School Rumble (Broom and I)

"Well bred, of course..." he sniffed, butting into her hand with a wolfish grin. "Bark."
"Meow." Mei answered with a giggle as she tugged onto his collar. "This kitten is hungry, you should feed her." She winked at him.
"Kittens don't wear clothes either," he grinned, leaning forward to kiss her. "I'll see what I can cook up, babe."
"I like this night gown, it's comfortable." Mei said with a pout. "Anyways, cook me something big...I will probably skip lunch today." She doubted that hot dog place would have anything remotely appealing to her.
"Yeah yeah yeah...there you go again, being high maintenance." he smirked, heading off to the kitchen before he got yelled at...not that it ever stopped her before, but it was still fun to make her squirm.
Mei was glad that she ate the breakfast that she did, because there was absolutely nothing she wanted to eat on the menu. She came a little early for lunch, Jana wasn't here yet. Lots of eyes were on her...but she ignored it. She was used to it by now, after all.

She ordered a milkshake and found a table that was away from everyone else. One that wasn't littered with crumbs. Ugh...what a dump. These places weren't her all. But this was where Jana wanted to be...
"I was surprised you didn't complain," Jana teased faintly when she arrived. She looked...better, a little more relaxed. A little more in her element, and slightly tired in a good way. Mel was really working her through her paces, bonding in the weirdest way imaginable...sparring. It felt good, one step at a time, right? Komoku probably made her a big breakfast...but...still, it meant a lot to her that she was here at all.
Mei gave Jana a smile as she rose up and gave her a hug. She did look...better. Her voice sounded cheerier, anyway. She was glad...even if she couldn't be the person to make her feel better. "Anything for you, Jana. I just wanted to see you, I don't care where I have to go." Mei gave her a smile, a genuine one. She wouldn't let her insecurities ruin this.
Jana blinked a little in surprise at that, but returned the hug just as affectionately. "...Thanks, Mei," she smiled warmly. "''s great to see you here, I didn't mean to run off, I know, I needed a little time to think about things, you know?"
"You don't have to apologize, Jana. I was just a little worried because you didn't come home last night. I'm...uhh. I'm sorry for not being available so you could tell me where you were going." Mei blushed a little before going to sit down. "I'll be can order."
"Yeah, well...I figured since Komoku was around," she teased, heading to place an order. She was acting...somewhat odd...
Mei just let it go and waited for Jana to come back. She felt a little uneasy, but she couldn't quite figure out why. It might have just been the atmosphere...lots of drop outs...people who looked rough. It didn't help that this was the third week of going without a weapon, but she didn't like the way anything felt when she went to the weapon shops around blue. Ugh...none of them felt right.

Though when Jana came back with her food, she just pushed it all out of her mind and sipped on her milkshake. Seriously..Jana had enough problems, she couldn't be one of them.
"...You alright?" she asked, taking a bite into her hotdog slathered with chili and onions. She looked squirmier than she did. "Something going on, Mei?"
"Not at all. It's just been a while since I've been over here..." Mei began as she looked down at her wrists with the silver bangles that her cousin had given her. The only thing left of her weapon. "I'm fine, really. So what kind of training are you doing now?"
"Mom Training," Jana smiled, if somewhat exasperatedly. "I'm sure you know what I mean, everything has to be done just the right way, if you didn't want to be told how to improve, why did you come here...yadda yadda yadda..." she said, waving it off. "...But it's good, I needed to...reconnect with myself. Feel myself again."
"Sounds like my mother..ugh." Mei laughed a bit and then shook her head. "Though my mom likes to tell me that her training isn't half as rigorous as Mel's. She has a different style, it's called putting me outside my comfort zone. Anyways..I'm glad you're feeling more like yourself again, Jana."
"Yeah," Jana murmured, licking her lips a moment. "...I met Eva last night, Mei. I think we might have a more complicated problem."
"Eva..? Why did you meet up with her, Jana? That was dangerous, we don't know what she's capable of." Mei said with a frown. She did remember Eva giving Jana her number, but she didn't think she'd follow through with meeting up with her...
"Only way to find out is to meet her," Jana murmured. "But I don't think the kids are the problem,'s the mother. She seems to be the one that is the most upset about what happened."
"So? What can she do?" Mei asked with a shrug. "I doubt that The Council will care much about what she has to say. They're fine with me running it. It's probably better that I am running it. I don't care about adult affairs, so that means less questions for them."
"She's a Kishi, Mei," Jana frowned. "A family that until recently had sole control of Turuga, in a sense. They're richer than we can ever imagine, and their influence doesn't just go away because the Council says you're the choice."
"That's pretty rich if I can't even imagine it." Mei said thoughtfully as the door opened behind her. She didn't turn around, her back was facing away from the door. But two individuals came in...two that Jana would recognize very well. A red haired woman in a brown overcoat, and at her side..a very spaced out looking blonde boy that sauntered in after her. They didn't catch notice of either Jana or fact it seemed like Julianna was too focused on ushering Blake towards the counter to order food.

"I just can't imagine what she'd try to do...she could bribe me if she wants, but I won't step down." Mei continued obliviously.
Jana's eyes widened a fraction, and her pupil's dilated out of fear. She was mid-bite when she swallowed down whatever was in her mouth, and her fingers started shaking. She felt sick to her stomach, immediately. She felt hot, cold...she felt scared, furious. What...what was he doing OUT!?
"Jana..?" Mei was startled by her expression. "What's wrong? What are you looking at.." Mei turned her head to follow her gaze and then she spotted them. Just ordering at the counter..casually. She never did catch Julianna, but Blake..Blake was the problem here. "Stay here.." Mei mumbled as she got up from her chair.

If Mei was entirely honest, even she didn't know what to do at that moment. All she knew was that this was wrong...very wrong. And she'd make an arrest right here, even without her blade. She stalked over to them, her green eyes intense with fury as she struggled to keep her composure. Julianna spotted her first, and she immediately stood in front of Blake, who was only staring emptily at the ground.

"Nice to see you, Mei. We're just trying to get lunch...why don't you leave us alone?" Julianna asked as she slipped her hands into her pockets.

" are under arrest. Both of you. I'm taking you back to Central. I don't know how he got out...but I'm going to make sure he never sees the light of day again, personally." Mei growled, her body tense as she waited for an attack from either one of them. Though it didn't seem to come.

" out legally. He's all better, and I'm the one who takes care of him. I don't know what I'm under arrest for, I didn't do anything wrong. You don't have any proof of anything, Mei." Julianna looked over to Jana. Well, last two she expected to be at a place like this...
Jana came over after a while, and some focus. She glanced at Juliana a moment...but mostly at Blake. She watched him a moment, brows furrowed.

"...Do you remember me?" she asked quietly.
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