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School Rumble (Broom and I)

"I can say the same to you..." Megumi purred as she rested her head against her breasts. Best part of their heights in her opinion. "Come on Mel...I'm going to need all the sleep I can get for tomorrow." They could snuggle more in the bed together...she was proud of herself, and Mel for not pushing it.
"Right," Mel smiled, leading her back to the bed. She tried not to think about the trickle of arousal that slid down her leg, because right now? She was on cloud nine, curled up in her bed with Megumi, hands wrapped around her and face nuzzled against her hair. It was perfect...she wasn't going to do anything to ruin that.

...Except probably swallow three of her fingers in her pussy tomorrow, just to take the edge off.
Work was a mess thanks to that little kidnapping deal. Fucking with the reports was a really risky job...but he managed to do it. And the risk was worth it thanks to the amount of money this client was giving him. She was a real peach, Griffin always found women like her extremely sexy. Mei Wolfe was in the way, so she had to be least temporarily. She was lucky she was just a kid, some people just couldn't kill children and have that on their conscious. It was a real gray area for Griffin..he would do what he had to do. But luckily his only job was to throw off Sharp and any other investigator, which was easy enough.

Their meeting place was where you'd least expect such a high class woman going to. A bar. In Red, of all places. Well, it was in the less poor least. He came in and had a seat at their usual place, ordering himself a drink. She was a busy woman, so she was always late...
"Do you always order without the woman present?" A sultry, silky voice said when she finally sat down. Mina Kishi...pale, alabaster skin with tousled black hair and sharp green eyes. Every inch of her was sensual, sexy...her clothes hugged her form like a second skin, and she seemed to carry herself with the allure of a succubus, crossing her legs as she let her heeled foot gently sway. "Seems a bit rude, don't you think?" she said, her lips pulling back into a smirk. Yes, she had to dirty her hands...but it was an unfortunate evil. When she heard that her husband had died tragically to a bunch of manipulating children, she found it appalling that more children were allowed to lead.

So, certain steps had to be taken for the Council to see her side of things...
"I'm a very rude man, Mrs. Kishi..." Griffin grinned, his perverted eyes making sure to take in every inch of her voluptuous form before she sat down. "Manners don't concern me, but if you'd like I could order you a drink." He had the money for it, as much as she was paying him.
"Sure," she smiled. "Whiskey, straight." she said, crossing one leg over the other as she leaned back. " did it go? Everything squared away?"
"Pretty much." Griffin answered before ordering her drink. He waited...until she got it before he continued. "Ceasar Sharp is a good detective..if there are clues he can follow. Any clues that those idiots left behind have been wiped away. Next time when you hire a bunch of thugs, tell them to send their best for a job like this. The witnesses complicated things a little, but it should be okay."
"Mm," she mused, swirling her cup a moment in thought. "They needed help with a girl? I know she is impressive, but still..."
"The other complication...her little boyfriend. From what I saw, he gave them quite the run for their money. He also attracted the witnesses with his little explosions. Another mistake on their parts for not doing their research." Griffin tapped his fingers on the table a little bit in annoyance. "They took him with them, in order to get Mei to go along quietly...after all the fuss."
"I see," she said, eyes narrowing. "...Komoku Rokujo, isn't it?" she muttered. The bastard who started all of this...
"My condolences. But yes, you are correct..." He said with an apathetic tone. "Seems he volunteered to go just to make sure no one would touch her. Children these days...they have no common sense." Reminded him of his worthless son, quite the bleeding heart...
"How very protective of him," she said dryly. "Typical, a murderer and a thief getting together...has there been any problems?"
"Not really..just your typical teenager problems. They won't stop fucking each other, but what do you expect? They are at that age..." He responded as he finished the rest of his drink.
She snorted in disgust, taking a sip of her drink. "Well, I suppose if that keeps her quiet...then the boy can live a little longer." she muttered. "At least until I get what I want..."
"You're going to kill him?" Not that he cared, it was just a little interesting to know what was going through her head. More work for him, covering up murders was his specialty. "What are you going to do with Mei then?"
"...We'll see," she muttered. "It just depends on how the Council wants to play ball. My children should be learning a few things by now, at any rate."
"It's really hard to believe a woman as beautiful as you mothered two children." Griffin said with a sly grin, his red eyes staring into hers. It was getting a little too tense..he wanted to have a little fun. Or try to. Mostly try to have a little fun. A man could dream, Mina was of the highest pedigree of women in Turuga and him? He was just a filthy commoner compared to her. That didn't mean he would stop undressing her with his eyes though.
"It's hard to believe a rat managed to crawl in someone long enough to make two children," she replied in turn, sitting her glass down. "But I suppose a wounded animal can still get pregnant, hm?" Disgusting creature, whatever he thought, he wasn't getting it.
"I deserved that..." Griffin began with a shrug, letting his drink get refilled before he continued on. "The mother of my children was a fine one, hard to find women like her in the gutter, you know? She left me eventually, couldn't stand the things that I did. Though she still left her children woman."
"Smarter for leaving you," Mina sneered. "Just do your job, I'm not here to deal with your pitiful pick-up lines. Keep it quiet and you'll get paid triple, understand? I need as much time as possible."
"Okay, okay. Keep playing hard to get though. Gets me hard..." Triple the money got him hard too. That was a lot...enough to put his girl to college twice over.
"Much harder and it will break," she said, rising up. "Are we done here? I have more important things to do than hear you pant like a dog."
"I guess so. If you ever want a drink, doll know where to find me." He winked at her. He spent most days after work here.
"Somewhere else," Mina muttered in disgust, sauntering out of the restaurant. What a pig, but he got results...hopefully her children had done something worthwhile as well. She dialed up her daughter as her driver opened the door and she slid inside, pressing it against her shoulder.
Eva looked down at her cellphone and sighed. She really didn't want to answer it...she really, really didn't want to answer it. But if she didn't, she'd never hear the end of it later. Damn, couldn't she just enjoy dinner alone in peace? She answered the call and put the phone up to her ear, reluctantly. "Yeah?" Not smoking cigarettes was fucking hard, especially when she had to deal with stressful things like her mother.
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