School Rumble (Broom and I)

"Oh yeah? That sucks...That means we can't just take it back right? So there's no sense in being diplomatic about this." Eva turned her gaze over to Mei and gave her another grin. Mei just returned it with an icy glare...she didn't take kindly to being threatened. "Relax, I'm not going to jump you or anything. But there's only one other way I can think of, according to the become the leader of DC."
"Eva," Aiden sighed. "Please, we're not here for that...and I don't have much intention-"

"Regardless of your intention, your bitch of a sister is thinking otherwise," Jana muttered. "Explains why you're Kishi's kids, you got the sociopath look in your eye."
"You got the same one, Jana. It's just hidden deeper than mine." Eva purred, slowly licking her lips. She wished that her brother would stop being such a kill joy...she wished she could just do things the way she wanted to do them.

"Just tell us your intentions then. What do you want? Do you expect me to step down?" Mei asked, ignoring Eva's comment.
Jana narrowed her eyes viciously, hand resting casually on her katana. The fuck was this bitch's problem?

"It's not me," Aiden murmured. "...It's my mother, she...doesn't agree with the current state of things, due to our father's death."
That only seemed to excite Eva more, but she stayed quiet like a good girl with her hands folded in her lap.

"Tell your mother to go talk to the Council then." Like she would have any luck. Mei couldn't help but feel a little sorry for Aiden...she wasn't sure what Eva's deal was. "I think this conversation is over."
"So it seems," Aiden sighed as the car parked, and Aiden opened the door for them. "Have a good evening, Mei, Jana."

"Uh huh," Jana muttered. Fucking bitch giving her the shank eyes...
"Have a good evening yourself, Aiden." Mei stiffly said as she waited for Jana to exit before she did.

"We should hang out sometime, Jana." Eva called after her in the sweetest voice possible.
"Sure," Jana replied, just as cheerfully. "I'd love to see what you look like, licking the boot of your superior." she said, her face shifting to visible anger when they left their presence. Aiden seemed...surprisingly moderate, but his sister was a cunt.
"Nothing like that, just for a drink." Eva responded as she scribbled her number down on a napkin. "Here, I know a great place in green. Call me when you're free." Eva said as she stuck it out towards the two.
Jana arched a brow at that, but snatched the napkin from her hands regardless. "...Yeah, whatever." Jana muttered. Snake in pretty clothing didn't change a snake.
Mei watched as they drove away. She wasn't really sure what to think from that encounter...Aiden seemed sincere enough. Eva...she was definitely someone that gave Mei a bad feeling on the pit of her stomach. "I feel like this isn't the last I will hear of this...." She mumbled as she walked up the steps of their condo.
"I feel like right now, I don't care," Jana sighed. "Fuck it, we'll order Chinese or something...maybe giving the delivery guy a surprise boner will bring back my urge to relax," she grumbled. Always something, but a little part of her wondered what Eva meant. Or if she was just trying to goad her, probably that.
"I was just thinking that. Are you alright?" Mei asked as she unlocked their door. Eva seemed like she had gotten under her skin...
"...Fine," Jana mumbled, carefully taking off her Daisho and setting them on the rack as she kicked off her shoes. "At least Aiden seems reasonable, a wonder that happened at all with that sister of his." she muttered, shrugging out of her jacket to start to unbutton her blouse. Mei had gotten surprisingly comfortable about a lack of clothing, and it was kind of nice...their friendship had went places people probably wouldn't understand, was nice having that kind of closeness. Intimate, not romantic, persay...but very close.
Mei undid her boots slowly and then sat at the dining room table, sighing softly. "...She does feel dangerous. But, for the most part she seemed like she just really wanted a fight more than anything. Like most kids in Turuga." Only she seemed like much more of a threat..maybe just a tad more crazier than they usually came.
"No...she's looking for a good fight," Jana mumbled. "There's a difference, Mei. Some people don't care who they fight as long as they win, people like her? They want to fight people who make them wonder if they can." she said.
"Hmm, well that still doesn't really make her a bad person, right?" Mei asked as she leaned herself back into her chair. "I mean...Komoku is that way." She really couldn't say if she could tell the difference...but it didn't really matter either way. It was obvious that she wanted to fight Jana.
"It depends," Jana sighed, looking much more relaxed when she unclipped her bra and let her breasts jiggle freely. "But generally, it's bad...the only thing Komoku likes more than violence is pussy, apparently."
"..Do you think if for some reason, Komoku and I break up..he'd start being bad again?" Mei asked as her expression shifted into a much darker one. Sometimes...she had doubts. Ever since her and Adam came to an abrupt and sour end...her heart broke whenever she thought of anything like that happening again.
"I don't know," Jana admitted, moving to sit on the couch and patting the seat next to her once she was fully naked. "To be honest, if you had asked me that before I really got to know the guy, I'd say yes...but he doesn't really strike me as someone who does that," she smiled. "but...Masami said that you've really taken the edges off him, in some ways...anyway. I think she's happy that he can beat people up for a reason now, and not just because he can. They've...they've grown up rough, Mei. Really rough, all they had was each other, and the Sae-Hoon brothers. I don't think Komoku'd look at it like we think."
"Probably not." Mei muttered as she pulled out her phone and began dialing the Chinese restaurant. "I know he's gotten a lot better since we started dating. I like that..but a lot of people are just saying I'm keeping him under control because I'm sleeping with him. I'd like to think it's more than that..."
"Why don't you ask him?" Jana smiled easily. "I mean...what, you guys aren't all cuddly like Dujae and Cat, but...I mean, you love him, don't you?"
Mei's face suddenly went red when Jana asked her that, and she could feel her heart racing. "..I do." Not that she ever got the courage to tell him that. Sure, sometimes he joked around and said he loved her whenever she cursed or yelled at him. But she just couldn't find the right moment to just tell him that she loved him. She was too nervous. "What does that have to do with anything, though?"
"Because, you dummy," she smiled. "Komoku loves you, Mei. You don't see it? I don't think he'd just up and leave you, even if you told him to leave. He's not that kind of guy. He's a bit of a pigheaded man's man about things, but he means well."
"I..I know he loves me. It's just express things to him. I want to tell him, but I never find the right time. I don't even know when the right time is, ugh..." She still had those fears of rejection..she could let those go, even though she was working hard to. "I guess I could ask him. Isn't it bad to ask your partner what they would do if you suddenly broke up with them, though?"
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