School Rumble (Broom and I)

"...Damn," Dujae mused, watching her. "That's pretty hot, Bear."

"See?" Jana smirked. "So nyah," she said, sticking her tongue out. "Brat."

"Uh huh," Komoku sighed, scooping her up. "Alright, alright...I think it's bedtime for the Princess."
"What? I didn't say it wouldn't be hot. And I could lick my arm pit and Dujae would find that hot, his word is biased." Catalina teased before looking over to Komoku. "She's that gone, huh?"

"No, don't let him take me away, I was having fun!" Mei protested as she kicked her legs a little in a pathetic struggle.
"Hey!" Dujae frowned in annoyance. "That's not true!" ...Not about her armpit, anyway!

"Yep," Komoku grinned, patting her rear. "I better take her inside and get all the fucking out of her system before you guys head to bed."

"Thank god for that," Masami sighed, arms wrapped around her legs. All of his relationship crap was making her bitter. "Hey, Cat. Make me a nightcap, would you?"
"I don't want to leave! Jana, do something!" Mei whined more, but she just gave up her struggling.

"Sure. Something wrong, Masami?" Catalina asked as she pulled out more alcohol and an empty plastic cup.
"You're getting sex, quit complaining," Komoku said as Jana smiled. "He is right, is getting late...maybe we should hit the hay?" she said, glancing to Justin.

"Nah," Masami smiled faintly. "Just want something to take the edge off, that's all."

"You guys go ahead," Damien said, taking another lazy sip. "It's a great night, been a while since I could relax."
"Yeah, I'm pretty tired. That food really hit the spot." Justin said as he rose to his feet.

Catalina passed Masami her drink and then raised an eyebrow. "You sure? I know what it looks like when someone is bothered by something."
"Sure enough," Masami smiled, taking the glass. "Thanks, Cat. I'm okay."

"Don't be a broody little brat, sis," Komoku said, the hand on her head was affectionate, at least. "Come talk to me if you need it, okay?"

"...Yeah, thanks." Masami murmured. Nobody'd ever believe her if she told them the kind of brother that Komoku was when she was just a scared little girl with no parents, or maybe they would...he had softened up a lot since they joined up with this little cadre of people. "I'm okay, big brother. I promise."

"Hm...alright," Komoku said. "Thanks for the food, Koko. It was good...for an amateur, I got breakfast." he smirked, carting a protesting Mei up towards the house.
"Amateur?" Kokoro muttered as she watched him leave. She had been cooking since she was a little girl! She sighed and looked at Adam. "Do you want to go to bed too?" She asked him as she caressed his cheek.

"Shit....bunch of babies, I swear. Not even midnight yet." Catalina grumbled as she poured herself something. "I'll keep you company, Masami. Damien seems to wrapped up in relaxing to be good company."
"Depends, are we sleeping?" Adam teased, arms around her waist.

"Love you too, Cat," Damien said dryly, taking a sip of his drink. "Unlike you, I actually have to deal with people and paperwork and money every day, forgive me if I just want to sit back and not care about anything."
"Maybe not right away..." Kokoro purred with a grin just before she pressed her lips against his.

"Yeah, yeah. You don't have to do that, you know." Catalina told him as she threw another stick into the fire. It was keeping everyone nice and warm.
"Then I think was should get to bed," Adam grinned playfully, returning the kiss happily. "See you guys later."

"Night," Damien said, tilting his glass as Kuki was increasingly alone on her side as he sat up, patting the side of his chair. Eh, screw was a vacation, right? Kuki blushed faintly as she quietly inched her way over to sit on the very edge of the chair.

"What about you, Kitten?" Sejae said, glancing at her. "You getting tired yet?"
Kitten had fallen asleep not too long ago, and she was out like a light. Guess that was his answer.

"Awww, the drinks knocked her out. That's cute...much cuter than Mei is when she's drunk." Catalina pointed out as she watched Kokoro and Adam leave. God, they didn't have to leave if they just wanted to have sex.
"She's not used to it, I don't think," Sejae smiled, scooping her up gently. "I'm gonna put her to bed."

"Some party group, huh?" Masami teased, taking a drink to relax with a faint breath. Cat made some wonderful silk...she already felt her bad feelings slipping away.
"I guess it's just us five then. Unless you're tired too, mi amor?" Catalina asked as she leaned back, her head on his shoulder.
"Mm, no, I'm used to dealing with you late at night," Dujae smirked playfully. "Besides, lovely night out, seems like a shame to retire early."

"Yeah, it's weird having things be so peaceful," Masami said, reclining back on her chair with a faint sigh.
"I'll say..." Catalina said as she laid back against Dujae. "I like it though. Even though I like fighting, too. A lot of fighting...I guess I can always beat up Dujae if I get the urge." She laughed a little.
"I've gotten better," he protested glumly as Damien chuckled.

"It's been a while since I enjoyed a fight," he admitted, swirling the glass to finish it off with a content breath.
"Oh yeah...would you like to enjoy one right now?" Catalina asked with a grin. That scarred body looked like a sturdy one...not that she preferred to wrestle with him over Dujae. He had gotten better...a lot better.
"No," Damien said idly. "I don't fight for the fun of it, Cat. Never have, probably never will."

"Odd for you to live in Turuga then," Dujae said dryly.

"Yeah...well," Damien said, reclining back. "Can't help where you're born."
"And where was that?" Catalina asked as she tilted her head. She wasn't born in Turuga either, but she might as well have been. Mainly because she didn't remember living anywhere else, she was very young when they moved to the country.
"Glasgow," Damien murmured. "Turuga isn't the only place with kids with more than they need to have, and adults who exploit it." he said. "Turuga doesn't hide it's nature, maybe that's why it's not as scary as other places. Kids beat the shit out of each other all the time, it's just expected. In other places? It's not the majority, just the minority. Lots of repression, lots of sad parents and put away kids who don't know any better. Komoku'd probably be in jail six ways to sunday by now, if he lived anywhere else...but that's what Turuga is, right?" he said, unscrewing the cap of the whiskey to pour a little more. "A place where all the animals go."
"..Damien. I just asked where you're from. So what, you can't enjoy fighting because you've been forced to be a good boy for too long? Eh, it's really nothing less I'd expect from DC. Well, DC before Mei came into the picture as the leader." Now things were different...people barely knew how to behave and the only reason why they were doing it was because of Mei..and because DC was a decent place to belong. No one wanted to lose that.
"You're not catching my drift, sweetheart," Damien said idly. "You put enough animals in a open range, and eventually they calm down. You squeeze enough wild dogs into a cage and someone gets bit so the others can breathe. Other places, you bite and bite until you're the only one breathing."
" fighting isn't enjoyable in the cage. Right? I think I get it." Didn't really help when she was half way there to being drunk off her ass. But, she kind of got what she was saying. "Well, are you sure you wouldn't enjoy wrestling with a naked chick?"
"I call that sex, Cat," Damien chuckled. "And I think Dujae would protest."

"Just a bit," Dujae said dryly. "I think Cat just wants to get mounted by everyone who can handle her."
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