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School Rumble (Broom and I)

Mei got out with Komoku, her eyes scanning the port. More men..scarier looking men. She tried to put on a brave face and ignore them..but she kept herself very close to her boyfriend. She turned to the man in sunglasses and narrowed her eyes. "Where are you taking us? What do you want?"
"None of your concern," he said idly, stepping out as Komoku moved out with Mei. "You just honor our part of the deal, kid."

"Uh huh," Komoku muttered. Fucking prick... "So what, we're hostages?"

"Eh, kind of, sort of," he said, head tilting a little. "Don't worry about it, let's get you somewhere safe, hm?" he said. "Oh, we're going to have to strip both of you down...can't be too careful with kids, you know?"
"Excuse me?" Mei hissed with an angry, exasperated expression replacing the fearful one moments before. It didn't matter that he was asking both of them to do it. Mei refused, she wouldn't..she would never get naked in front of strange men. "What could we possibly do with our clothes?!"
"I don't make the rules, alright? That's just what I was told," he sighed. "God, you're naggy...look, kid. I ain't doing this to get my rocks off, you got your little boyfriend here, so it's not like everyone is real excited about the orders. But I don't bend what I'm paid to do, got it?" He had a guess, defense and safety...probably why the room was built to be uncomfortably humid...make it much harder for her to focus.
"No. I refuse." Mei simply responded as she folded her arms. "You can't expect me to go along with that. I don't care if my boyfriend is here or not...I'm not stripping off my clothes. In fact, I'm not doing anything until you tell me why you brought me here." It seemed like anger trumped fear, at least for now. She really was unhappy about what he asked her to do.
"Oh really?" he replied casually, taking a step forward with a faint sigh. "See, you're going to make me do it, aren't you? I told you I don't like hurting little kids, but orders are orders."

"Hey-" Komoku frowned, taking a step forward. He didn't see the fist, nor did he actually register that he had been hit until the wind escaped his lungs as he glanced down at the fist situated firmly in his gut. See, he knew this game...right? Komoku was just some hard ass kid that a lot of people feared, for good reason. But he seemed like a bit of a pussy around Mei, and Mei was a kitten with teeth. So...he figured, take out the big boy...maybe the kitten will behave. Komoku gagged in surprise, staggering back as he clutched his stomach.

W...What the hell!?
Mei didn't see the punch coming either, not until Komoku was already staggering back and clutching his stomach. "Komoku!" She cried out before stepping between the man and Komoku. "Stop it! He didn't do anything!"
"Now, I said to come along." The man said dryly. "And I said that nobody'd get hurt...and here you are, coming along...but causin' problems...I don't like being made a liar, girl. I don't know the answers to your questions, not my job to know. All I know is that I was told to put you in the room you're going into in a very specific way, I already broke one rule by lettin' your little boy toy here come along...but I can fix that real easy if you don't do as I fucking say."
His threat scared her her...a lot. She knew that he meant it too..just by the tone of his voice. "...F-fine. I'll do what you want. Just don't fucking hurt him anymore!" She growled as she turned her back on him and looked at Komoku as she tried to keep herself together, as he asked. It was hard...she never felt this kind of fear before. "Are you okay..?"
"Yeah...fine," he muttered, spitting out blood. "I've been hit by worse, Mei."

Ugh...he felt like shit, he couldn't do anything. He was just...he was useless. The guy was strong, that would be a problem...but not an impossible one.

"You too, boytoy," the man said faintly. "Both of you, out of your clothes, now."
Mei just glared back at him before bit her lip. She didn't want to do this, but it was too late. They couldn't fight this guy, they couldn't even follow his movements! Plus there were a lot of other people around...more people in suits. Ugh, she really...really didn't want to do this, but what choice did she have?

Reluctantly, she started taking off her clothes. It was painful...she didn't want to. She hated it...but she kept the defiant glare on her face even as she unhooked her bra and pulled down her panties. It wasn't long before she was fully naked..and she felt humiliated. She wanted to lash out, if it was just her she would have...but she didn't want Komoku to get hurt.
"Finally," he muttered as Komoku slid out of his clothes too. Well, some good news...the lead creep didn't seem to eyeball her like the ones around her, but he fixed that by slipping closer protectively. "Follow me, if you run, I dunk your little boyfriend into the water until the bubbles stop, understand?"
"Stop threatening him! I said I'd do what you want, okay?" Mei began to walk, trying to ignore whatever stares she was getting. Having no clothes just made her anxiety even worse, but she kept her head up high and walked closely with Komoku. He was a bruised up mess, she wouldn't let him get hurt anymore because of her.
"Glad you finally get it," he said, leading them into a warehouse, and towards a particular room. When he opened the door, it was humid...really humid.

"Get in," he said.

"...The hell is this?" Komoku mumbled, hands on Mei's shoulders protectively.

"Your cell," he smirked. "In, now."
Mei's eyebrows furrowed as she felt the humidity, but she didn't say anything. She only entered the room, and for a minute she was almost glad she wasn't wearing clothes. She could feel the moisture everywhere..and it was hot. She knew why they did this. "...How long are you going to keep us in here?" Mei asked despite not expecting an actual answer. Her voice was less demanding now...and more uncertain. She just wanted to know what was going on..what would happen.
"Until I stop getting paid," he said as Komoku glanced around. Lovely, a bed, a sink...and a toilet. Every amenity. "Don't worry, I still need to feed you two brats."
Mei narrowed her eyes. He was getting paid to keep them locked up? "..What are they paying you?" Maybe she could bribe him to let them go. It was her only option at this point.
"Enough," he said, shutting the door on them. "Enjoy your little vacation, lovebirds."

"Well," Komoku sighed, sitting down on the mattress. "...This is a new one on me..."
"It's really hot..." Mei muttered as she stood there, staring at the door. Cold never bothered her as much as she enjoyed using it as an excuse to keep her clothes on. But..this type of heat was just making her tired. "The only enemy that I have right now, that I'm aware of is the Kishi's...they would have the money to do this."
Komoku moved up behind her, arms around her waist to nuzzle into her neck. "Hey." he said. "Come sit with me, alright?" She was tense as hell. "Everything is going to be fine, Mei. Trust me."
She was silent for a moment before turning around and then hugging him tightly. She did trust him...and his words did make her feel a little better. But still...she was uneasy. "Okay..." She muttered as she turned to the bed. Even when she sat down, she couldn't relax. With Blake out, she was worried about Jana...she was worried about everyone. Her and Komoku were a big part of their defenses, what if people started acting up knowing that they were missing? "I still can't believe someone would go this far.."
"Welcome to Turuga," Komoku said, sitting down next to her. "Where someone always does the thing you don't expect," he grinned. "Suppose if we're here long, we could do the Polynesian thing." she needed to relax, seriously relax. He had never seen her so tense. She was going to give herself a minor stroke if she kept it up.
"The...what thing?" Mei asked as she narrowed her eyes a little. Yeah, it was Turuga..but kidnapping? She just wanted to know who and why. "Komoku, this is serious..we can't just fight our way out of this one. What if they decide one day that they don't need us anymore? What if they stop getting paid and then kill us to keep us quiet?"
"Mei, it being serious doesn't detract from the fact that we can't do anything about any of those situations right now," he said easily. "Look, I'm scared too...but us being scared isn't going to make us good to go if we get an opening, alright?" he said, rubbing her shoulder. "We can't sit here wondering what if, we have to be patient and wait. Besides, Jana's gonna be on this like a hawk...I imagine our little kidnapping didn't go as quiet as they wanted, either." he said, almost a little smug of himself.

"So relax, okay? Things will be better...and uh..." Komoku said, scratching his chin. "Polynesian thing...slow sex, over a week. Non-stop."
Mei stared at him for a moment before sighing. Of course..Komoku would suggest something like that. But..he was right. If they couldn't get an opening, she'd have to trust the people outside. Jana...her parents...whoever. "I will..try to relax. But the sex aren't actually serious, are you?"
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