School Rumble (Broom and I)

"I know, I know..." Komoku said, moving over to scoop her up and give her a kiss as she held her bridal style. "The Queen needs her beauty rest," he smirked to the others. "So if you'll excuse me, I have someone to spoil all day."

"Uh huh," Sejae chuckled. "Thanks for breakfast, buddy."
"Yeah, it was really good." Justin called after them. Poor Mei..hang overs weren't fun...

"I should have made her drink lots of water before she went to bed...sometimes that helps people flush it out of their system enough to where they aren't drunk the next day." Catalina explained. Hmm..what would she do today?
"It's a good lesson for her," Jana chuckled. "Don't feel too bad, Cat...she does need to learn some moderation."
"I don't know what moderation means, Dujae is the one that controls what I drink." Catalina said with a laugh.

The vacation was over before everyone knew it. The plane ride back a sad one for some people like Cat who didn't want to leave Brazil. Mei felt recharged, and she was more than ready to come back to work. Though she wasn't greeted with the best of seemed that a little mischief broke out while they were gone. Made sense...the most threatening memebers of DC were on leave, but it couldn't be helped.

Remy kept everything under control for the most part along with Angel...who was surprisingly being helpful. Mostly because she could tell people what to do, and beat up people who didn't listen to her. Apparently there was a lot of territory issues in red...someone had been starting small fires and vandalizing the area. That puzzled Mei..but they could take care of it. Justin enjoyed already having an assignment not even a day after they had all returned.

For the most part, everything was back to normal. The day ended, and they caught up with any paper work Remy couldn't fill out. Now it was time to go her new home which was a long walk now...but the construction of Central was nearly over and soon they'd be closer.

"Ready to go, Jana?" Mei asked after she locked up her office. "We should go now if we want to be home by nightfall."
"You bet," Jana smiled, hands in her jacket. "It's kinda nice having our own place, isn't it?" Honestly, they didn't really have a lot of time together before. Which was a shame in of itself, but Jana had really forgotten how much she enjoyed spending time with Mei since they had their own place. She had really loosened up a lot, too.
" in my office wasn't so bad, but it got lonely." She admitted as they left the building. "Did you want to stop somewhere and get some dinner?" The only bad part about living in there own place was that there was no cafeteria Mei could go to for breakfast, lunch and dinner...she was too scared to even touch the stove. She would definitely burn the entire house down.
"Sure, something to take home?" Jana asked. "I just wanna take my clothes off and act like the world doesn't exist," she sighed. Thankfully, they could do a little bit more field work...but it just didn't feel the same. She got more excitement out of her exercise routine than her work anymore, but it was needed...sometimes, she just wished she could trawl around Turuga and hope something fun happened.
"Was today that bad?" Mei asked as they started their walk home. "There wasn't that much paper work. Remy and Angel did a good job by not letting the place go to hell while we were gone." It seemed like the office work didn't bother Mei...but then again she was getting all her action by training four times a week with her mother, and that was hard. But she was thankful for the leader of the DC she had to be at her strongest.
"Yeah, she really stepped up." Jana mused, head tilted in thought. She wasn't the strongest girl they had, but she had a lot of strong friends...Angel was much more cooperative when she was digging gold off someone, who knew? "I just miss being on the streets," she admitted with a sigh. "But...go where you're needed most, right?"
"I can move you, if you'd like. Damien and I can handle your share of work...I know how antsy you get from being inside all day." Mei felt bad about that, but in the beginning there was just so much to do.
"No, I want to help you," Jana smiled. "And I know that if I did that, I'd be wondering how someone else is handling my job...that's not fair. I'll just find ways to take the edge off, that's all."
"Well, I'm sure I could find someone else who could handle the job I'm having you just tell me if you ever just want to go out and work the streets sometime, Jana. Even if it's just a part time thing...a few times a week. I'll even go with you, if you'd like as your partner." Mei gave her a smile. "..I might be a little over kill though, being leader and all."
"Nah," Jana smiled, arm around her shoulder to pull her close. "We're partners, right? I go where you go, if that means I'm doing paperwork with you, then that's what it means. Thanks for being such a sweetheart, Mei...but I'm a big girl, I just need to adjust still." she assured. "...But if you ever get the urge, I'd be happy to come along." she smirked.
"I don't really get urges, I just get involved when necessary. We're going to get a lot of help when we transition back to the rebuilt building...a lot of people are wanting to come back now and are ready to start as soon as we have the room for them. I'm glad things are coming together..." Mei was glad too..people were scared and didn't know what DC would turn into without Kishi, but now...they had a lot of volunteers coming in as well as old members who had left.
"Course it would," Jana smiled. "You're a pillar, Mei. Rock solid, just everyone else is finding out what I already knew," she sniffed. "And, she's fun in bed. That's a bonus."
Mei could feel her cheeks flushing at that, but she ignored it. She just slipped her arm around Jana's waist as they passed a shiny, black limousine that was just parked and running. Mei could hear the door opening, but she didn't hear anything of it until she heard a voice behind her.

"Mei Wolfe? Is that your name?" She heard the voice ask behind her. When she turned around, she saw a girl standing by the car, with long dark hair and equally dark eyes. She..seemed familiar.

"Yes..? Who are you?" Mei asked as she turned her entire self around.

"Eva Kishi." The girl answered with a smirk before gesturing to the car. "Need a ride?"
"...I'm sorry, what?" Jana said after a moment. "...Did you say, Kishi?" Wait, he had kids?
"I must be Jana..." Eva's eyes went towards the Daisho attached to her hip. That made her giddy, but she promised Aiden she'd behave. "Nice to meet you both. Seriously though, you want to get in, or not? My brother and I want to talk to you."

Mei hesitated for a moment, glancing at Jana. She didn't see why not, but she could only wonder what they wanted to talk to her for. " is a long walk."
"...I guess so," Jana said, eyeing her with a faint frown. She didn't like the way she was looking at her, but she'd let it pass for the moment. "I'd say thanks, but I have a feeling I might not like this discussion," she muttered, moving towards the car nonetheless.
Eva only retreated back into the limo, and Mei went inside after Jana. She also had a bad feeling, but she saw no reason why they couldn't talk. "So..what exactly do the Kishi siblings want with me?" She asked as she sat next to Jana.

"Relax, we won't bite. I promised Aiden that I wouldn't. But you're probably right about the little discussion that we're about to have." Eva began as the car started to wherever. "Don't worry, we know we're you guys live. By the time we stop talking, you'll be home."
"That is so wonderfully relaxing," Jana said dryly. Aiden, she assumed was the boy. To be fair, Jana didn't get such a weird feeling in her gut staring at him...other than noticing how handsome he was.

"I'm sorry to bother you," Aiden sighed, scratching his neck. "But as I'm sure you're aware, us being back is providing...problems. None of which we intended," And none of which his sister actually got involved in...he hoped desperately.
"None of which are mine, I'm sure. What exactly are you two here about? If this is about your father...I give my deepest condolences." Mei said with a sincere tone of voice.

"Not at all. This is about you, Mei. Thank you so much for taking care of DC while we were gone...but we're here now, so you can hand it back over to us." Eva casually said as she crossed her arms. Mei didn't like that confident smirk...not one bit.
"...What my sister means to say is that...we would be interested in helping you in the DC," Aiden mumbled. "However...there is a...minor conflict of interest, given who we are."

"Uh huh," Jana said idly. "So you're trying to strongarm us into taking over? How many people have we stopped that from happening again? Two? Three?" Jana smirked at Mei.
"Two separate occasions, two more than I would have liked." Mei mumbled as she sat back and crossed her legs. "It's more than just a minor conflict of interest, in my opinion. While I certainly wouldn't reject your help, I don't intend to hand my title as leader over to either one of you. I'm official, recognized by the Council. I'm sorry, but you're too late if your goal is to take over your fathers role."

"Recognized by the Council? What does that mean?" Eva asked Aiden curiously. She honestly wasn't interested in this, but anything to please mother dearest.
"Really? You got accepted into the Council?" Aiden mused, rubbing his chin in thought. "That's quite impressive, Mei...the Council, remember the people father met with every week?" he asked. "In the skyscraper in Central? They practically run Turuga, if she's gotten their approval...your little...ahem...dream isn't going to happen." Mother didn't know of this? That was wouldn't make her happy, however.
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