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School Rumble (Broom and I)

"Pretty sure the fridge is fully stocked. There should be juice in there." Justin jumped at the chance to participate in any other conversation that wasn't about..what Catalina and Dujae were talking about.

"Oh yeah? Well maybe I should stop riding you all the time. Let you do the work." Catalina smirked at him.

"I still scream just as loudly regardless of what position I'm in." Mei said with a smirk as she continued to sip on her sake.

"That right? I guarantee you if I made Dujae fuck you right now you'd be screaming the exact same way!" Catalina's voice seemed to get louder, but she was still smiling. Because she wasn't drunk despite having a few shots of whiskey. So she knew not to be offended by Mei's words.

Mei just glanced at Dujae, looking him up and down before giving him the strangest smile. "Nah. Not the same way, probably a little less."
Komoku tilted his head at Jana curiously, who was grinning like a fool. "...How many has she had?"

"Two," Jana smirked. "And she's already saying that you can out fuck your friends."
"Hey, I'm on my third." Mei corrected as she looked at Jana. "And all I'm saying is the truth..."

"Right.." Catalina said with a grin. "But I bet you're not going to back up your truth with a demonstration."

"Dujae wouldn't be into it, he loves you too much. There is absolutely no point." Mei casually answered with a goofy grin. "It's absolutely adorable hearing him tell you he loves you. He doesn't look like the type to be all mushy like that."
"We need to get her drunk more often," Sejae smiled, ruffling Dujae's hair. "He's always been a big softie at heart, always wanted a girl he could spoil-"

"Ugh, I will fucking burn you," he grimaced, face as red as his hair. "Don't think I won't."

"Tch, even with one arm, I'd still beat you in front of your girlfriend. And I won't, she'd probably get off on it."
"Sure would." Catalina said simply as she poured more sake into Mei's glass. She loved seeing this, Mei was actually pretty fun...shame she didn't act like that when she was sober.

"Thanks Cat. That was...nice of you..." Mei was starting to slur a little, not that she noticed. "And Dujae's cute....even if he pretends to be a big bad thug."

"Geeze, she really is gone." Justin said with a shake of his head. Poor girl...they should probably cut her off soon.
"It's her birthday," Jana smiled. "C'mon, Justin. You need to drink some too, live a little." Jana said, inching a cup of sake forward. "You look tighter than Mei did when I first met her."

"Oh boy," Komoku chuckled, moving forward. "I think it's time we moderate her just a little," Komoku grinned, hand on Mei's wrist.
"..Yeah I guess so." Justin said with a grin as he picked up the cup. "It just takes a little more than a two glasses to get me anywhere near drunk."

"That's because you're huge now, Justin. look like you've been to the gym every day since the last time I saw can't hide it under that jacket you know." Mei commented as she tugged her hand away from Komoku.

"...I'm not really trying, but I feel no reason to show it off. I don't have any cool tattoos to show off like Dujae and Sejae." Justin responded. she was putting the spot light on him. Traitor.
"Shirts are for nerds," Sejae snorted, taking another drink. "And people who can't handle their sexuality."

"Hell yeah," Dujae grinned, taking another drink. "Shirts are just the oppressive government! What's the point of having tattoos if you wear a shirt!?"
"Guess you better take off your shirt, Justin..." Mei began as she took another sip of her sake. "Come on, you don't want to be a nerd!"

"I..I think I'm fine with being a nerd, Mei." Justin answered as he glanced at Jana nervously. He wasn't sure if Mei was flirting with him or not, but it was close enough for him.

"No..I order you to take off your shirt. I'm still your boss, you know!" Mei said as she slowly started getting up.
"Alright alright, settle down," Jana chuckled, sitting Mei back down. Wow, who knew Mei was this kind of drunk?

"Yeah, let's see that new physique." Komoku grinned. "We can bump chests and pound them and do man things."

"For all of this drunk girl in here, there's a lot of talk about a man taking a shirt off." Sejae said dryly.
"What? But I want to see Komoku and Justin do man things..." Mei told Jana with a frown as she was forced back into her seat.

"Now I really don't want to." Justin replied, said before he finished off his cup of sake. At least Komoku was being cool about it. "Who's idea was it to get the birthday girl drunk?"

"It's my birthday and I don't see a present from you, the least you can do is take your shirt off!" Mei whined.
"Unless, of're still as scrawny and pathetic looking as you were before," Komoku grinned.

Jana rolled her eyes, arms crossing. Truthfully? She was kind of curious too...ugh, she shouldn't be. She didn't want to fuck with his head like that...Justin didn't deserve that.

"Eh, c'mon...s'good for you, builds character," Dujae said, a casual arm around Cat. "Besides, women love a guy with a nice chest."
"Fine...fine. But only because it's Mei's birthday. I don't have anything to prove." Justin got up and took off his jacket.

"Ooh, Justin saved us the trouble of hiring a stripper!" Catalina purred as she watched with a grin. Mei was staring...Kitten was looking too while drinking her juice...ugh. He didn't like this at all. But, he just got it over with. What was underneath that shirt was everything Mei had imagined and more. Chiseled abs that went way passed the word "defined"..impressive pectorals, and his arms were huge.

" in the world did you get so big?" Mei asked, her mouth gaping wide open. Of course he was no where near as impressive as Komoku.

"Genetics. And lots and lots of training from Mel. I'm done studying under her full time. But...I like working out. It helps me think." Justin answered as he poured himself some more sake. He was going to need it...
Jana was silent over the rim of her glass, but her red eyes trailed across every thick inch of him and she bit her lip faintly as she crossed her legs. Her pussy twitched in complete and utter awe, Justin was always handsome...but now he was just impressing everyone else. Dammit, he was gorgeous. She didn't deserve to feel hot watching that, maybe more Sake would help.

"Damn, look at you!" Komoku smirked, punching him firmly on the arm. "You look like you actually have some teeth now!" he laughed.
"Komoku Rokujo complimenting me. I never thought the day would. come." Justin gave him a smile, rubbing his arm a bit in reaction. He was doing his best not to let it get to his head, really. He was trying hard not to be the cocky kid he used to be. Trying even harder not to impress Jana when he knew things were over between them. But he would be a liar if he said he didn't want to show off how far he came along ever since that incident where she had to drag him out of his parents shitty apartment.

"Komoku is not a bad guy to people who don't deserve it. You don't deserve it Justin. You have come a long way, if it weren't for you we would have never found Blake. You are really smart, and handsome. You'd make a really good boyfriend, too bad you fucked up with Jana already. I would let her date you." Mei said as she sloppily took another gulp of her sake.

"Gee, thanks Mei." Justin sarcastically responded.
"Mei!" Jana hissed, face heating up as red as her eyes. Dujae sniggered, Sejae just smirked in amusement.

"Kitten, pay attention...I don't think I've ever seen Jana blush before." he teased.

"I hate all of you," she huffed, sinking into her chair like some sour leopard ready to bite. She didn't want to...god, yes she did. She wanted to tear those clothes off and choke on his dick and...ugh. She crossed her legs regardless. It wouldn't work, their mindsets were just too different. But it had been ages since she had dick and the sake wasn't helping!
Kitten giggled a little, even if she had no idea what was going on.

"What?! What I say?!" Mei asked as she crossed her arms. "Jana don't be like that, you know I love you..." Mei wrapped her arms around one of Jana's, leaning over and kissing her cheek. "It's not wrong to want him, you know." She tried to whisper but it didn't quite come out that way, and all Justin did was blush.
"I know, I know..." Jana sighed, arm around her waist. The atmosphere was changing, rapidly...not that any of them cared in particular. Dujae didn't need much to be rock solid against Cat anyway, the sake was making it easier. Komoku's nose twitched just a little and he smirked, but didn't say anything. The only one who didn't seem to be enjoying it was Masami, which Komoku was...grateful for, but she seemed slightly down about things.

"Hey, c'mon," Komoku nudged. "What's your problem, sis?"

"Nothing," Masami said, taking a sip of her sake. Ugh, he forgot she was a moody drunk...
The sliding glass doors opened, and even though Kokoro and Adam were sober they were just as sexually frustrated as everyone else...especially after spending almost an hour by themselves just making out.

"Koko's back!" Mei announced as she clung to Jana. "Koko, make Masami feel better!"

"Pardon?" Oh..Mei had gotten drunk when they were away. Well, she couldn't say she was surprised...she couldn't hold her alcohol either.
"...She's been drinking," Jana explained, as if it needed explaining.

"I'm fine," Masami chuckled. "I just wasn't expecting you guys to want to fuck each other stupid."

"That is a grave mistake," Dujae sniffed. "Because I always want to fuck Cat stupid."

"...I wish he was kidding," Sejae sighed faintly. Still, he was happy for his brother...but that didn't mean he enjoyed seeing him have a tongue in some girl's mouth. At least Cat was a steady girlfriend.
"Well, half of us here or in relationships...can't say I'm too surprised." Kokoro said as she sat with them. "The other half are probably sexually frustrated." Kitten sighed at that, but she kept to herself. Wasn't much she could do about that.

" guys are worse than Komoku. He's been sitting here like a good doggy this whole time..." Mei slipped away from Jana and then moved over to Komoku to hang off of him.
"Well, I am being a gentleman," Komoku grinned casually, nuzzling into her hair. "But it is your birthday...thus it is your party, my dear."

"Don't encourage her," Jana chuckled faintly. "I don't think she knows what she wants."
"Sure do," Mei got up again, though she bumped into the table a little when she did. "I want to give Masami a's my birthday and everyone is supposed to be having fun!" Somehow she managed to get over to Masami without falling on her face..and when she did, she pulled Masami into her chest and hugged her tightly.

"Ugh...this is really unbecoming of her." Kokoro said as she squeezed Adam's hand. They might have to make an early departure if this was how the party was going to be.
"I think it's kind of funny," Adam smiled easily, arm around her waist. "C'mon, it's her should relax too." he said as Masami flushed a little in surprise, she...wasn't quite sure what to do about this situation...

"She is not alcohol tolerant," Sejae chuckled, taking another sip of Sake himself with a faint breath. Woo, this was good stuff...

"Not one bit," Jana smiled, pouring herself another cup. Ugh...fucking...dammit. This sucked.
Kokoro looked at Adam and shook her head. She didn't enjoy watching Mei make a fool of herself...or maybe she just didn't want to enjoy it. "Masami, you're a good friend. I'm so sorry you walked in on us doing it...thanks for not telling anyone..." Mei told her as she continued squeezing her. Ugh...she wanted some more sake.

"Kitten, you didn't like the sake crap? Here, have some of this!" Catalina poured some of her whiskey in Kitten's juice.

"Ugh..what? I..." Kitten sighed. Now her drink was ruined...but it would be rude not to drink it.
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