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School Rumble (Broom and I)

"Nah, of course not-" Except, his cock was half erect.

"...Maybe," he coughed. "I look pretty tense, an' all...and if all we're doing is sitting around naked in a room, eating and sweating..."
Mei glanced down at his cock before she sighed. "..But I don't have my birth control pills." She muttered, though she had to admit the thought was arousing. Still...what if they heard her? What if they were watching somehow? Ugh..there was no way she could be comfortable enough..
"So?" Komoku grinned easily, his cock was rock solid at the thought as he leaned closer, tongue brushing along her neck. "That's the wrong thing to tell me..." he purred.
"So..? So I might...get pregnant..." Mei was having trouble thinking, and all he did was lick her neck. She hated how easy it was for him to just make her want it when she didn't want to. The worst part was that it wasn't just his tongue that was getting her wet, it was also the thought of him getting her pregnant. Every time they talked about that, she got this way...but now it was for real. She didn't know how long they would be here, the risk was real. Which somehow made it even more arousing to her...ugh. She had problems...

Or maybe she didn't. Maybe she just really loved him and trusted him enough to not be appalled by the idea of having kids.
"Mmhm..." Komoku purred hungrily into her neck as he shifted closer, erect cock mashed against her hip. "So...?"
Mei took a deep breath, feeling her pussy throbbing in reaction to his cock pressing against her. "So...don't complain if you get me pregnant..." She whispered to him, moving her hand to caress his cheek.
"You say that like I don't want you to be pregnant," he smirked, hand slipping along her thigh to part it. "And you say that like I don't want kids with you," he purred, kissing her hungrily. Well, at least it'd keep her calm, right?
When she felt his lips against her, she kissed him back with fever. She let his go wherever it wanted..right now she didn't care. She pulled away and looked into his eyes. She wanted it too..she wanted to have kids with him. Still, she could only bring herself to say three words. "..I love you."
Mei was missing, so was Komoku. That wasn't extremely shocking news given the reports of them being ambushed by a bunch of hatchet wielding nutjobs. It did make for a problematic situation all around, but Mel was more concerned for Megumi...she and her daughter had gotten close again since they started training, and while she would normally take it hard anyway...she imagined this was even worse. She slid off her motorcycle at the Wolfe estate, hand running through her hair as she sat her helmet down. The cops were already here, huh? Well, that was a bit of good news, hopefully...
Megumi wasn't taking it well at all...and talking to the police was hard. She was feeling emotions that she hadn't felt in a long time. Intense anger..hatred. Whoever did this would pay. She sat there quietly while Alaric talked to Detective Sharp about the note they had gotten. It wasn't a ransom, it was simply a message that claimed to be taking their daughter as payment for some sort of injustice. Alaric had made a few enemies in his business it made sense to start with them, didn't it?

She was also really worried about what happened to Komoku..the note said nothing about him. She really hoped that he was okay...
"Megumi," Mel said when she came inside, brow furrowed in concern. "Are you alright? What's going on?" Great, quiet Megumi was angry Megumi...maybe she came at the right time.
Megumi glanced up at Mel and then looked at Alaric, who only nodded at her as if giving her the okay. She simply rose to her feet and then took her hand gently within hers. Even though she looked composed on the outside, she was definitely upset...more than that. She led Mel to the other room so Alaric could deal with the police. Right now, she couldn't. "I don't know what's going on..I don't know who took Mei. I don't really trust the police to find her...I have to look on my own." She was doing her best to stay calm, but to be perfectly honest..she wanted to tear the entirety of Turuga apart to find her daughter.
Mel frowned faintly, fingers brushing across her face. "I know, I heard...the cops don't know anything?" she asked faintly.
"They know a the type car that they were forced into. Though other than that, they don't have any leads..." Mel's touch relaxed her somewhat...but she still couldn't get over it. "Mel...I don't know where to start either. There are a lot of thugs in suits..."
"Yeah, I know..." Mel said, brow furrowed in thought. "...I know a few spots we could look, but I'd find it hard to believe the council would do this if they approve of her leadership. We might have to dig a little deeper."
"Yeah...what bothers me is the note we got. They didn't want money, just her. I don't really understand it, but it's definitely suspicious. Whoever went through all the trouble of hiring thugs to kidnap her must have a good amount of money to not demand a ransom from Alaric..." Megumi ran her fingers through her hair over and over. "I hate this...I just want her back.."
"Then we'll look," Mel promised. "We'll find your babygirl, Megumi. I promise. Jana's already at DC HQ trying to figure out whatever they trust me, people are on it." This wasn't a kid job, though...someone was seriously doing something outside of DC law. This was an adult thing.
Megumi suddenly hugged Mel, resting her head against her chest. "I'm so angry, Mel..." She dug her fingers into the fabric of Mel's shirt and gripped tightly. She didn't even cry, even though she wanted to. She just felt angry..she needed to do something. "I have to go look, we need to go now...I can't deal with the police. Let's just go..."
"...OKay," Mel murmured, cradling Megumi against her bosom. "It's going to be alright, Megumi..." She tried to ignore the pleasured tingle that shot up her spine whenever Megumi got like this, it wasn't important right now. "Let's get going, I know a few spots to look."
Megumi just nodded before releasing her. Before they left, she went upstairs to quickly retrieve something. Her had been a while since she held it. A long while. However, she needed to be prepared for the worst.

As they walked to the door, she heard Alaric's footsteps behind them. "Megumi? Where are you going..? You need to stay here." He told her as he caught up to them.

"No. I want to find my daughter." Her voice was cold, and the glassy stare she gave him made him shiver if only a tiny bit. He knew what she planned to do and he couldn't allow it.

"We'll find her. But you going out and putting yourself in danger isn't going to help any...I don't care if Mel is with you." He really didn't want her to go. If he knew his wife, she would be knocking on every single door until she found what she was looking for, and he was afraid she'd be a little in over her head. Even if Mel was with her.
"I'm gonna side with Megumi on this one, Al." Mel murmured. "Jana is actively doing what she can, and so are the police. Extra set of eyes aren't going to hurt anything."

And quite frankly, any time she could shoot down this dull jackass was a good enough time for her.
Alaric glanced over at Mel, his green eyes glowering over her as if he wanted to say something...but he didn't. Of course Mel would side with her...either way he wouldn't let his wife go around town causing trouble. "I'll look for her, Megumi. I don't want you turning up missing too. It's been a long time, you can't possibly expect to be as good as you once were. I know those eyes,'re going to cause trouble. Don't...just let me handle it." He reached out to her and gripped her arm, but she only pulled away.

"You're the reason why I'm not as good as I used to if something happens to me, you can blame yourself." She turned around, but she once again felt her husbands hand grab her arm firmly this time...and it almost hurt.

"No. I'm not allowing it. You're not going!" He growled as he pulled her back. "You will stay here and wait...I won't let you do anything foolish!"
"Hey!" Mel growled, gripping his forearm with the very serious intent of heat rippling across it. Fucking dick, she knew it. She knew it.

"Don't you ever touch her like that," she said firmly. "Let go of her, or I break your goddamn arm. She is not some porcelain doll that got broke by your dick, you arrogant ass." Unlike Megumi, Mel had never stopped practicing, never stopped training. And she'd be damned if some fucking doctor thought that he could ever step up with her. "She can handle herself, and she always as."
Alaric glared at Mel, his grip relaxing on Megumi for a minute. "It's not about that, Mel. It's not like that! I just lost my little girl, do you think I want to risk my wife too?!" For a moment, he glared down at her before he let Megumi go. This was getting them no where...and he didn't want to fight Mel...all he wanted was Mei back. "Can I at least...go with you?"

"No. Mel is right..I can handle myself. You need to stay here and work with the police. You have other things to do...just let me handle things for once...please, Alaric." Megumi turned to him and gave him a bit of a smile. "You've always been better at waiting and being patient. I promise, I won't embarrass you...I won't get into too much trouble, okay?"
"And keep your grabby ass hands to yourself," Mel muttered, shoving his arm off. "We're fine, Alaric...contrary to your wonderful world view, Megumi and I did things without you all the time." Until he poisoned her with his dick or something.
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