but I got the hang of it. It's instincts mostly. Your maternal instincts will kick in. And you'll both be fine. But it's not going to feel like that for the first couple weeks. Oh, I hope you both can run on a few hours of sleep. Mei would NEVER let me sleep when she was younger." Megumi started to pass the rice bowl over after she got hers. "The only way she could sleep was when she was next to me...she didn't like being alone in the I had to move her crib in our bedroom."
"Eh," Komoku shrugged. "I got her pregnant, so I'll deal with it."

"I'm surprised this is the first time," Jana said, tapping Eva's foot so she didn't put her elbows on the table like some neandertha-...ugh, Mei was rubbing off on her in all the ways she used to make fun of her for! "The way you guys go at it,"

"What can I say?" Komoku sniffed. "I'm a fertile guy, I just had to find the right time!"
"Meaning, he had to wait until I was late taking my birth control and didn't have access to it for a few days." The lack of sleep didn't worry her really, she remembered not being able to sleep the first few weeks that she and Jana lived together, or whenever she had a new roommate. She could still function but...well it was lonely to stay up all night. She didn't mind if she was up with the baby.

Eva had good table manners, she just had to be reminded of them. Ugh, sometimes Jana acted too much like her brother did. If she wanted to be a proper lady, she'd dress and act like one. She liked her bad manners. Still...she was strangely obedient to Jana and actually listened to her because..she was worth it.
"I trapped her," Komoku smirked. "What can I say? Mei pregnant is a button of mine."

"Guess you're going to have more than one grandkid," Mel smirked, nudging Megumi.
"That's perfectly fine with me." Megumi was beaming, she always wanted more kids anyway herself. But now she could just steal them from her daughter!

Mei blushed slightly as she started eating her food. She wasn't sure how she'd feel about another baby after this one but...why not?
"Oh boy," Jana sighed, digging into her food with a grin. "Guess we better start babyproofing this place, huh?"

"And when are you two going to live together, anyway?" Mel said idly.
"I never really thought about it..." Mei said as she watched Eva eat..rather barbarically. She wasn't listening to anything anymore, just focused on eating it seemed. "I guess..whenever Komoku wants to live with me. He's here every other I don't think it would be all that big of a change."

"He should do it soon, that way he can keep an eye on you when you go through the later stages of pregnancy. Jana's going to be busy with DC when you have to go on maternity leave." Megumi said as she broke her chopsticks.

"Maternity leave..? I wasn't planning to take that until after I had the baby." All she had to do was office work after all.
"Megumi," Mel said, siding with Mei with a sigh. "She's going to be an office all day, the worst she'll have is the ride into the taxi.

"And I can help her with that," Jana grinned. "It'll be okay, Megumi. She'll have plenty of rest. Besides, Komoku is definitely moving in."

"I am?" Komoku said, brow raised. "I mean...I'm cool with it and everything..."
"Good...I can't sleep very well without you anyway." Mei told him with a smile. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't excited for that. It was just another step in their relationship.

"You know, any work environment is stressful. But whatever Mei wants to long as she and the baby are healthy, then I'm okay with it." Megumi still wanted to spoil and protect her, but Mel was right..she needed to let her go now that she was going to be a mother herself.

"More rice, please." Eva muttered as she stuck her hand out for the rice bowl.
Komoku inched the bowl towards her with an arch of her brow. "...Do you eat food normally, or just when someone cooks it for you?"
"Not eating like every meal is your only one you've had in months?" Komoku said dryly.

"She's just a healthy eater," Jana teased. "She's very active, actually...that's why she's in such good shape, especially since she stopped smoking."
"I was in good shape when I was smoking. And to keep a good fire going, you need lots of nourishment." Eva grumbled as she went back to eating. Pfft, just because she didn't like to talk when she ate....

"You're obsessed." Mei commented as she sipped on her cup of tea.

"No, she's right. You need to eat more, Mei. Which means no more skipping meals, and no more nit picking with your food. I'm going to buy you some prenatal vitamins tomorrow." Megumi wouldn't stop doting over Mei no matter how old she got.
"Well, I don't know about the vitamins," Mel said dryly. "But you can't skip meals when you're pregnant, or you're going to regret it when that baby pops out."

"S'what I'm here for," Komoku sniffed. "Maybe now she'll actually eat when I tell her to, instead of acting like she's too good for food like the peasants around her."
"It's not that. I eat when I'm hungry, that's all. But I guess now I am eating for I'll change that." Mei started to made things easier when Komoku cooked for her. She liked his food, after all. But he couldn't cook all of her meals...which was why she normally skipped lunch.

"Good." Megumi said in a sort of absolute tone. She was still buying those vitamins, though.
"So where's the part that I get to see a bunch of women on women action?" Komoku sighed dramatically. "I was promised that!"

"No you weren't," Jana smirked. "That was never promised, besides...don't you know men get what they earn and not what they think they deserve?"
"Just hang outside of Jana's room tonight, and if you're lucky you'll be able to smell us from underneath the door." Eva smirked before going back to eating.

Mei was going to ignore it...she was just going to ignore this entire conversation.
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