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School Rumble (Broom and I)

"Thankfully, your endlessly handsome and immaculately charming boyfriend is here to save the day," he sniffed. "No need to thank me, really..." he said, his ears perking up a little at the sound of the cars moving past., maybe just his imagination...
"Too late, I already thanked you..." Mei slipped away from him for a moment as something caught her eye in the window of a shop. "Komoku, this looks delicious, you should make me a cake like this! Come look!" She said excitedly. Something Mei never really told people was the horrible sweet tooth she had for cakes and much as she preached about eating healthily.
"Always about cake..." Komoku sighed, heading over to admire it. Hm, it did look nice...maybe he should look into that. And yet, if it wasn't for his looking...he never would have saw the reflection of the lights. His brow furrowed a moment, before he heard the roar of an engine and glanced back. He didn't hesitate, he grabbed Mei by the shoulder and shoved her out of the way as soon as the tires hit the sidewalk as he spun around. The front end of the sedan slammed into him and sent him crashing into the store window, the cake exploding behind him as he slammed into the wall, with the sedan right in front of him.

He coughed out blood as he felt his hips groan in pain. What the fuck...?

"Get her! Quick!" The suited, sunglasses men growled, hatchets drawn. "Kill the boy! Get her! Go go!" Another car was out, at least...from what Komoku saw as he glanced down at the hood and sunk his fingers into it. What the fuck...? Who were these people?
Mei cried out when she hit the pavement, but she didn't stay too long after hearing the crash of the window. "K-Komoku!" She scrambled to her feet as she saw the men rushing out of the car. It honestly didn't hit her...she didn't know what was going on. She only rushed over to him, tears streaming down her cheeks as she saw him pinned between the car and the window. Why..why would anyone do this?!
"Mei!" Komoku growled as one of the men grabbed her wrist, twisting it back as the others advanced to grab her. "Get your fucking hands off her!" Komoku snarled, slamming his fists down on the hood as the explosion shattered the engine block and slumped the car down. The driver blinked in surprise as the boy gripped the shattered hood and shoved, giving him enough wiggle room to move out.

"Shit! Go!" One of them hissed, moving to attack him.
"Let go of me!" Mei screamed as a burst of cold left her body. She was hoping to freeze them so she could break free, but she could tell that these were all adults...she wasn't sure if her element would work. That didn't mean she wouldn't try though...Komoku was still trying even though he was hurt. She wouldn't give up! She froze the ground underneath them to make it harder for them while she squirmed out of their grip.
"Ugh!" One of the men growled, fire licking at his feet as Komoku advanced, weaving through a hatchet swing to slam a fist into an adult's face with an explosion of blood...and a literal explosion as he staggered back with a pained gag. They were already trying to cart her off into the next car, four men were doing their best to pull her away.

"Mei!" Komoku growled. "Run! Go!" he said, barely able to avoid a hatchet swing that sliced across his chest. Fuck, these guys were fast! He jerked forward when a foot slammed into his back, blocking a downward swung with his arms as another combustion enhanced knee slammed into a groin.
"I won't...I won't leave you!" Mei cried out, though she was having trouble trying to break free. Their grips were strong, the only thing she could do was kick one of the men in the groin as hard as she could. She then slammed her elbow into the man behind her that held one of her arms behind her back. If only she had her sword...
They stumbled back with pained growls as the wounded ones staggered behind Komoku. "Don't worry about me, RUN!" Komoku grumbled. God, the fucking girl was loyal at the worst times! "They're here for you! Get out of here!" He said, jerking out of the way from a hatchet swing before slamming the man's face into the glass. Fucking hell, they were not giving up!
Mei knew they were after her now..and she didn't know why. She didn't care to know why...she just knew that they were trying to kill Komoku and she couldn't leave him! She slipped through the group of men that were trying to grab her and ran..straight to him. "Get away from him!" She hissed as a thick wall of ice formed between him and the men in suits. She grabbed him by the arm and looked up at him. "We're running together...I won't leave you to die!" She told him as she desperately pulled him along.
"Really...attacking kids with hatchets," Another man said as he stepped in front of them with a sigh, rubbing his neck. "No class, you know? Just trying to exert force...and even worse, they get beat up by one." he mumbled. The man in front of them looked rather plain, a man in a suit, carrying a pair of hook swords. The only real notable thing to say was his fancy, sleek looking sunglasses. "Come on, Mei...don't make this so rough. Just come along quietly and your little boyfriend here won't get hurt."
Only a single man was in front of them...and yet she could tell this one was different. She heard the sound of her ice shattering as the wall came down , and she knew that they were surrounded. Though no one else made a move...why? "I don't trust you...or these filthy barbarians! Get out of the way!" She hissed as she held onto Komoku tighter. She was scared..what did these people want from her?!
"'Fraid I can't do that, look...I don't want to hurt kids," he said easily. "So don't make this difficult, okay?"

"Fuck you," Komoku muttered. "You're not taking her anywhere, you got that?"

"Look, this is a real bad time to be a hero, kid...the big boys are at work here," he frowned. "Last chance, you either give her up nicely, or I take her...and I'd rather you didn't make me take her."
Mei's grip on him became tighter as she felt her heart race. "Komoku.." She was scared...he'd be able to hear it in her voice. She didn't...want to be taken away. She didn't want to go with these strange men...and she could tell that the one who was talking to them now was strong. She didn't know if they'd get out of this, but she wouldn't abandon him...
Komoku grimaced faintly, growling in frustration. He wasn't an idiot, the man in front of him was far more powerful than the idiots around him.

"...Fine," he muttered. "But I go with her. I'm not leaving you alone with her, ever."

He regarded Komoku a moment, then Mei.

"If that means you come along quietly, then fine." he shrugged. "So long as you're done being a little fire starter."
Mei blinked before looking up at him. Was he serious? But..what if they wanted to do something horrible to them? "No...I don't want them to take you too, Komoku. I can't. What if they hurt you even more?" She asked him as he gripped his arm desperately, tears still stinging at her eyes. "We don't know what they want, this is dangerous!"
"Look, I promise. We're not going to hurt either of you if you come along," The man said faintly. "I'm not in this job to hurt kids. But if you don't come along willingly, then this is going to get ugly."

"Mei, it's fine," Komoku murmured, hand on her head. "Trust me, okay? We're going to be fine...I'm not going to let these scumbags touch you." They couldn't get anywhere being aggressive, they were outnumbered...and this guy meant business. "I don't trust your word any more than I trust your idiots with their hatchets...but I don't got a choice, do I?"

"Keep her close, then," he said casually. "They do something, beat the shit out of ' job is her, if you coming along means I get her too, then that works for me."
Mei was quiet for a moment before she sighed, her grip relaxing just a bit on his arm. "Your dirtbags hurt Komoku, you better give him the medical attention he needs, too." She muttered as she glared at the man. That was her agreeing...but she didn't like it one bit. She didn't like that Komoku was in danger, too...but like he said, they didn't have a choice.
"Smart girl," he smirked, as a sedan pulled up. "Get in, both of you." Komoku kept his arm around Mei, leading her into the car. The fuck was this about, anyway?
She got in, though she never let go of Komoku once. She just glared at nothing in particular as she kept close to him. She couldn't stop the shaking in her hands...she was still shocked from when they had run their fucking car into Komoku. She never knew how hurt he was, because he had a pain tolerance that surpassed any normal person. She was worried...
"Hey," Komoku murmured gently, hand over hers. "...I'm okay, sweetheart," he promised. "It was just a car, I've been hit with worse." he promised, keeping her close. She was terrified, for good He knew kids, who the fuck knew about adults?
Mei looked up at him for a moment, feeling tears come to he eyes. She felt bad..she felt bad because she was happy he was here with her. She Even though she had no idea what these people wanted with her. "..Okay. I'm sorry. You got dragged into this because they want me..."
"eh, you know...comes with the territory," Komoku said casually. "Keep it together for me, alright?" Wasn't the first time he dealt with some skeezy adults...wouldn't be the last.
"I'll try.." She said quietly as she rested her head against him. She really was glad he was was...very comforting to her. It was a good thing she wasn't alone, otherwise she probably wouldn't have been able to keep it together.
He stroked her hair gently, his eyes never leaving the sunglasses man in front of them. Komoku didn't ask questions, he didn't care. As long as Mei was okay, he'd figure the rest out eventually. But they drove for a while, and ended up in the ass end of Green. A port? Interesting.

"Get out," The man ordered. "This is our stop."

"...Feh," Komoku muttered. More goons outside, and more dangerous looking than the ones that kidnapped them.
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