School Rumble (Broom and I)

"Is Jana joining us for dinner?" Komoku asked regardless as he went back to cooking. "Maybe some company would cheer her up?"
"She said she wasn't I told her I'd leave some out for her if she changed her mind. I think she just wants to be alone." Mei told him as she opened a book. She probably should have tried a little harder to get her to join them..but she didn't know if she could handle being around her any longer. Even if her insult was was kind of hurtful.

It was too similar of an incident..almost like Deja Vu from before. No one liked her because she was a "Frigid Bitch" and apparently she was still like that...
"...You sure everything is okay, babe?" Komoku asked honestly, glancing at her. "I can tell when you got two braincells rubbing together in that pretty head of yours, c'mon, don't give me the silent treatment."
"..Well it's really nothing." But yet it was still bothering her, go figure. "It's just...Jana thinks it's not fair that a rich girl like me gets the loyal dog like you...she said that maybe if she started acting like a frigid bitch, she'd get guys that actually want something more than sex..."
"...Hm," Komoku mused. "...Not that I approve of her wording, but in a way, she's kind of right." Komoku said, turning the oven down low as he turned to face her, arms on the island counter. "Now before you start spiraling into self doubt, let me explain a little:" he smiled. "Y'see, Jana's a street girl, born and bred. Girls down that way are just used to operating in a certain way, because that's just how it is...I'm not know, social scientist or whatever. But that's not her fault either, I mean..." he sighed. "What I'm saying is, is that when guys feel like they can't have something, they want it more. Because of how Jana acts, they think it's easier to get's a common problem," he murmured. "There were quite a few girls in the Pits that would be considered 'easy', when it was really just them knowing what they wanted. So...when they see you, with your chin up high and walking like a graceful ballerina, they want it. Not always for honest intentions, sometimes they are...but they want to have it because you give them the feeling like they don't deserve's a guy thing." he mumbled.

"A stupid guy thing, but trust me, I've had my teeth knocked out by more than a few women in this fucked up town to tell me otherwise."
Mei was quiet for a moment before she ran her fingers through her hair. "I don't act this way to get guys...or be attractive. I didn't..have a choice. There is so much more to my attitude than just being mean to people, or being intimidating." She muttered, looking out towards the patio. "I never felt like I had a right to complain about my past...especially not to you or Jana. But not everything about my life was easy...or perfect. It's always, "Rich girl" this and that. I get nice things, but I never asked for them. Because in the end, they don't matter. None of it ever made me happy, as much as my parents really wanted it to."

Mei felt that familiar feeling of wanting to close herself off..the only way she could cope with the stress and the pain. "Who I was...what I am. It's all I could stop myself from feeling pain every day. I never wanted to be a frigid bitch. But it happened...and I was suffering alone for years because of it. That's why it hurt my feelings...because I thought that maybe...maybe I had changed. But I haven't in the least."
Komoku moved to sit next to her, arm around her shoulder for a moment before frowning a bit in thought. "Mei,'s not that your life's problems has any more or less merit than what poor kids go through," he murmured. "It's just...the problems are different. I mean, come on...Jana's a street girl, that doesn't mean that your problems mean any's just harder for her to rationalize. I don't think it's ever wrong to be miserable because you weren't happy, in the end...that's what she's miserable about too, right? Both of you together are happy, Jana's always talked about you to Masami like you're dating her." he joked with a faint grin. "Sometimes I wonder myself."
"I know she didn't mean it." Mei responded with a small smile as she rested her head against him. "It just hurts. To know that she's jealous. Jealous that I have a guy like you. She sounded...really upset when she spoke about you. How I got you because I beat you up better than she did. I didn't know what to tell her. Or rather...I didn't think saying what was on my mind at the time would have been appropriate." Plus, she was too hurt to respond anyway, rather than say what what had come across her mind. If she had said what she thought, it would have come across as bitter and rude.
"Well," Komoku sighed. "I don't know what to tell you, honestly...people ask me all the time how I ended up with you...but lemme tell you, Dujae gets all kinds of hate these days," he chuckled. "Sejae, too...we were hot items, you know? That whole super strong, tough guy thing...really gets women going, then Dujae and Sejae got swooped up by two women they had barely known? Lots of hissing, if you get my drift."
"Well at least maybe the girls in DC will stop their gawking and do their work now." Mei said with a smirk before she looked up at him. "But either way, I'm just hoping that something good happens for Jana soon. Justin doesn't seem to be making her feel any better, at least not in the long run."
"Jana's a tough girl, she'll figure it out," Komoku promised, glancing at her with a grin. "Besides, the only reason they're jealous is because everyone heard about the time I fucked you in your office, that was fun..." he sighed wistfully. "I need to fuck you in public places more often."
"What?!" Mei's face grew as red as a tomato. Some things just never changed. "No, we need to do it less often." She hissed at him before she crossed her arms. At least she could do it in her own place now...though they did have a neighbor that lived on the other side of the building. He was older, probably in his late twenties. But if Mei remembered correctly from their few conversations, he worked nights and should have been at work by now.
"But Mei," Komoku pouted. "You're at your best when you have no sense of inhibitions!" he said, hands running over her body like a playful pervert. "C'mon! Let's go do it in the hallway!" he leered, already tugging at her shirt.
"No!" She growled at him as she pushed his hands away. "No way, I'm practically a celebrity in Turuga. Can you imagine how many things are already being said about me?" She growled.

Shit..shit, this was bad. Levy wasn't picking up his cell, he must have been busy or something. She knew she couldn't do this alone, those crazy bitches managed to pin Angel into a corner, and she was much stronger then her. She dialed Jana's cellphone number and hoped to God she'd pick up.
"That's why it's so hot that the Commander of the DC is an amazing sex goddess," Komoku smirked hungrily, shifting forward to tug her blouse open with a hungry, and playful little bite on her collarbone as he pinned her to the couch. "Mm, and I want to ravish her!"
Jana thought about not picking it up...but...ugh, work. Work was good though, she'd like something to distract her from everything. She pulled her phone over and frowned. Remy...? That couldn't be good...

"Hello?" Jana said, rising out of bed as she was already moving to get dressed. "Remy? What's going on?"
"W-what about dinner?" Mei asked him with a frown. She was just in the mood earlier, too...he was always so random about things.

"Jana? I need your help. Please don't tell Mei, can you just please get over to Peacock and Berry street? Like, as soon as you can? Angel pissed off a group of girls and now they have her cornered..I need back up, there's like six...I think another one is coming to join them. Please Jana, please help!" Remy pleaded as she pulled out one of her sai.
"Mm, it'll be done when I'm done," Komoku grinned, tongue brushing over her cleavage with a hungry purr. "Mmm...and I might not be done for a while...I'm still hard from earlier..."

"What? Why?" Jana said, already slipping on a pair of shorts. Shit, this sounded bad. "Hold on, don't do anything until I get there." Fuck,, actually...this was good. Maybe she could feel a little bit better after she clawed a few women in half.
Mei shivered when she felt his tongue running along her chest. "Fine...but if you're going to do it, you better do it how I asked you to do it." She muttered as she looked away.

"Because this is partially Angel's fault...I don't want Mei to get involved unless she has to. Jana-." Remy suddenly felt her phone being snatched out of her hand. She gasped and then looked at the one who did it. Who was of them?!

"Don't bother coming, Jana..." A familiar voice spoke into Remy's phone. Eva's voice. "I will clean up the trash before you can even get here." Eva grinned as Remy raised her weapon, glaring at the girl.

"Give me back my phone, bitch! Who do you think you are?!"
"You have no idea how much I wanted to," Komoku purred, ripping her blouse open with a pop of buttons as he mashed her lips against hers, tongue forcing it's way into her mouth.
Jana's eyes narrowed. "Eva? If you so much as put a mark on Remy, I'm going to burn you into ash," she muttered. "And I will make it my personal pleasure to drag your ugly face through the pavement," she growled, grabbing a her jacket and a shirt. Perfect, this was the best way to fix her anger.
All he did was rip open her blouse, and she could already feel herself getting excited. Her body trembled as there tongues met and wrestled against one another. She closed her eyes, moaning softly against his lips.

"Ohhhh?" Eva's voice dripped with excitement, and she grinned wildly as her eyes lit up. She loved Jana's spirit, she loved that anger. The fire was strong in her and all Eva wanted to do was put gasoline to it. "Then come get me, Jana." She ended the call and her eyes turned back to Remy, who glared up at her defiantly but didn't make a move. "You feel it, right? You feel the fire, water girl. Nothing can extinguished me. Sit tight..I'm holding onto your phone while I take out the garbage."

Before Remy could protest, Eva turned her back and walked over to where the fight was going on. Six girls, all wearing surgical masks and long trench coats..hmm, they weren't in a gang. Such silly disguises were meant to simply throw off DC. Their target was holding up pretty well...considering she was outnumbered. Little balls of light formed a protective wall against her enemy while she held onto her spear, panting in exhaustion. She was pretty messed up. Clothes in tatters. Long cuts streaking her pale body, leaking blood. Though she was still fighting, still ready for more. She had lasted this long...but Eva knew why. Angel, one of her former acquaintances. She remembered this one well.

"It really takes six of you to handle one girl? How laughable," Eva began as she drew her two swords slowly, drawing their attention away from the injured Angel. "You six aren't even worth the air you breathe..." She continued on. Angel looked up, and immediately her eyes widened. Eva?! She was back in town..?

"Who the fuck are you, bitch?" One of the girls demanded as she raised her saber up in defense. The others, with various weapons joined her.

"Angel, can run. You did good. But I will show these amateurs what real fighting is about. It's about pain...the fear of losing...the excitement! The adrenaline! You can't possibly experience that ganging up on a single opponent, fools!" Eva lifted up her swords and lunged towards the girls without so much as a warning.

"Crazy cunt! Fuck you!" The same girl who spoke..probably the leader went to meet Eva head on. Before she could even swing her blade, she felt a terrible pain that trailed from her gut all the way from her shoulder. A brilliant display of blood soon followed, and Eva let it spray all over her face and clothes. The girl dropped in front of her, and that was enough to make the others charge in together, screaming obscenities.

"Yes," Eva began as she gracefully swung both her swords in unison, her blades slicing through clothing, hair, skin..whatever was in it's path. When she swung, it never hit air. It cut. Deeply. "Come at me with all you have. Please don't make this boring for me!"

Remy watched in disbelief, seeing Eva holding off all four girls. Whenever one thought they would get the upper hand, Eva would either block with one of her blades or she'd simply dodge..even when the blow was from behind. One sword was used to guard, the other was to attack..and that look. This girl was..having fun? Even when her opponents let out blood curdling shrieks of pain, Eva only laughed in response. The last girl standing just realized she was all alone...and she made a run for it.

"Coward." Eva muttered with a scowl before she took long strides..and caught up to the girl in seconds. She sliced the girl deep in the back, and Remy flinched when she heard the girl scream in terror. They were all groaning in pain, bleeding all over the pavement. Their wounds were deep...this girl did not play around. Remy shook her head and then moved over to Angel, who was simply in shock. Eva..had gotten even better than she was before. And..and deadlier. Why the fuck was she back in Turuga..?
"You're such a slut, you know that?" Komoku smirked, biting her bottom lip as he tore her bra down, the straps snapping off as he roughly pawed her breasts.
Jana didn't like the fact that Eva was right, even when she was rushing out of a taxi cab to the address that Remy hurriedly gave her, it was even worse than she thought. Jana's blades were drawn an instant she smelled the blood, and her face settled into a frown of extreme displeasure. She didn't know if it was anger, but it wasn't fucking right.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, you psycho!?" Jana growled, fingers tight on her blades. "You don't just go around slicing people up!"
She winced when he tore her bra off, feeling a sharp pain briefly until the straps broke. "No I'm not..." Mei breathed as he toyed with her breasts, her nipples instantly getting hard in his palms.

Eva didn't respond immediately. She was too busy listening to the sound of blood dripping from her blades. Plip, plip, plip. It wasn't enough, she wanted more. But...she would behave for now. "Are you serious..? Didn't you just draw your blades to slice me up..? Huh?" Eva turned around with a grin. The look in her eye But it soon settled as she attempted to calm herself down. She wanted to let it out..she wanted to let her fire roar.
"Liar," Komoku growled, fingers pressing down on the nipples before giving them a hard tug. "You're a slut, admit it!" he growled, giving one of her breasts a hard smack. Ooh, red skin looked nice on her...
"It's called self defense," Jana muttered. "Angel, two okay?" she asked. She was completely out of her mind. "Call an ambulance, fast."
Mei cried out when he smacked her breast, feeling the blood rush to her skin. It hurt, but in a good way. "N-no.." She wanted to be difficult today...she wanted him to work for the slut he wanted to see so bad. "I'm not a slut!"

"I can't, she still has my phone and...Angel's hurt badly." Remy answered as Angel slowly went to rest on one knee. She was still panting...still trying to figure out what the hell she had just seen. Eva was a monster.

"Hmm, the girls I cut up didn't seem to mind turning Angel into mince meat. An eye for an eye." Eva stated as she casually pulled out Remy's phone. "Let them bleed a little more. They need to learn their lesson, so they don't go around ganging up on another cute girl like Angel."
"Liar," Komoku smirked, leaning down to bite one of her tits possessively as he reached into her pants to shove them down with her panties. Mm, he loved it when she rebelled...
"Learning their lesson isn't the same as gutting them like fish," Jana muttered. "What the fuck is your deal? You think you can just come in here and act like you own the place? You're as fucked up as your Daddy, and I thought I had issues."
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