School Rumble (Broom and I)

Mei felt the sting of his bite. He had bit her so hard that she knew it would leave a mark...and she liked when he did that. She winced when he yanked off her skirt and panties, feeling her freshly shaven, wet pussy exposed to the air. She looked down at him hungrily. "Komoku..." She moaned softly as she her fingers ran through his hair and she grabbed it by the fistful. Did he like pain too?

"Sliced," Eva purred as she tossed the phone at Jana's feet. "I don't gut...I'm not a murderer. And so what if I have issues? So what if you have issues? Turuga is filled with people who have is run by people with issues. It's normal." She sheathed her swords and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. "I saved your precious Angel, and that sweet water girl behind you. Who cares how I did it?"
"Mm, that all it take slut?" Komoku purred, tongue brushing over her bite mark as his hips roughly slammed against her exposed pussy. "Just a little bite and you turn into a bitch wanting a dick?"
"Normal people, you fucking loon," Jana hissed. "This isn't some playground for the psychotic! We keep the peace! We don't make people bleed unless we have to! Or are you such a rabid dog that you just need to bite everyone that comes up?" she said, picking up the phone to toss it to Remy.
"Fuck off..." Mei growled as she tugged his head back, away from her chest. "It'll take more than that...for you to have the pleasure of seeing me that way." She grinned at him before pulling him in for a kiss, pressing her lips hard against his. "Make me your bitch, Komoku. Turn me into a mindless slut for you to use as you see fit..."

Eva stuck the cigarette in her mouth before lighting it with a spark of flame. She watched as Remy called for the paramedics and then grinned at Jana before exhaling a long cloud of smoke. "I kept the peace. In the end, they all attacked me with bladed weapons. I raised my blades in self defense, just like you did when you got here. Are you telling me that if I had hurt your friends in the process, you wouldn't have wanted to make me bleed, Jana? If you didn't want your opponents to bleed, you would have picked a different weapon..."
"...You got it," Komoku smirked, gripping her by the throat. "Bitches don't talk back, whore," he said, spitting on her face.

"I learned what I was taught, nothing more," Jana muttered. "Remy, they give you a time?" She wasn't going to fall pray to this bullshit.
Mei glared at him and smacked him in the face as hard as she could. She then rubbed the spit off her face, her eyes narrowing at him. "I'm not your bitch, yet."

"Fifteen..twenty minutes." Remy answered as she glanced Eva. She wasn't sure if she should be grateful or not...but Jana really didn't seem to like her.

"Eva...leave." Angel breathed as she hoisted herself to her feet using her spear. "You helped me...thank you. But please, leave." She asked humbly. Remy immediately got up to help her stand, but Angel pushed her away definiently as she stared into Eva's eyes. For a moment there was silence before Eva glanced back at Jana.

"It seems like Angel wants me to leave. Am I free to go, Jana?" She asked after taking another drag of a cigarette.
Komoku's head jerked a little to the side as he rotated his jaw, smirking in amusement. "Oh...but you will be," Komoku growled, grabbing her by the hair and yanking her viciously off the couch. "Get your whore ass up!" This was going to be far more fun than it deserved. "Up!" he said, giving her ass a hard, powerful smack on a tight cheek.
Jana's posture relaxed a moment, and tilted her head for her to go as her hands still were loose around her blades. "Get going," she muttered. "The cops better not so much as catch a scent of you, got it?" Now she knew why Remy didn't want Mei involved, she wouldn't have understood this kind of situation properly.
The sound of his smack echoed off the walls and caused her to shriek angrily and tear up. She stumbled off the couch and grabbed his wrist, sinking her nails into his flesh as she glared up at him defiantly. This was what she wanted..she wanted him to make her was making her so wet she was practically dripping like the whore that she was. Still, she was not going to give in so easily..she wanted to feel more pain.

"Alright then...I think I will have myself some dinner. You're more than welcome to join me, the Ale House over in Green. You look kind of hungry...I'll treat." Eva smiled and then walked away with her hands in her pockets. Eventually...she would come around. So much hatred and anger, yet so much hidden interest that she simply wasn't aware of yet.

The minute Eva was out of sight, Angel dropped back on her knees and her lance fell. She was losing a lot of blood...ugh. Those bitches got her good..."

"Angel, hang on!" Remy cried out as she knelt by her side.

"Don't scream in my ear, I'll be fine." Angel responded as she looked up at Jana. Was..Eva interested in her? Why else would she invite her to dinner...
"Mm, I love fucking that anger right out of those pretty green eyes..." he smirked, twisting her arm to press it against her back, and her against the coffee table. "Mm, I'm gonna fuck this pussy..." he purred, tongue brushing over her cheek. "Then I'm gonna fuck that tight little butt.."

Jana narrowed her eyes at Eva, but said nothing as she sheathed her blades. "...Make sure Angel gets taken care of, Remy." she muttered. "I guess I better go see what the psycho bitch wants."
"Just try it..." She hissed at him as her cheek pressed against the coffee table. "Try to fuck the anger out of me, Komoku." She wasn't struggling anymore..she just wanted to feel him inside of her.

"Jana..wait. Eva...I don't know why she's here. But she's bad news. Please, be careful." Angel pleaded.
"Shut up," Komoku smirked, grinding her face into the table as he unfastened his pants, his cock rubbed against her only to get the location...and then he rammed into her with one harsh thrust. "Mm, you're the fucking best when you don't want it..." he purred. All part of the game, right?

"Yeah, I know," Jana smiled. "I'll be fine, Angel...Remy, I'll contact you in an hour or so, if I don't, get ahold of Mei."
The moment she felt his cock slam into her, she felt her legs give out as she squealed. She was already dripping wet, her slutty pussy twitching around him. No..not yet. She didn't want to give in just yet. "Don't tell me what to do..." She growled into the table as she struggled to glare up at him.

Angel waited for Jana at the front of the restaurant as she continued to smoke. She knew that she would follow. She glanced over and gave her a friendly smile. She had cleaned up most of the blood, so she didn't look as psychotic. But that dangerous look was still there, just beyond the surface. "I'm glad you decided to join me. Aiden hates the food here."
"I'll tell you whatever I want," Komoku purred, yanking her face up to kiss her as his hips slammed into her soaked cunt with a hungry snarl. His kiss was nothing short of his face slamming into hers with a rough, hungry bite on her bottom lip.

"Or your company," Jana said dryly, arms crossing. "The hell do you want? I should arrest you for what you did."
Mei groaned hotly onto his lips as he pounded into her over and over again. She winced when he bit her lip, her eyes slowly rolling to the back of her head. She couldn' just felt too good. She couldn't think anymore. She just wanted to keep feeling his fat cock push passed her swollen lips again and again.

"What do I want? A big stack of ribs and seasoned fries. Come on, let's talk inside." She threw her cigarette but on the ground and stepped on it before walking in. The only populated part of the place was the bar, but Eva took a seat at one of the wooden tables.
Komoku bucked as hard as he could into her eager pussy, his other hand gripping her head to yank it back off his lips viciously. "What are you?" Komoku growled. "Tell the truth!"
"...uh huh," Jana said faintly, sitting down in front of her. "And talk about what, exactly?"
God he was going so was amazing. It hurt. But it felt so fucking good. "I..I'm a slut!" She answered as she felt more tears sting at her eyes. "I'm your dirty whore, Komoku..!"

"Well, whatever you want really. Didn't you say something about wanting to arrest me for helping out your friends?" Eva asked passively as she pulled out one of the menus on the table and began looking it over with a passing interest. Not like she didn't know what she wanted to eat.
"Good girl," Komoku smirked, rocking into her slower, mostly to tease her as his thrusts never lost their strength, just their speed. "Mm, and what does a dirty whore always want...?"
"...You're joking," Jana muttered, sunk in like a cornered rat. "You just want to talk?"
"You're cock..I want your make my slutty pussy cum.." Mei responded as she drooled onto the table below her. She knew he was teasing her...each thrust was hard enough to make her breasts bounce roughly. "Please...please make me cum, Komoku!"

"Of course, what did you think I wanted?" Eva asked with an amused grin before the waiter greeted them. "The usual. Give my company that, too. She'll love it, she looks like the kind of girl who'd love lots of meat."

"As you wish, Miss Kishi." The man said with a nod before he let them be.
"You want it?" Komoku smirked, slowly starting to increase his tempo as he grabbed her other arm and yanked them back firmly. "I can't hear you, whore! What do you want!?"

"Not this," Jana said dryly. "You think I often get invites to dinner from people who we usually arrest?"
"Please! Please make me cum!" Mei screamed at the top of her lungs, ignoring the soreness in both of her arms. Her pussy was starting to tighten...she felt it in her legs. She was going to cum soon!

"Probably not, but I invited you to dinner before I cut up those girls." Eva responded with a smirk as she looked into Jana's eyes.
Komoku started to buck into her hard, grunting and snarling like a primal animal as he tilted his head back with a hungry groan. Shit, somewhere in all of this thrusting...he was cumming, filling her dirty slut pussy...
"...Fair point, annoyingly enough," Jana muttered, averting her gaze. "But that still doesn't tell me why."
Mei came finally, her legs going completely numb as she wailed and squealed underneath him. Her pussy squeezed him as tight as it could until finally her orgasm stopped. She knew he had came..she could feel it deep inside of her. She panted heavily as her face lied in a puddle of drool beneath her cheek.

"Why? Because of the way you looked at me...I liked it. I like the look in your eye, Jana. I like your fire." Eva simply said with a grin.
Komoku slowly let go of her arms to let them rest as he kissed her cheek. "You're a nasty bitch, you know that?" he smirked. "I love it," he purred, slowly slipping his fat cock out. "You're not done, whore, you made a mess all over my dick."

"...Uh huh," Jana muttered, hand shifting nervously through her hair. "That's terrific, Eva." She was already getting a bad vibe...ugh, why was it always her who got these people!?
"Then make me clean it off.." Mei said breathlessly as she slowly lifted herself off the coffee table. She gave him a smirk as she wiped the saliva from her cheek. She was very sore...she hadn't realized how hard he was really fucking her...

"Your sarcasm knows no bounds. Look, I know you're not stupid. You know I'm dangerous, you're wary. As you should be..." Eva began as the waiter served them both. As Eva said earlier, a rack of ribs and seasoned fries, along with two glasses of water. "Let me get to the point. I couldn't give a rats ass about DC. I just really hate dealing with mother when she's upset. But what I do want, is to fight you. I've been wanting to ever since I saw you. I haven't had a good opponent in a long, long time...and I could tell from the moment I saw you, that you're strong..."
"You're a glutton for pain, you know that?" Komoku smirked, gripping her hair roughly to smack her across the cheek. "Open your whore mouth, now."
"...You want to fight me?" Jana said skeptically, taking one of the seasoned fries. "...That's...seriously it?"
Mei whimpered when he slapped her, but she slowly opened her mouth nonetheless. She looked into his eyes, and she knew how much he was enjoying this. Good, she wanted him to...

"Yep. That's it. Mei looks strong too, but on the other hand, you look fun. I won't get mad if I lose, and I won't do anything to you if I win. So how about it?" Eva asked with a friendly smile.
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