School Rumble (Broom and I)

"Fine..." Mei mumbled as she pulled herself out of bed and went to the bathroom door so she could snag her silk robe off handle. She pulled it on and groaned. "I feel like dirt...ugh."
"Hey, you didn't do anything gross or slutty this time," Jana teased. "Komoku took you to bed early, like a gentleman."
"...That's good." Mei said as she walked out of her room, noticing the smell that was coming from the kitchen. She walked down the stairs and silently headed over to join Sejae watching Kitten and Komoku.
The eggs had been properly fluffed and chopped, Sejae was...admittedly, a little warmed by all the nervous effort that Kitten was putting in to learn how to cook. But other than her nerves, she was doing great. "Bacon? Bacon is tricky," Komoku said, laying down some strips as they started to sizzle. "You gotta make absolutely sure that it cooks right...some people like it a little on the soft side, others love it crunchy."

"She's so adorable," Jana said quietly, grinning.

"She is," Sejae agreed, watching her. He had no idea how he ended up with a girl like her...but he wasn't going to spoil it.
"How does Sejae like his bacon?" Kitten asked as she watched the bacon sizzle closely. She still seemed unaware that anyone was with them...she was a hundred percent focused on cooking.

Mei couldn't help but smile. Part of it was just because Kitten was being such a cute student...the other part was just how Komoku was talking to her...teaching her. He would make a great father...that's kind of what this reminded her of.

She didn't know why that came to mind..but she didn't question it much.
"He likes it..." he said, glancing to Sejae a moment. "Crisp? Yes, Crisp. So just keep an eye on it, flip it every so often, alright?"

"...She's awfully sweet on you," Jana teased to Sejae. "And Komoku's kinda cute with teaching."

"Nobody'd believe it," Sejae said quietly. "...But Komoku was always the big brother."
"Alright...crisp. I can do that." Kitten spoke with determination as she just..stared at the bacon. Her heart was racing..she wouldn't mess this up. This was for Sejae! She flipped it a few times, and once she was sure they were nice and crisp she pulled them out of the skillet and onto the plate with the eggs on it. "How's this, Komoku?"
"Perfect!" Komoku grinned. "You're a natural cook, Kitten. Now, why don't you give it to Sejae?" he said, handing her the plate. "You did great."

"Indeed," Sejae smiled. "I'm impressed."
Kitten turned around and saw Mei, Jana and Sejae. When did they get here? She gave them all a smile and then walked over to Sejae with the plate. She was glad he was awake, because she couldn't wait for him to try what she cooked. "I hope you like it, Sejae. Do you want toast, too? Or juice?" She asked him when she set the plate down in front of him.
"Sure," Sejae smiled faintly as he picked up the fork. Komoku had already set everything up. A regular housemaid. "It looks delicious Kitten, thank you." he said, taking a scoop of the eggs to taste them. Mm, warm and fluffy...perfect.
"..How do you like it?" Kitten asked nervously as she went over to get him some toast and juice.

Mei laid her head down on the table. Ugh, she wanted to go back to bed.
"It's delicious," Sejae smiled, licking his lips. "Even better that you made it."

"Well, if it isn't my sleeping queen," Komoku smirked, tilting her head up to kiss her. "I've got just the thing for your hangover, sweetheart."
Kitten smiled at him and then sat next to him. "I'll make you breakfast like this whenever you want it." She had a good memory..she was sure she could pull it off.

Mei groaned again as she felt her head being tilted up, but the kiss made her feel..somewhat better. "What...what do you have for me, Komoku?"
"A special blend of tea," Komoku grinned, giving her a polite little nuzzle. "It'll clear that head pain right up," he said, excusing himself to go fetch the pot. Jana didn't notice the smell until he came closer...and when he poured her a cup of it, it was overpowering. It wasn't a bad smell, but it was extremely strong. "Finish the cup, and you'll feel better in an hour or so."
Mei noticed the smell too, but she didn't much care. If he thought that it would make her feel better, she wouldn't question it. She put the cup to her lips and sipped slowly. It didn't taste bad..but it wouldn't be a tea she'd enjoy every day.

"I didn't feel this bad the first time I drank." Mei whined after she finished the cup.
"That's because you were drinking stronger stuff, sweetheart," Komoku chuckled. "We tried to warn you,"

"At least you didn't start sucking Komoku's dick," Sejae said dryly, taking another bite of his breakfast. "You were practically ravenous that night."
"Shut up." Mei snapped as she held her head. "I think I won't be drinking anymore of Catalina's drinks anymore...maybe I should stick to sake." If she was even going to drink again at all..after this.

"Could have been worse, you could have puked all night, Mei. That's what happened the second time I drank." Justin said as he walked into the kitchen. "Morning."
"Maybe you should learn some moderation, sweetie," Jana grinned. "You drink like a fish when you get your first drink. I've never seen someone so eager to get wasted."
"I don't even remember drinking that much.." Mei muttered as she laid her head back on the table. "I think I just liked the taste of Cat's drinks..."
"Poor baby," Komoku smiled, fingers running through her hair. "Well, let's see if you can get something down, and I'll put you back to bed, okay?"
"Okay.." Mei muttered as she nuzzled into his hand. He always made her breakfast just the way she liked it...she couldn't say she wasn't hungry after being in the kitchen for so long. "As long as you come back with me..." She smiled a bit.
"Naturally," Komoku grinned turning back to the kitchen to make breakfast. Sure enough, everyone milled out at one point or another. Komoku seemed to take a great delight in producing a breakfast for Kokoro.

"Here's how you really cook," he sniffed, grinning at her casually. "You know, when you put some love into it."
Kokoro looked at the food in front of her and then raised an eyebrow. "Is this a challenge, Komoku..?" She muttered as she narrowed her eyes. She would have appreciated the breakfast, it was his words that made her question his intentions. "Because...if you want to have a competition, I accept."

No one cooked better than her...She learned from the best chef money could buy.
"A challenge?" Komoku said, elbows on the counter. "Hm, maybe..." he smirked. "But I have a date with Mei and the bed today, so tell you what, you make dinner. We'll see how it goes."
"Very well." Kokoro had a special dinner planned if that was the case. She was no amateur at cooking! She didn't think he was bad either, however. Especially when she tasted his food. "...Not bad."

"Komoku.." Mei whined as she rubbed her temples. Hopefully that tea would work soon.
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