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School Rumble (Broom and I)

"Oh yeah, I heard about that. The little ice kitten and her dog? Yeah. One of my guys told me about it." He moved over to the counter and grabbed a bottle of water. "Those Russian mafia fucks took her. Real organized bunch."
"...The Russian mafia?" she muttered. "...Why? What the hell do they care who is running DC?"
"They were hired, sweetheart. By someone with connections, or someone with a lot of money." Joe answered as Eva shifted her eyes away and thought. Yeah, that sounded just about right.
"Right..." Jana sighed, arms crossing. "...And you wouldn't happen to know who that is, would you?"
"Nope. But there's a guy that might. Everybody knows that if you're going to do something really shitty and need a cover up, you can bribe a few dirty cops. If you can afford it anyway." Joe took a sip of his water. "There is definitely a lot of corruption going on in the force."
"...What's his name?" Jana mumbled, eyes narrowed faintly. She couldn't believe it, this scumbag actually knew something useful...
"I don't know which one, but I do have a number. They don't show their faces unless you are a particularly valuable and trustworthy client. I'm neither of those, not that I would ever pay a damn cop to cover my ass." He answered as he took out his phone. "I'll send it to Eva."
Jana relaxed a little at that, nodding. "...Thanks," she muttered, feeling the bile crawl up her throat just saying that. "...I guess I owe you one, Joe."
"No you don't. You should be careful who you say that to, girl." Had he not silently agreed to leave her alone, he would have took advantage of that.

"You're too old for her anyway, creep. I'll take you to dinner to pay off her debt." Eva told him with a grin. Joe always knew more than he should, she had to wonder about that.
"And you shouldn't be such a douchebag of a father, but we can't have everything we want, now can we?" Jana grumbled. "Take the goddamned compliment, you creepy bastard. I'm reaching here, alright?"
"Oh, that's why you don't like me, huh? I didn't do anything that miserable shit stain didn't want me to do. Look, sweet cakes, that kid is a loser and always will be. No sense in getting your panties in a wad over trash like that." Joe casually responded with a lazy smirk.

"Father of the year, over here." Eva rolled her eyes and then gave him a glare. "Don't talk about your kid like that. You know I hate deadbeat dads."

"Which is why I don't bring him up around you, Eva. If only you were my daughter...ah well." He sighed and then went back to the truck.
Jana nodded faintly, slipping her phone out. "C'mon, Eva...let's get out of here." She had to let Damien know...maybe it'd help something, somehow...
"Right. Later, Joe." Eva turned on the radio again before walking out with Jana. She gave her a smile. "See? The worst scum always has the best answers when it comes to things like this."
"Yeah," Jana murmured, her expression thoughtful as she grabbed Eva's hand. "Hey, let's get a taxi, okay?"

She...didn't honestly know how to express what this meant to her, but she'd try.
Eva looked down at her hand and gave her a smile. "Sure. What's up, girl? Getting sweet on me 'cause I knew the right scumbag to ask? That's cute."
"No," Jana murmured. "I'm getting sweet on you because you're helping me save the first person I considered a real friend," she said, tightening her fingers. "And...well," Jana sighed. "There's a lot of complicated things to what I'm going to do,'s the only way I really know how things." she mumbled. "...I want to fuck you, Eve. Really badly."
Eva's eyebrows raised at that in pleasant surprise at her confession. "Well I wouldn't be against that. It's almost as good as having a good fight with you. Or better, depending." She gave her a challenging grin.
"Well," she grinned in return. "Maybe...we'll find out." She was really doing this, wasn't she? "...Seriously, Eva," she mumbled, leaning against her to nuzzle into her neck. "Thank you...Mei is...she is everything to me."
"You in love with her?" Eva asked curiously as she rested her cheek against the top of her head, looping her arm around her waist again. "Just wondering. The way you act around her...I don't know how to explain it. I can just feel how much you care about her."
"Probably," Jana admitted. "To be honest, I don't think about it much...but I wouldn't be surprised." Guess it ran in the family or something...
Eva was quiet for a moment before sighing heavily. Fuck her mother. This was fucked up, and she was out. No, she was more than out. She was going to tell Aiden about this, he'd know what to do. But what about her? Maybe she'd tell her later...after Mei was safe. It would be...complicated if she did anything drastic. No, she had to take care of this herself. "We'll save Mei, Jana. So don't worry anymore, okay? I promise."
"I know," Jana murmured, arms around her neck. "...Thanks, Eva. I hope sex is a good way to thank you for helping me save my best friend, there's not like I can do a lot until we figure out where to go from here."
"It's a good way. It's been a while since I've been with a girl. I'm picky when it comes to who I sleep with." Eva pressed her lips against her forehead and then pulled out her phone. "Want me to call the taxi?"
"Sure," Jana smiled faintly. "We'll go to my place, alright?" Well, at least someone appreciated it...and seemed to be genuine about it too.
The taxi didn't take long to show up, and Eva slipped into the back seat with Jana. She casually slipped her arm around her shoulders and brought her close before looking out the window. Ugh, she really did feel guilty for what her mom did.
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