School Rumble (Broom and I)

Mei grimaced and then squeezed Jana's hand. "You aren't damaged goods, Jana. Just because Justin prefers to be monogamous in a relationship doesn't mean he thinks there's something wrong with you...he just doesn't seem like the type of guy who can handle his girlfriend being with other people. It's probably an ego thing." She felt bad now...she felt bad for not thinking about how Jana felt every time she talked about her relationship with Komoku, and before that, Adam. She should have known it would be depressing to her...
"Yeah...I know," Jana muttered. "Tell my self-conscious that," she sighed. "...I'm sorry, this is going to sound extremely selfish...and...and petty, but it's not fair." she mumbled. "You're some rich girl who attracted some loyal junkyard dog, who wouldn't even have bothered glancing at you any other way if you wouldn't have beaten the crap out of him better than I did, apparently. I get guys who slobber all over themselves trying to get my pants off, you get the guys who actually want something more. Maybe I should be some frigid bitch, makes people want something more than what I have, I guess."
Frigid..bitch? Mei flinched slightly at those words. They stung...but she was sure that Jana didn't mean to insult her..right? "..I see." She began as her grip somewhat relaxed on her hand. "I don't...I'm sorry, Jana. I wish I could...say something to make you feel better...but I can't. I don't know why someone like me...attracts anyone at all. I think you're amazing.." Mei smiled a little. "I think you attract all types of people...but the only ones who think they can handle you are the types that just want to have sex with you..."
"...I'm sorry," Jana sighed, gripping her hand almost desperately. "I...I didn't mean it like that, Mei. I'm just...I'm so frustrated, I don't know what to do. I keep looking at myself in the mirror and wondering if it's really me I'm staring at. Living in this really nice condo, being some...important girl in DC...I don't know," she mumbled. "...Maybe I'll just...lay in bed, or something, get some sleep. I don't feel hungry."
"..You don't like it?" Mei asked, feeling tears stinging at her eyes, though she refused to let them go. "You don't like living this way, do you? It's okay if you don't..I understand. I just want you to be happy." She muttered as she weakly squeezed her hand.
"No,," Jana insisted firmly. "I love it here, with you, having this job it's..." she sighed. "...I don't know, alright?" she mumbled. "...I'm trying to give you a reason for something I don't even have a question for. I want to give you a reason, I promise...but I don't even know what it is that's bothering me. I just know I don't...feel like me," she mumbled, glancing away. "...Look, just...have dinner with Komoku, alright? I'll be okay, I'm not going anywhere. I promise."
Mei hesitated for a moment before she let go of Jana's hand and stood up. "..We'll leave you something in the microwave if you get hungry later." Mei turned her back and left the room, the tears suddenly escaping the moment she closed Jana's door. What else could she do? What else could she possibly say? If Jana didn't understand what she was going through, what possible help could she be to her?

She thought all those bad thoughts were gone...she thought she had changed. But...she still had that horrible self doubt. She still felt like a failure, at least when it came to being a good friend.
Jana sighed heavily at that, hand running through her hair. "...Yeah, sure..." Jana mumbled, deciding to just turn and curl up in her bed. Well, she had done it, hadn't she? She had ruined her friendship with Mei with just one bitter outburst...

Komoku was whipping up dinner like the little champion he was, humming along with something on the radio as he glanced over to his girlfriend. "...Mei?" Komoku mumbled faintly. "...Everything okay?"
Mei joined Komoku in the kitchen after wiping her tears away. "..I just feel bad for Jana, that's all. I don't know how to help her...I don't know what to do." Mei admitted to him as she went in to hug him. God, she wanted to break down. But that wouldn't make anything better...that wouldn't help at all in the least. She didn't want to make Jana feel even worse just because she felt so goddamn incompetent.
"Hey..." Komoku said, arms around her. "Some things you can't help, you know? You just have to be there, that's all you can do sometimes...and sometimes, that's all they want."
"..You're right. It's just that...Jana always makes me feel better. She always knows what to do when I'm upset about something. The one time she needs help..I can't give her any...I hate it." She admitted as she felt more tears escape her eyes. She only squeezed him tighter...she had to be strong...For Jana's sake!
"Yes you can," Komoku assured. "Stop worrying about what you can't do to help...and be a friend, by being there." he shrugged. "That's what I've always done, whenever Sejae and Dujae need an extra shoulder...sometimes it's not about what you say, or what you can do, it's about making sure they know that you're there to pick them up when they need it."
"..yeah." Mei looked up at him at him as she gripped his shirt tightly. "When dinner is done...Can you please fuck me? Really hard...really rough...please?" She wasn't sure where it came from...but maybe it was the only real thing that would make her feel better. "Tear my clothes off...pull my hair...I want it, Komoku."
Komoku blinked a little at that, glancing down at her with a confused arch of his brow. The response between his legs was quite obvious, hand on her head. "Yeah...sure," Well, he...wasn't going to complain...
Mei stared at him for a moment before her hand moved to his erection. She slowly started rubbing it through the fabric of his pants. "I's weird. But I remember the last time I felt frustrated like this...we had sex for the first time...and I felt a lot better afterwards."
"Fair enough..." Komoku breathed faintly, eyes half lidded at her touch. "'s okay to stay the night, then?"
"It's always okay to stay the night..." She whispered as she looped her finger through the ring on his collar and brought him down so that she could kiss him while she continued to grind her free hand against his cock. The kiss was desperate and needy. She needed him right now more than she could stay strong for her friend.
He returned the kiss hungrily, hands already slipping along her waist with a pleased growl. "Mei..." he muttered between her lips. "Dinner...?" Fuck, if she kept this up, there wouldn't be dinner.
"Mmhmm." She answered against his lips, though her kissing didn't stop and neither did her hand. Just a little more..she didn't want to stop just yet. It felt good doing this to him..she was already getting wet.
Komoku groaned faintly against her lips, tongue brushing against her bottom lip as he rocked his hips into her hand. Goddamn minx...
When Mei pulled away, she looked up at him with very hungry eyes, and a seductive smile. Her hand dropped to her side slowly. Maybe she wanted to tease him a little as motivation...or maybe she just found pleasure in teasing him. "How long until dinner is ready?"
"...Not long enough..." Komoku mumbled, his cock throbbing painfully in his pants. She knew what she was doing...ugh, god, he shouldn't love that as much as he did.
"Thought so." She purred before pressing her lips against his once more for a quick kiss. "I'll be waiting in the living room then...I don't want to distract you..."
"...Uh huh," he grumbled, much like a dog who had gotten his favorite treat on his nose and never got to eat it. "Yeah yeah, go sit and be smug."
Mei giggled before leaving him be, sitting out in the living room. Even though they hadn't even done anything yet..she just felt better. Komoku was right..the only thing she could do was be there for Jana. Even though it was frustrating, she would just have to distract herself right now.
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