School Rumble (Broom and I)

"Good girl..." Komoku said, hand tight in her hair as he slammed his cock into her throat, pressing her face against his groin. "Mm, suck every inch..."

"...I guess," Jana mumbled. "It's...actually been a while, for me. I haven't really fought recently."
Even though his cock was pressed deep into her mouth, she obeyed. She moved her tongue as much as she could as she softly suckled on his thick erection. She even moaned against him just so he could feel the vibrations of her throat.

"I can's a shame really. You should stop denying yourself the thrill of fighting. It is nothing but a stress reliever for people like you and I. Without violence, we start to lose sight of ourselves..." Eva muttered as she started separating each rib piece by piece.
"Mm...that's a good whore..." Komoku purred, shifting his hips slowly with a hiss through his teeth. "Don't miss a spot..."

"...Or you lose yourself because of violence anyway," Jana muttered. "Fine, if it'll keep you out of trouble, I'll fight you."
Mei ignored the saliva dripping down her chin and onto her neck and chest while she eagerly licked and sucked on his cock. She tilted her head to the side so that her tongue could reach further. She loved the taste of their cum mixed together now, she had no objections of swallowing every last job.

"Moderation, my dear. And please don't act like you're doing this as a favor, that's insulting. You definitely want to fight me for a reason other than keeping me out of trouble." Eva gave her a wink before she started to dig into her meal, and each bone she left on her plate was completely clean.
"Good girl..." Komoku smirked, pulling his cock out of her greedy mouth to nuzzle it against her cheek. "Mm...very good girl..."
"You don't know anything about me," she muttered, ripping into a rib with the same precision as her. "So stop acting like you do."
Mei rubbed her cheek against his cock affectionately as she looked into his eyes. There was a hungry expression on her face as she waited for more. She was enjoying was somewhat comforting to be under his control, if only until they finished. She just wanted to forget about everything else and only focus on pleasing him.

"Hmm, true. But then again, I feel like my educated guesses are accurate. Because you and I are far more alike than you want to admit. Maybe when we fight, you'll realize that." Eva responded with a thoughtful expression before continuing to eat quite messily. Barbecue sauce was all over her fingers and the corners of her lips, but she didn't seem to care at all. "This is good. Isn't it good?"
"Still?" Komoku smirked, fingers roaming through her hair. Wow, what had gotten into her today? Whatever it was, he felt like he was going to die a pleasant death.

Jana narrowed her eyes, but said nothing as she ate. "...Yeah, it's good." she mumbled, licking her lips. "...Thanks, I think." Sad as it was, this was about the most attention she got anymore.
"I want to make you cum again.." Mei whined before she teasingly dragged the tip of her tongue along the head of his cock.

"You think? I'm paying for it, so what's there to question? You're way too've been hanging around the Ice Queen for far too long. That attitude doesn't suit a girl like you." Eva told her as she took a sip of her drink, but kept a polite smile on her face.
"Shit..." Komoku exhaled contently, eyes half lidded. "You want it that bad, huh?" he smirked lazily, tapping the tip of his cock against her lips. "You going to be a good girl and behave?"

"That name doesn't fit her very well anymore," Jana replied, faintly bristling at the casual insult. "I know that for a fact, I just know when to be wary." What was with her? Why was she so interested in her?
"Yes..I'll be a good girl." Mei promised as she pressed her lips against his fat tip. "I'll behave...I'll be a good slut.."

"Even after you get treated to dinner and asked nicely for a match? Hmm, not surprising. Guess no one ever trusts a Kishi. I can kind of see it for me. Aiden doesn't deserve it though. My brother's a good guy." She casually responded as she crossed her legs. Oh well..she'd loosen up eventually. Even if she didn't, the attitude just made Eva want to talk to her more.
"Good..." Komoku smirked. "C'mon...let's get a shower and get ready for round two, in the comfort of your bed...I haven't marked you in it yet," he purred.

"You think your name is what makes me wary?" Jana muttered. "Think again, it's you...the way you walk, the way you come off like a walking bad decision. I should know, I used to be one."
"Is that so?" Eva asked thoughtfully for a moment before sticking a few fries in her mouth. A walking bad decision, huh? Interesting way to describe girls like them. "Well, you can be cautious..but that doesn't mean you should have a stick up your ass. Relax."
Relax. Calm Down. Why are you so upset? Yeah, she had heard it all.

"...Let me put this into perspective for you," Jana muttered. "Your father is dead, and we're running the show. Aside from this headache, we've dealt with two others. All of them wanting to tip us over and watch us burn, so excuse me if I'm simply a product of my environment, like you are. Unlike you, I have actual responsibilities. I have actual problems, I have actual people underneath me who trust me to keep them out of trouble." And to top it all off, she couldn't forget. No matter how hard she tried, she felt disgusted with herself every time she did anything affectionate. It was a bitter pill, the more she did it...the less she remembered...but when she was done, the feelings of nausea came back hard.

"So fine, if you want to get the shit kicked out of you, I'll be happy to do it." she said, glancing away. "This isn't fun for me, Eva. I'm not here because I want to be, I'm here to make sure you're not going to cause problems.
"Alright then, keep the stick up your ass." Eva began as her smile disappeared for the first time tonight and replaced with a more serious look. "You choose to have these problems and responsibilities. I don't know why, but you do. All of the shit you're going through is your own fault. You don't even enjoy what you just give and give because you think it's the right thing to do. That doesn't make you better than anyone, and it certainly doesn't make you better than me. Selfless sacrifice is a choice. That is why I don't want anything to do with DC. If I went down that path, I'd be just like you. Questioning myself and everything I'm thanks." She reached into her pocket and dropped a one hundred dollar bill on the table. "Come on, let's fight. I'll beat some fun into you." Eva's smile returned just as quickly as it left.
Jana bristled in annoyance, but said nothing. The burn in her chest was nothing like she had ever felt before, and she could only silently follow after Eva in a fuming mess of barely restrained fury. People parted like she was a rock against a wave, she didn't have any right to tell her anything like that! She didn't understand anything that had happened to her, but now she supposed she would...through her blades.
Eva led her to a nearby park that was vacant. It was after dark, but the place was well lit. "This is suitable...let's try not to burn down the scenery..." Eva muttered as she turned to look at Jana. She could feel her heart racing...she knew Jana was seething..she felt it even when her back was turned. It made her even more excited, in more ways than one....
"...Fine," Jana mumbled, smoothly drawing her swords with a graceful spin of her wrist and a determined frown. Truthfully, she was a little nervous...and a little excited. She hadn't fought in a long while, and she could slowly feel her blood bubbling for the rush of adrenaline that came with it. She settled into her stance, wakizashi in front of her and her katana over her head as she let out a long exhale.
Eva drew her swords slowly before settling into her own stance. Her lips curled up slightly in a cheshire grin. The time for talk was over, and truth be told there was nothing to talk about. Eva knew that she could lose the battle just as easily as she could win it depending on the state of mind of her opponent. She was literally playing with fire.

Her blades suddenly lit aflame, the sparks tearing through the silence of the night. The fire crackled as she slowly began to approach Jana with slow and deliberate steps.
Jana's blades slowly hissed into white hot as she took a quick step forward and swung with her wakizashi, eyes burning with determination. What was Eva getting at? Why did she just...want to fight her? What made her so interesting? Why did all of the fucking crazy people just want to be around her?
Eva parried with her katana effortlessly, feeling the searing heat explode between the two of them. It only made the fire on both her swords larger as the hairs stood on the back of her neck. She ignored it and then swung her wakizashi horizontally towards Jana's stomach, the fire hissing at her shirt. Yes, they were both the same aside from the fact that they held their swords a little differently. It was to be expected since Eva was left handed.
Katana were not built for actual blocking, not that most swords were. She parried the blade out of the way as the fire crackled up her stomach and brought her elbow into the equation to strike at her neck. She didn't like how quick she could react to that, but she supposed she should know better from a Kishi...
Eva pedaled backwards to avoid Jana's elbow. Good, she used more than just her blades to attack. Her fire had managed to burn up most of her shirt, not that Eva would be distracted by the exposed skin. It was just apart of the fight, apart of the action. Eva wanted nothing more than to continue, so she immediately closed the distance between them and started going on the offensive. Her swings seemed wild and tactless, though it wasn't the case. There was form behind her attacks, as well as whole lot of fire.
The fire hid her swings better than any speed could, but Jana knew the signs to follow as she weaved out of one swung and parried another, battering her blows away in a shower of fire and sparks. She was fast...faster than she expected, almost too fast. Ugh...was she really this rusty? She felt the creeping feeling of panic, but she suppressed it. What was wrong with her?
"Stop thinking," Eva told her as their swords clashed against each other again and again. "You'll start doubting yourself. You're better than this, Jana. Show me your fire, I want to see it! Show it to me!" Eva suddenly shoved her forehead into Jana's, if only to knock some damn sense into her.
Jana grunted at the impact as she stumbled back with a frustrated huff. "Stop acting like you know me!" she snarled. "You don't know anything, okay!?" she said, fingers tightening around her blades. She couldn't, it was dark out...there were shadows, the light just made them darker and deeper...she couldn't. She kept staring behind Eva like something was going to crawl out of the woodwork and all that did was make her backpedal warily. No, that feeling of adrenaline...the uncomfortable sensation between her legs that she didn't want, why? What was wrong with her? Why couldn't she just...move on!?
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