School Rumble (Broom and I)

"Maybe I'll do that sometime. I don't particularly enjoy the empty space in my huge bed. It's bigger than the ones in my dorm rooms." King sized bed...finest quality. Her father did really like to spoil her sometimes..but maybe if she ever needed to, she could fit four people in one sitting.

..That was a weird thought that made her cheeks go red.
Jana raised her brow at that, smirking in amusement. "...What?" she said. "Did your mind go somewhere dirty, Mei?" God, she was getting more and more fun...Komoku really had loosened her up!
"Uh huh," she smirked faintly. "God, you're such a dirty little since Komoku started fucking you all the time." she laughed. "It's cute, I like it."
"I am not! It's my fault for hanging out with you perverts all the time...hmph!" Mei wasn't sure how dirty little slut was a compliment, but it seemed like Jana and Komoku thought it was.
"Aw," Jana grinned, hugging her fondly and giving her cheek a bit sloppy kiss. "You poor thing, we tease you so much!" she giggled, as the door finally knocked.
Mei just stood up and tried to compose herself before she walked over to the door. She took a deep breath and opened it. "Komoku...thanks for coming..." She said with a smile before giving him a kiss.
"You're welcome," Komoku grinned, arms around her waist to kiss her in turn. "Hey, Jana! Getting all sexy for me?"

"Uh huh," Jana smirked, sticking her tongue out as she slid off the couch. "That's Mei's job, buddy, not mine. I'm gonna hit the shower, Mei." They had some stuff to talk about, after all...
"Oh..okay. We'll start dinner." Mei wasn't the good cooking assistant Kitten was...she just liked to help him with getting ingredients and knives and stuff.

How was she going to do this? How was she going to say that she loved him..?
"Something up?" Komoku smiled, fingers running through her hair. "Or are you just stunned that I actually dressed to come over here?" And nothing was extremely wrinkled or anything!
"...You look nice." Mei changed the subject as she went into the kitchen and then opened the fridge. "We..umm, we've got a lot of stuff in here for you to cook. I'm not really picky, I just really wanted to see you to be honest."
"...Okay," Komoku said easily, moving towards the fridge. Mei had the poker face of a person who had their cards facing the wrong way. But he supposed he'd let it go for now. "Let's see what I can whip up then, hm? You sure everything's okay?"
"Everything is fine...I promise." Mei told him as she smiled nervously. She should have known that he'd be able to sense something was amiss. But..she wasn't lying. Nothing was wrong, she just couldn't figure out how to tell him what she wanted to tell him! "Nothing is wrong. I just wanted to see you. Is that so bad?"
"No, of course not." he smiled faintly, hand brushing across her cheek. "...You just seem a little antsy, is that all. I'm always glad to see you, Mei."
"Oh yeah..?" Mei asked softly as she moved closer to him. She'd do it...right now. She would say it. "That makes me happy to hear...I have been meaning to tell you something for a while. Something important..."
"...Yeah?" Komoku said, head tilted. "What's up?" Whoa, she got all serious all of a sudden...
"Well..." She looked up at him, swallowing a bit before taking one of his hand. "'s hard for me to say this. I don't know why because I know you already know it, but it still needs to be said. It's just that...I really...really care about you. More than that...Komoku..." Mei bit her lip as she looked away. No..she had to look into his eyes and say it. But she couldn't right now..ugh. "Komoku...I care about you more than anything. In the world and..." Why couldn't she just say it..?
"...Yeah?" Komoku mumbled quietly, hand over hers. "...What is it, Mei?" Oh, he could feel it...but he wasn't going to spoil it for himself after all.
Mei forced herself to look at him, and once their gaze met she felt resolve come over her. This was the man she loved and couldn't imagine life without. She could say this to him, because she knew he felt the same way about her. "I love you, Komoku."
"...I love you too," Komoku grinned, leaning forward a little to kiss her. "That's it? That's your big reveal? You're adorable, Mei."
Hearing him say it, in a way that wasn't the usual sarcastic way..made her extremely happy inside. She blushed a little when he poked fun at her and folded her arms. "W-well, that's a big deal to me. That's like..another step in a relationship, right?"
"Is it?" Komoku mused, head tilted faintly. "You got're the first girl I've actually fell in love with....well, the first girl I knew I wasn't just addicted to sex for, and just that." he smirked. "Does make me a little giddy inside, hearin' you say it outloud, maybe?"
"I'm your first love..?" Mei asked with a slight tilt of the head. She knew she definitely wasn't the first person he was ever with. She hated to think about it, but he was much much more experienced than her and had been with a lot of girls. She just assumed that he at least liked one of them for more than just sex.
"Well, I mean..." Komoku mused. "Not to say I didn't like any of the girls or anything, but I're different, special." he grinned. "I'd like to tell you more, but uh..." he said, rubbing his neck. "...I'm not really good at being romantic or anything...but you're a big deal, Mei. A real big deal."
"I'm not either," Mei admitted with a smile. "Maybe that's why we've always worked so well. But wouldn't hurt to say I love you every once in a while."
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