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School Rumble (Broom and I)

"You don't lose talent like yours, Megumi," Mel chuckled. "Trust don't, you just never had a reason to come back...but maybe you're right," she shrugged. "That's fine're still the girl I loved," Love. she needed more whiskey, that first glass went down quick then.
"Am I really..?" Megumi asked as she looked into her eyes. "I guess...that's why Alaric was so quick to try and keep me from going. He knows how I used to get..." She sighed softly before taking another sip of her drink. She was feeling it a little but she wasn't going to get drunk just yet. She wanted to talk to had been a while since they talked like this...naked.
"Can't take the bite out of the dog," Mel smiled. "Especially a Mama Dog, we'll find her, Megumi...and she'll be safe. Trust me, I know the kind of kid that Komoku is, we didn't find a chances are, she's safe with him." Cause Komoku'd leave a dent if he went down, regardless of who...explosive power tended to do that, literally.
"I want him to marry her." Megumi said as she polished off her third glass and went right back to the bottle for more. "That boy is crazy about her, I can tell he'd do anything in his power to keep her safe. You're right...they're probably together right now." The thought made her feel better...a lot better. "I'm really glad you're being the voice of reason right now for me. I would still be prowling around if not for you."
"I know," Mel grinned a little in amusement, hand running along her bag. "Easy on the whiskey, don't need that with your stress." she said, sitting up to lean against her back. God...she missed this, she missed Megumi, she missed nuzzling her neck like she was doing now...letting her hands slip across her toned was hard to remind herself that she was married, or rather...she had a hard time respecting that choice.
"I am going easy, I could have put away half the bottle by now." Megumi loved the way Mel touched was so affectionate. Even after all these years...Megumi could tell that she never completely got over her. Sometimes she wondered what it would be like if she chose her over Alaric, but she couldn't imagine never having Mei.
"Yeah...true," Mel smirked. "You were a wild girl back in the day." Before Alaric fucked all the fun out of her. Ugh, but what could she do? She couldn't help the feelings, nor would she hide them. She just accepted the reality of things.
"I was, and still kind of am. Whenever I'm eating out, I like to order a lot of drinks. Alaric doesn't like it much." Megumi sighed softly as she continued to rest her head against Mel's chest. She was thinking about it, yeah...she had been thinking about it for a long time. But what right did she have? She didn't want to string Mel along. It wasn't like she wanted to get a divorce or leave her husband. She deserved so much better than just being the woman on the side..
"Big surprise," Mel said, leaning back as she cradled her against her body, legs locking at the ankles. They used to do this all the time, just...hold each other and talk. It usually turned into something more...and they usually weren't wearing panties. Was that her setting limits? She'd respect them, even if she didn't want to. "He always was kind of a dull guy, you know?" Which wasn't her being spiteful, he was just...very plain.
"When it comes to things like that, yeah. But...he's fun sometimes. Just not in the ways that we were. I do miss it..." Megumi finally put down her glass. "..How come you never found someone else, Mel?"
"Didn't want to," Mel admitted easily. "Nobody'd compare to you, Megumi. And it wasn't really fair to look for someone, knowing they'd just be a replacement." she said, resting her chin against Megumi's shoulder. "...I'm not asking for forgiveness, or anything like that. Or some apology." she murmured. "I love you, that's just how it is. You went one way, I went the matter what I think, I can't help how it is."
"I really don't deserve it, though...I don't deserve you. Not after leaving you for Alaric." She sighed heavily and looked up at Mel, reaching up to caress her cheek. "You're an amazing woman, Melanie...I'm sure there's someone much better than me out there for you..."
"Maybe," Mel said, eyes half lidded in pleasure. "I'm not saying it makes sense, Meg...or that it's a good thing, it's just what it is." she murmured. "...I hated you, for a long time, you know that? I was so angry, but when you had Mei and...looked so happy, what was I supposed to do?" she murmured. "You obviously had a plan without me in it, I wasn't going to get in the way of that."
"I didn't'd want to be in it." Megumi began as she continued to caress her cheek. "I never really told anyone, you know..? That I wanted to just..settle down. I didn't even know that's what I wanted until I met Alaric. Because I was so focused on being what my parents didn't want me to be, that I lost sight of who I actually was. Fighting was fun..being with you was fun...but after a while I just...wanted to take a break. But 9 months turned into 18 years, Mel. I didn't expect to stop everything, but I wanted to make my family happy...that wasn't a life that I thought was worth asking you to stick around for."
"Well, it doesn't matter now," Mel murmured. "You have your life, your family. I'm just something that Alaric wants to get rid of," Suppose he couldn't blame him, if she had a shred of not giving a fuck, Mel would have been pussy deep between Megumi's legs and never let go. "I can't help that I love you, Megumi. So don't beat yourself up over it, life happens...I was just a stupid kid at the time anyway." she sighed, leaning back. A stupid, happy kid...who just fell for a pretty girl who was really strong.

She was bitter, she'd admit it. But she also knew that Megumi was happy. So she never bothered. "I wouldn't be here helping you find your daughter if I didn't want you to be happy. It just means I'm not included in it."
"But that's not true...when I saw you for the first time in so long, I was really, really happy...and Alaric doesn't want to get rid of you. He's just...concerned. And he knows how you feel about him. He wants me to be friends with you, he's just scared that I might...go back to being that wild alley cat that I used to be." Megumi shifted and looked into Mel's eyes. "If you went away again..I'd be upset. So don't say that you're not included in my happiness..."
"Yeah,'s the thing," Mel mumbled, forehead resting against hers. "I don't want to be just friends, Megumi. I want to fuck you stupid," she muttered. "I want to rip those panties off and...own you," she said easily. "The only thing that's stopping me is you." And Alaric...but that was obvious.
"I want to fuck you stupid, too...but I don't deserve it. And you deserve more than being a girl on the side, you know? Because unless something happens between Alaric and I...we're never going to be anything more than just really close fuck buddies..." God, she knew this was coming, and she wasn't sure exactly what she'd do if Mel persisted. No, she knew what she would do. She didn't have much willpower.

No. She had to keep it together...she couldn't cheat on Alaric. She loved Mel, but she loved him too...
"I know," Mel smiled. "I'm a big girl, sweetheart. I don't touch without permission. I'm not going to complain, it's nice to be with you again, like this...I missed it. It's more relaxing than I remember." Which was the truth, soaked spot in her crotch or not.
"I didn't mean it like that, Mel...but yes. This is really relaxing. It's been a while since I've just cuddled like this." As much as she loved her husband...they weren't as close as they used to be. He had so many business trips, and even when he was home it was just work and sleep...he never had time for her anymore.
"Well, I'm always here," she smiled, arms around her as she nuzzled into Megumi's hair. God, she wished she wasn't so mature...she wished she could just throw caution to the wind...but she couldn't. Right now, she'd just accept this. "...Do you want to take my bed? I can sleep on the couch."
"Well...if you want, we can sleep together. If not, I'll just take the couch. It kind of still smells like Justin. What a sweet kid." Megumi smiled. Justin had turned out well after his training, but it still seemed like he and Jana weren't meant to be.
"Mm, depends," Mel smiled. "What's it take for me to get these panties off us so I can really cuddle?" It was an insufferable barrier, she could behave...she wanted to smell her properly. All of her, her scent was intoxicating...
"Not much, you just had to ask. I'm surprised that it took this long for me to take off my underwear." Megumi smiled and then suddenly stood up before getting rid of her underwear. "That's better..ready for bed?"
"...Yes," Mel said, rising up as well to discard her damp panties. Mm, that was the scent she loved...that little lingering of arousal. She slid her arms around her in earnest, savoring the feeling of skin on skin as she nuzzled against her neck with a heavy breath. "Mm, much're too pretty to wear clothes."
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