School Rumble (Broom and I)

"I can't help that fighting turns me on, especially when I lose!" Catalina shivered happily. There was nothing like the adrenaline of fighting..the thrill...she was getting excited just thinking about it.
"...I'll fight you," Masami said, after getting a mouthful of liquid courage. "Er...wrestle you," she smiled.

...Dujae did not know how to approach that, at all.
"Guess we'll find out," Masami smiled easily, fingers sparking with lighting. "I spar with Komoku every week, you know...don't expect anything easy."
"Oooh, that does sound exciting." Catalina got up and then pulled the rest of her bathing suit off. Lightning was annoying, but she didn't care. She never really used her element...not unless she had to.
"She fights naked?" Damien asked curiously.

"She would fight naked if she could get away with it," Dujae sighed, leaning back on his palms. Not that he didn't appreciate the view...

"Glad you think so," Masami smiled. Wow, Cat was all kinds of muscle and gorgeous...this was...going to be exciting in a different way.
"I settle for tight body suits most of the time. There aren't very many people who have gotten the honors of fighting me butt naked. Dujae reminded me how much I like it though. Doing it with a pretty girl? Even better." Catalina moved away from the others so she'd have some room. "Whenever you're ready."
"I'm flattered," Masami smiled, sinking her feet into the sand. "Alright...we'll do this your way..." Komoku always taught her some grappling, people always wanted to take advantage, after all. So, she inched forward carefully and then bolted towards her in a graceful set of cartwheels, intending to land right on Cat's shoulders.
"Pretty," Catalina commented as she watched Masami leap into the air. "But it leaves you open for this!" She took a hold of her ankles right before the bottom of her feet touched her shoulders and pulled down on them both, pulling her slightly forward so she'd be sitting on her shoulders instead of standing. And right when she felt that wonderful soft flesh touch her skin, she flipped herself backwards to bring Masami to the ground.
Masami grunted in surprise, her legs locking around Cat's shoulders when they hit the ground, her hand gripped her hair and she shoved it...right between her legs as she began to twist to get the advantage.

...Her intentions for this were not honest, but Masami didn't care much when she had a muscular, beautiful woman on top of her.
"Hair pulling, not something men usually do." Catalina said against her wonderfully smelling slit, just before dragging her tongue against it lazily. She learned that from Dujae, if they were going to do dirty things to each other, she might as well take advantage of it.
"I'm not a man," Masami cooed, her toes flexing just a little as she gave another firm roll and somehow managed to get on top with a breath of exertion, her nubile body glistening in the moonlight and the crackle of the fire.

"Guess I've been fighting wrong all these years," Damien remarked dryly.

"Yeah, Cat makes you wonder," Dujae grinned, watching. Hm, what did Cat do to Masami...?
"Who said anything about being a man? I wanted to do that, fuck you." Catalina grinned as she grabbed Masami's wrists and started pulling them outward.
"Nn..." Masami grunted, locking her legs tighter around her neck as she grabbed one of Cat's arms and pulled, laying back so it nestled that arm between her c-cups.

"...Am I a pig for liking this?" Dujae asked casually?

"No, you're a man, now shut up," Damien said, taking another sip as Kuki flushed faintly. Was...Damien really like this? Did he like this sort of thing...? She felt so out of place...
Catalina got to her knees and then pushed Masami forward, ignoring her tight grasp on her neck, yanking her arm away from Masami's grip, her biceps slightly bulging from the force. She then grabbed Masami's legs and started attempting to pull them apart. "Not bad..."
"How in the world..." Masami grunted in surprise as her legs parted, exposing her glistening, twitchy pussy to the cool night air. She didn't just look strong she was strong!
Catalina grinned as she moved in between her legs and on top of her, grabbing her wrists again and pinning them down into the sand. "How? Lots and lots of matches in the ring, that's how!" She grinned and licked Masami's cheek. Hmm...she was feeling frisky!
Masami flushed a little in surprise, her nipples jutting out rapidly as her legs shifted with a faint whimper. "C...Cat...wait..."

"She always does that..." Dujae sighed. "Komoku's gonna kill you if he finds out, you know that, right?"
"I'll take him on too! We can do a tag team match! Those are my favorite..don't get to do them too often." Catalina glanced back at Masami as she gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Wait? I think that's a surrender if I ever heard one..."
"N...No, I mean..." she flushed. "Okay...fine, fine...I surrender."

Dammit, ugh. She couldn't do it. She couldn't even try to do it. Fucking, ugh. She was glad that drink was still in her stomach. "I don't want to hear Komoku complain about it in the morning."
"Awww. Well, it was fun while it lasted." Catalina lazily moved off Masami. "But now I'm horny..." She pouted as she moved back to Dujae. Maybe she'd head inside after all, join the others in fucking and sleeping.
"Yeah yeah," Dujae grinned, hands running along her face to kiss her. "Makes two of us, Bear...c'mon, let's at least have some manners and not do it right in front of Damien and Kuki."

"Yeah," Masami breathed. "I'm uh...going to bed." she mumbled. And rub herself into a minor coma...
"Keep Damien company, Cookie." Catalina winked at her and then picked up the cooler that was still halfway filled with drinks. Then she pushed it over for Dujae to hold, not giving him much of a choice as they walked back to the house with a frustrated Masami.
Morning came like a rush of hangovers and sleeping in people, but Komoku? Oh, Komoku Rokujo wouldn't have shit of that. He was up bright as hell and cooking breakfast, ignorant of all the hungover people as he cooked up a breakfast with a happy little hum. Bacon sizzling, eggs crackling...toast in the toaster. He was a veritable whirlwind for a group of people. That...and well, Kokoro was okay but he could do much better. And he liked showing off, and tending to Mei's poor widdle hangover.
Kitten was the first one up. The smell of food had woken her up almost immediately. She made sure she didn't wake Sejae up when she left the bedroom. She was still wearing her pajamas, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes when she came in to watch him. She should have known it was Komoku.

"Morning.." She said quietly as she moved to the cabinet and got herself a glass. She hadn't really drank must last night...just enough to make her fall asleep.
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