School Rumble (Broom and I)

"Yeah...well, it's not the first bad memory...just the worst one," she said, glancing away. "...One I didn't really want to have." Okay, she knew the feelings she was getting, just...ugh, wow. She was pretty, and...ugh.

Eh, what the hell. She seemed like she didn't mind the subtle cues she was letting off, so Eva decided to just go for it. She moved over and wrapped her arms around Jana in a surprisingly gentle embrace. "It's going to be okay. It will get better, even if it doesn't seem like it will."
Jana found her face heating up the moment she felt the warmth of her hug. "...Thanks," Jana mumbled. "...You do this to all the girls who don't fight you because of mental problems?" she joked dryly.
"Just the ones who need it." Eva joked back as she pulled away and gave her a grin. "Feeling a little less shitty? Or is there something else you need to get off your chest?"
"I guess I owe you an apology," she murmured. "...You still smell like all kinds of trouble, but I'm glad you decided to talk with me...thanks."
"I am, your nose is right. I'm dangerous, not many people can handle me. I got lots of admirers. Dumb asses that think I'm still the gang banger I was before I left Turuga. I've been going around and making them settle down." Eva said thoughtfully as she stood up. "Want me to walk you home?"
"...Uh, yeah...sure," Jana smiled, rising up. "...Not my place, though...I want to stop by my Mom's for the night."
Eva studied her for a moment before giving her a smile. "Yeah, sure. Just lead the way, girl. I promise, no stupid fucking shadows are going to come at you while I'm around. I'll keep you safe." Even if that guy was locked up, she just wanted to make her feel better. Safer. She wanted to make Jana smile like that more, it suited her.
"...Thanks," Jana smiled faintly. "I suppose it is nice to have another pair of lights around, just in case." She didn't know how relaxed that really made her. It still made her kind of...wary, though. "Why are you doing this, Eva? Just for a good fight?"
"Kind of. I didn't get to fight you tonight for real. But it's not just that. Like I said, I like you. And I hate seeing good people suffer, especially ones that can excite me. Not many have the fire that you do, and that's what I like most about you. Some girls lose all hope when something horrible happens to them. You just keep fighting..." Eva explained as she followed her casually.
"Hard to stop when you do it long enough," Jana admitted. "...But everyone hits a wall, what else are you to do but keep hitting it until you crack it?"
"Exactly. Though not everyone thinks that way. Some people choose to just sit and wait until the wall comes down for them. They become content in their misery and they just give up until someone helps them over the wall." Eva took out another cigarette with a smirk. "It's not bad, but the ones that fight like you deserve someone to help break down the wall rather than climb over it."
"I suppose so," Jana remarked, swiping the cigarette out of her hand. There was a little bit of the old Jana in those movements. "Smoking's bad for you, you know," she remarked dryly, burning the tobacco away with her fingers. "I hope I don't have to deal with a winded woman when we do fight."
Eva blinked in surprise just before laughing loudly. It took her a few moments before she could finally talk. "That was my last cigarette, you bitch!" She grinned at her before shrugging a little. "I know it's bad. I have been meaning to quit, but...just haven't gotten around to it."
"Tell you what," Jana smiled. "Give me...a week," he murmured, turning when they finally reached Mel's house. "You don't smoke for a week, and I'll the end of the week, I'll give you your fight." she said, offering her hand. "Deal?" Mel would help her...she always did, she always knew how to keep her focused. To help her overcome demons.
Eva looked at her hand for a moment before sighing. "Damn, have it your way. The only thing I'm addicted to more than cigarettes is fighting." She shook her hand and then looked into her eyes. "If at the end of the week you still don't feel better, I'll understand. I only want to fight you when you're at your best. More than that...I don't want to force you into anything you don't want to do."
"I know," Jana smiled, handing her the jacket back. "...Thanks, by the way. I'll um...I'll get in touch with you later, yeah?"
"Keep it." Eva told her as she turned her back. "And please do. I want to see you before the week is up...just to have dinner or something again. Later."
"...Sure," Jana said, lowering her hands. "...See you later," she mumbled, knocking on the door as she rubbed the arm of the jacket curiously. Huh...

That was...different. In a good way.
Mei didn't realize Jana was gone until she tried waking her up only to see she wasn't in her room. She immediately felt guilty...when did she leave? She tried her best not to panic, she only got her phone and the dialed her number. Maybe she had just spent the night with Justin...
Jana heard her phone ring and she fumbled around blindly for it before she pressed the button on the top, flipping it on speaker after a yawn. "...Hello?' she mumbled. She must have just...crashed when she got in, she was still on the couch...what had happened...

Oh yes...the faint smell of cigarette smoke, Eva. She had forgotten about the jacket.
The sound of Jana's voice immediately calmed Mei down. She was okay, that was good. "Jana..I was just calling to make sure you were alright. Where are you?"
"I'm at my Mom's place," Jana mumbled, yawning faintly. "You were um...busy, when I left. I thought I'd just leave you two alone." She wanted to see Mel again anyway...they hadn't spent a lot of time lately, and she would be around more anyway. It was nice to see her again, to talk with her.
"Oh..." Maybe having Komoku fuck her silly right after having that talk with Jana was the best of ideas. "..Do you need a ride or anything?"
"No, I should be okay," Jana smiled faintly. "Thanks, Mei...I'm okay, I just needed some personal time, that's all. I might stay with my Mom for a little bit, maybe some training will help me clear things out."
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