School Rumble (Broom and I)

"No, it wouldn't," Komoku confirmed readily. "I know," Komoku said faintly. "...I'm a horndog, yeah? A lot of the things I love about you are...those things, and I don't wanna make you think that it's the only thing I like...I just really like that side of you," he grinned lazily. "You have no idea how many things I think about you on a daily basis."
"I don't..." That was a whole different subject entirely...she should probably bring up what she did earlier with Jana. "I like that about you...I like that you are so attracted to me that you can barely control yourself. But..there's something that I've been thinking about lately. A lot of people keep saying that the only reason why you're being good is because I'm controlling you with sex. I'd like to think that's not true..."
"Controlling me with sex? WEll, sure," Komoku smirked, arms crossing. "But not for that reason, I don't know," Komoku said. "...Masami always used to get on my ass about what if I found someone I couldn't handle, what if, what if...what if," he sighed. "She's a brat sometimes, but she's my sister, my family...leavin' her alone because I did something stupid doesn't always sit well with me, when Jana came to me, I thought about it a bit," he mumbled. "I dunno, could I start doin' the stuff I did before? Sure, but it has no real...meaning, y'know?" he said, waving it off. "It's like a noise in a wind tunnel, I wanted to matter, because everyone told me I didn't."
"I see...I just think it would be a shame if we didn't work out...and you wanted to go back to doing all that stuff again." Mei said as she looked away from him, pushing back a strand of her hair. "Because you're much better than that. You do matter, a lot. Even without DC...even without me. You're so nice...and talented, even outside of fighting. I'm not good at anything but that. That's why I take my job so seriously because there is nothing else I'd be good at."
"Mei, stop it," Komoku said dryly. "That act was fine when you had an icicle shoved up your ass, you've gotten people who hated what you stood for to join us, maybe because of other reasons...but they respect you, you are far better at being friendly than you think. Besides, flattery will get you nowhere, I'm already half erect." he said, kissing her cheek. "Stop doubting everything, you're the kind of girl most people fight over. They just know better around me."
Mei couldn't help but smile a little at the compliment. "I don't think that being friendly and the type of girl that people fight for is a particular talent...but I appreciate it." When she stopped talking, she heard her stomach growling..rather loudly. Right...she skipped lunch again today in all the excitement of being back to work.
"Uh huh," Komoku smirked. "I thought I was getting something sexy in return for making you dinner?" he sighed. "You take take take...never give, I swear."
"You'll get something afterwards, since obviously my heartfelt confession wasn't sexy enough." Mei curtly responded as she folded her arms. She didn't know what she was going to do, but it really didn't take much to please him...
Komoku slid his arms around her to pull her close, nuzzling into her hair. "Never say that," Komoku mumbled, surprisingly serious. "Your love is always worth everything."
Mei was a little caught off guard by his sudden mood shift. She just put her arms around him and then nestled into his chest. "Yeah...I won't say that again. I love much."
"Yeah," Komoku smiled. "...And my cooking, huh?" he teased, hand running down to give her butt a fond squeeze.
"That's probably why my stomach is protesting." Mei looked up at him and smiled herself. She...she was glad she could smile again. She was really happy...happier than she ever remembered being. "I..I'm going to check on Jana while you get started. We ran into a problem when we were walking home and she's been a little...on edge since."
"...Everything okay?" Komoku said, hand running across her cheek. "Nothing happened, did it?"
"No..nothing happened. Though it is..slightly unnerving knowing that Pitor Kishi's kids are in Turuga." And she was dating his murderer...yeah, that was awkward. "Especially when they...were implying that me being commander would cause some sort of conflict of interest."
"Huh," Komoku mused. "Yeah...sounds like it, but tonight, you worry about Jana and how delicious my food is," Komoku smirked, kissing her faintly. "Go make sure Jana's okay, alright?"
"Okay." She returned his kiss before leaving the kitchen so he could cook. She..sort of had a feeling that something was wrong with Jana. More so than usual, and she wanted to make her feel better but she couldn't. All she could do was see if her friend was okay...

"Jana? Are you still taking a shower?" She asked as she knocked on Jana's door..not that she needed to. She just liked respecting her privacy.
"C'mon in, Mei," Jana said idly, drying her hair as her nude body glistened with dampness. Honesty, the girl had been told a thousand times that she doubted that she'd ever be doing something that she'd be embarrassed by having Mei see it. Some things never changed.
Mei came in, and it wasn't like she didn't expect Jana to be naked. Jana..normally didn't wear clothes and that was fine with her. She was getting used to it..mostly. "You okay?" She asked as she closed the door behind her. She didn't want her to feel alone..she always felt like she neglected her whenever Komoku was around.
"...Yeah, I guess," Jana said faintly. "...Why? What's up?" No, nothing was okay, she didn't know if it'd ever be okay, and she didn't know how to tell her that, because she knew that Mei blamed herself more than Jana ever could. Not that she ever did.
"You just..don't seem okay. I can tell something is wrong...but I don't want to pry. I can understand if you don't want to tell me...but just know that I'm here for you." Mei knew everything about not wanting to open up...but she could always open up to Jana. Unfortunately the reverse wasn't true for Jana, and sometimes that depressed her. But...she had been through things Mei couldn't even imagine, so she tried not to get too upset about it.
"...I know, Mei," Jana sighed, sitting on the bed. "...I know...but I don't even know what's wrong, or how to fix it." It wasn't fair for her to this to her, especially when Mei gushed all over her without a second notice and here Jana was, being selfish.
Mei went over to her and sat beside her, rubbing her back. "I'm sorry. I know this has been going on ever since...ever since you were.." Mei trailed off and shook her head. "Jana, do you ever think about talking to a therapist?"
"No," Jana muttered. "Someone telling me it's all in my head and giving me medication isn't going to fix anything, Mei. But I don't know what will, so I haven't bothered thinking about it."
"Jana, you don't have to take medication...Sometimes it just helps about traumatic things with someone who might be able to understand you. There are support groups too, I'm sure..." She moved her hand and linked her fingers with hers. "I'm just really worried about you.."
"Mei, I know you care," Jana promised, hand over hers. "I do...I swear, I'm not...sitting here just...being like this just because. I'll...look into it, alright?" Jana mumbled. "For your sake, at least...I'm just..." she huffed. "...It's so painful, being around people who just...find these happy relationships." she mumbled. "...Really drives the feeling home that I'm damaged goods. Komoku was a fucking sociopath, Mei. Look at him now. Best I got is a guy who wants to fuck me stupid and can't accept me for me."
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