School Rumble (Broom and I)

"...Sure," Kuki smiled slightly, waiting until her drink was finished before she joined them in the water. With a naked Masami, a topless overabundantly energetic Cat, a slightly unwinding Mei...she felt...better, it was fun. Actually fun, she had a natural predisposition to taking Mei's side in the splash fights, but she was giggling and smiling by the time they got out of the water with Dujae. Unsurprisingly, Komoku had dozed off...but at least he had a nice tan working. Kokoro and Adam had chose to be a little less social for the first day...for obvious reasons.

Quite frankly, the sex had been phenomenal since Kokoro admitted her guilt. And Adam wanted to spoil her absolutely rotten, at least for the first day.
Sure, they had spent hours in their room alone together. About as long as Sejae and Kitten were taking their little catnap. But eventually it started to get dark, and Kokoro had Adam help her bring out supplies to set up a bonfire on the beach. Everyone was getting hungry, so she also pulled out a charcoal grill so she could cook them dinner by the fire. Somehow chairs and blankets were starting to litter the beach as everyone relaxed while watching the sunset.

She also brought out the wide variety of sake's they kept in the house, and Catalina had even more things for them to drink. But right now Kokoro was just focused on cooking for everyone. She..liked having people eat her food.
Komoku was circling her like a crow, not second hand cooking...mostly because Mei and Kokoro both would glare at him if he said something, so he just acted like he didn't care. Justin and Jana were practically attached at the him, and Jana seemed to be more than happy to nuzzle against him topless. It had been so long since she could just feel relaxed, only Mei made her feel relaxed anymore...but this was a nice difference. She didn't want to hog her every time she felt miserable and lonely.

"You know, Cat," Dujae said dryly as Sejae and Kitten were resting on a blanket, Kitten seemed to be...positively glowing, and Sejae seemed about as casual as ever. He was just so cool wasn't he? Ugh, his brother was so lame sometimes. "When I said 'bring a little bit' I didn't think you meant you'd bring an entire bar with you."
"We are going to be here for a week, so I bought a weeks supply." That was a little bit to her, she could probably drink this stuff all on her own in a week. But..she was drinking in moderation for everyone elses sake. "Besides, everyone loves my drinks!"

"They taste really sweet. Like a smoothie, almost." Kitten commented as she sipped on the pina colada that Cat had specifically made for her. She was feeling hot and funny because she was drinking it so fast, but it wasn't anything she minded.
"Don't drink it too fast," Sejae chuckled. "It'll go right to your head, Kitten."

"This wrestling thing doesn't work out, you should be a bartender," Masami complimented with a smile, sipping her own drink. "These are really tasty!"
"I thought about it. Running a pub would be fun." Catalina said thoughtfully as she looked into the bonfire. "But I like wrestling too much, I don't know what it would take to get me out of that game."

Kitten reluctantly pulled the drink away from her lips before she clung to Sejae happily. She liked being so close to him.
"Bartender by day, wrestler by," Dujae smirked, arms around her waist as he kissed her cheek. "Maybe when you're a little older, Bear."

"Eh, well...we're not going to be policing ourselves forever," Sejae mused, rubbing Kitten's side with a fond smile. "I assume, anyway."

"Maybe, maybe not," Komoku said, casting his eyes towards Mei. "Can't say I ever thought much about it."
"I'm going to be in charge of DC for a long time..that's my future. Am I the only one who figured out what I wanted to do as an adult?" Mei asked as she glanced up at Komoku. She couldn't say she was surprised if she was.

"No. I'm probably going to spend the rest of my life as an investigator. I'm shit at everything else." Justin commented as he took a swig of his beer. "Guess we're the only responsible ones, Mei."
"Not everyone's had a stable life growing up, y'know," Komoku said idly. "I was more worried about making sure I got to the next day with food in my stomach." And making sure his sister grew up normal, normal as they could manage.

"True," Masami mused faintly. "...It's kind of nice though, isn't it? I mean...being part of something."

"Kind of," Dujae said, chin rested contently against Cat's shoulder as his hands linked with hers. "...It is nice, having a place to be, and actually wanting to be there." If he was talking about the DC or Cat was anyone's guess, but he really wouldn't have met his Bear without the DC.

"I don't know either," Jana admitted. "...Maybe I should, I don't know."
"You guys will figure it out. I'm just glad that I can be apart of something I'm so passionate about. And I'm glad Justin figured it out, if he could figure out what he wants to do, anyone can. From criminal to criminal investigator? Who would have thought." Mei smirked at Justin.

"Well, crime was really all I knew...thanks to my parents." Justin shrugged a little as he kissed Jana's cheek. "It will come eventually, Jana. It's not a bad thing that you don't know."
"Yeah, we're all still young and attractive, not as attractive as me of course-"

"This is your fault he's so arrogant," Masami grumbled at Mei. "He was even less annoying when you two weren't dating."

"You make it sound like Komoku didn't act like he was god's gift to everyone before," Sejae smirked at him in amusement. "Now he just has what he thinks is a valid reason to do it."

"...You guys suck, you know that?" he sniffed.
Mei stood up and walked over to him, kissing his cheek. "I know you're not talking about me. You know I think you're the best looking guy in the entire world." She placed a few kissed on his collar bone after embracing him.

"Foods done." Kokoro already knew what her future was like. Working for her father, as a silversmith. It was a boring job, honestly..but she didn't really have a choice.
"Aw, thanks," Komoku grinned, arms around her waist as everyone gathered to get food. "And you're the second most attractive girl I know, first to naked and horny Mei. There's a system."

"Lovely," Masami said dryly as Adam slid his arms around Kokoro, nuzzling against her hair.

"Smells great," Adam complimented.
"Thank you.." Kokoro said with a smile as she leaned up to kiss him. "It's just hot dogs and hamburgers though."

"Uhuh. Well why don't you get me some food?" She normally didn't like either, but it was a barbecue and there wasn't much else to eat. Chips...potato salad...things like that that they had brought out to eat.
"Cause I have my hands full of something better?" Komoku tried with a charming grin. "Something so much better? Dare I assume the majestic queen eat the food of common peasants?"
"Shut up and get me some food. I'm starving." Mei shot back at him, returning that stupidly handsome grin with a sharp glare. "Please. Get me some food please."

"I don't think I've ever seen a hamburger in Mei's hand." Justin said as he made a plate for both him and Jana. Yeah, he was whipped...but he liked it.
"She just likes it when she bosses Komoku around," Jana smiled, arm around Mei's waist to give her a playful peck on the cheek as Komoku chuckled and headed to where the food was set up. "I think that's why she's such a good leader, she gets off on barking orders."
"Yeah, that's me." Mei sarcastically answered as she rolled her eyes. "I can have a hamburger every once in a while, and Kokoro uses the good kind of beef. The fresh kind."
"Uh huh," Jana smiled, hand rubbing Mei's side. "That, and you like bossing Komoku around," she teased. She could act like it all she wanted, but she knew she got a perverse thrill from it.
"He likes it went I do anyway, so I don't see the problem." Not to mention...he bossed her around plenty in the bedroom, so she made sure they were even all the time.

Justin sat by Jana, stacking a single plate with both of their shares of food. He took a bite of his hamburger. Shit, that was good..who know Kokoro could cook something other than curry and ramen?
"I'm pretty sure Komoku would like it if you spit on him," Jana smirked, taking a forkful of potato salad.

"Maybe," Komoku grinned, handing Mei a plate of food with a dignified flourish. "That depends, where is she spitting?"

"Ugh, come on!" Masami grimaced. "Not while we're eating, you pig!"
Mei decided not to comment on that, but she did enjoy another swig of her drink just before picking up a hot dog. She liked this kind of stuff when she was a was good as an adult too.

"I think a more proper dinner topic should be brought up," Kokoro said as she sat on Adam's lap. She didn't bother getting a plate, he would feed her. "Like what we want to do for the week. We have plenty of camping gear in the house, and the forest is big. We could play a few games. Ever play manhunt?"
"Manhunt?" Jana said, brow arched curiously. "You mean 'Red alleyways at night'?" she joked dryly. least the hood rats got the joke?
"..What?" Kokoro asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"Manhunt huh? Isn't that hide and go seek at night?" Justin asked right before he shoved more food in his mouth. He was hungry..all that swimming gave him a huge appetite.
"Hmm...seems like something I'd naturally excel at," Komoku mused, rubbing his chin. "I think we should raise the stakes, though."

"Oh boy," Masami said, rolling her eyes. "Just what exactly do you mean by that, big brother?"

"C'mon, it's no fun being just hide and seek," Komoku grinned.
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