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School Rumble (Broom and I)

Alaric glared at Mel for a moment. She had always been so cold to him, and usually he just ignored it. For a while he never understood, but eventually he came to the conclusion that she would never forgive him for taking away Megumi. "Just be careful. That's all I want." He grumbled. Megumi felt bad about lashing out at him...she knew that he was just worried about Mei too.

"We will. I'll call you if there's anything we need." She told him before turning her back and heading out the door.
"Ass," Mel muttered, turning to leave with Megumi. Glad she finally got to vent at him for once, phew...that felt great. He needed to fuck up more often!
"He's just worried about Mei." Megumi mumbled as she walked over to Mel's bike. Well, that was partially true. He had gotten a little possessive over the years, she pissed him off when she told him no.
"Among other things," Mel said flatly, moving to slide on her bike. "He knows better than that, Megumi," she muttered. "Because if he doesn't, I'll make sure he remembers."
Megumi slid behind her, wrapping her arms around her toned stomach. "He does know better..." She murmured as she rested her cheek against Mel's back. "Let's just go. I want to find her." She wasn't really in the mood...she hated being in the middle of those two. Alaric felt like Mel was bad influence...Mel thought Alaric had brainwashed her or something..ugh. She just didn't want to deal with it as much as she loved both of them.
"...Yeah," Mel mumbled, starting the motorcycle up. She wanted to apologize, except she wasn't sorry. She never liked Alaric and that was that. It had been a long time, though...especially since she had seen Megumi draw her blade. The training with her daughter really seemed to bring back the fire in her eyes, and while she may had been a bit rusty...a lot of the adults remembered her when she was a brutal little teenager kicking their asses up and down the street. But for the most part, nobody really knew. They knew only what was already told...which likely meant whoever did this was an outsider, or not part of the little ring of Council gangs under Shizuka's control. That was good news in one sense, but bad in another.

"...You want me to take you back home, Meg?" Mel asked when they headed out of yet another little dive of a place. It was getting late...
"Not yet..." Megumi was disappointed...she hadn't gotten anywhere. Nobody knew anything...and there weren't many other places they could look. She sighed and looked Mel in the eyes. "I need a drink...Let's just...drink, okay?" That would be the only way she could relax. Every minute her daughter was gone could be another minute of torture.
"...Yeah, sure," Mel murmured. "...Your girl's a strong kid, Meg...she's got Komoku with her too, I bet. I think they're going to be okay." she assured, sitting on her bike. "...Let's go to my place, okay?"
"Alright..." She could only hope that Komoku was with her. If she could have just that one comfort..then maybe she'd be okay until they could find her. She got behind Mel, once again looping her arms around her waist.
Mel made it to her place with all due haste, it was kind of a sharp contrast from Megumi's little life of luxury...but Mel was honest with herself, she didn't like big houses...she liked homey places that she could sort of smell the people that lived there, for whatever it meant.
It had been a little while since she had been over at Mel's, since before Justin moved out. Though Megumi liked being here, it was like her home away from home now. She immediately sat down and sighed heavily. "Thank you, Mel. For helping me look for her. Can we do it again tomorrow?" Somehow it kind of felt like old times, and she liked that. It was some sense of comfort in all this at least.
"Sure, Meg," Mel smiled faintly, shedding out of her jacket and boots. "Make yourself comfortable, okay? I'll get the whiskey." Comfortable for them was naked and half drunk, but it wasn't like those old times, was it? Ah well...a woman could still dream.
By the time Mel came back, Megumi had done just that. She had stripped down to her underwear..just because she knew how she got when she was drunk. She'd strip regardless. She was much shapelier than she used to be, but she was still tight and tone in all the right places. She kept herself in shape at the very least even if she wasn't as good as she was before. She looked up at Mel when she came in, and she just looked so lost and upset. Megumi was usually always smiles, but she felt like someone had stolen her happiness. Mei was everything to her, and now she was gone...
Mel regarded her at that, taking one of the glasses to pour her a cup. "...C'mon, let's do this the old fashioned way, sweetheart." She had never seen her so damned miserable before, and given what they had done in the past, that was a hard thing to sell. She decided to strip down herself, while Mel didn't have nearly as much curve, her tone and shape was athletic, but her breasts had gotten a bit heavier. She felt like she was skirting a line...but after a few glasses of whiskey, it wouldn't matter. She settled on the couch, offering her arms open.
When Mel turned to sit down, Megumi's glass was already empty. She sat down with her, and it was clear that their nudity wasn't the least bit off putting as it should have been for a married woman. But the problem was her mood. It was clear that she was upset, so she couldn't even enjoy it. "Mel...I know I can't always protect Mei...but when this kind of things happens, I just can't help but blame myself."
"Hey, she got taken by a bunch of guys that are way out of your control to handle, sweetie." Mel murmured. "There's not a lot of kids than can handle adults out there, you know? She's got an important position, she's fine...she's a fighter like you are."
"She is.." Megumi smiled a little before going to refill her glass. "She is a fighter, but even so...I don't want her going through any more than she has to. Things were starting to go really well for her, and now...well who knows what she's going through now. I really hope Komoku is with her..and keeping her safe." Megumi sighed before taking another long gulp of her drink.
"I doubt we'd see Komoku alive if she wasn't," Mel grinned a little. "That boy is stuck on her, I hope Jana finds someone like that..." she mused.
"She'll probably be a girl. Komoku is a rarity, hard to find men like that. I hope they're both okay.." She sighed and then leaned against her chest. "I forgot how nice these felt..."
"...What, my breasts?" Mel grinned in amusement, glancing down at her. "You always did like nuzzling." she teased.
"Especially when you put your fingers through my hair. That was the best." Megumi said, smiling a little. She was glad Mel was there for her...she could only imagine how she'd be taking this if she wasn't.
"Was?" Mel said casually, fingers roaming through her silk locks. "I like to think I'm still very cuddle friendly," she grinned. "And you have the bigger breasts, how's that fair?"
She leaned into her hand, feeling herself calm down a little before she chuckled a bit. "Hey, these came with being a mother. And they completely throw my balance off when I fight now. Don't talk about what's fair and what isn't." Megumi gave her a smirk before working on her third glass of whiskey.
"Don't be so dramatic," she said with a smirk. "You just haven't actually went through your paces since you became a mama, your tits have nothing to do with that." Well, Megumi still was a very liberal drinker...
"Is that what it is?" Megumi asked, feeling her cheeks burning a little as she looked up at Mel. "I don't know...I don't think I'll ever be as good as I used to's been too long."
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