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School Rumble (Broom and I)

"Okay.." Mei really, really hated surprises because the anticipation was starting to annoy her. But all she could do was wait. They seemed like the were almost there. An elevator..what would they be in an elevator for?
Once the elevator door opened, Jana lead her to the door. " your eyes," she smiled faintly. The door wouldn't be a surprise, right?
Mei opened her eyes and she tilted her head a little. "Where are we?" She asked as she looked around the place. There were apartment numbers. Who lived here that Jana knew..? She didn't even know if they were still in Blue...but from the looks of the place they were.
"Our new apartment," Jana grinned excitedly, handing her a key. "Happy Birthday, Mei!"
For a moment, Mei was shocked to hear that. An apartment? She took the key and then realized who had given her this present. Only her parents...Komoku and Jana couldn't have given her this. Still, she was excited to hear that Jana was going to live with her. "Wow..." It was really all she could say. She just put the key in the door and unlocked it. Taking a deep breath, she opened the door and casually walked in. The place was huge! And already furnished. Definitely an upgrade from her room at HQ, and the dorm room they shared.
And just like that, there were a massive amount of people that sprung from every corner. Komoku, Masami...Dujae and Sejae, even Adam and Kokoro appeared with Kitten and Cat...and somehow, Justin, Kuki and Damien showed up too.

"Surprise!" Masami and Kitten said with the most enthusiasm, followed...unsurprisingly, by Komoku.
Mei nearly had a heart attack when she saw them all at once. Her face went pale for a moment before she realized..these were all of her friends. Even Cat and Kitten, who had been enemies a few weeks ago. She then relaxed a little and smiled, though her heart was still racing. "I hate surprises...thanks guys..." She told them.

Wow...all these people really..cared about her birthday? She knew Komoku and Jana would be there but..she really didn't expect to them. Especially Adam and Kokoro.

"I knew that, I tried to tell them." Koko told her as she folded her arms. "But they wanted to scare you...and it looked like it worked.."
"Look! We have cake!" Masami grinned widely, holding up a cake about as big as Masami was wide.

"Made it myself!" Komoku sniffed, moving forward to tug her close by her collar to kiss her, grinning. "Whatcha think, lovely? Not bad, right?"

"And Sake!" Dujae grinned, holding up a pair of bottles. "...And whiskey, because Cat's a sissy about things."
She didn't protest much when he tugged her close and kissed her, though it was a little embarrassing around so many people. Komoku baking cake? Well, she would have loved to see that. "Pink cute. It looks wonderful. I will pass on the sake though." Mei laughed a little.

"But you're legal now! You have to partake! I can understand if you don't want that sake crap, but at least try some whiskey!" Catalina ignored Dujaes snide little comment. Mei sighed was true. She had just never given it much thought.

"Later. It's too early for that. That cake looks really good, though." drink wouldn't hurt on her eighteenth, she supposed.
"Good!" Jana grinned, patting her back as he lead her into their kitchen. "Take a look around, Mei...I picked it out myself." she said proudly. "...Well, your parents did, I just chose where. I figured you'd want to be close to work."

"Don't mind Cat," Masami said, waving it off dryly, hands on her hips. "She's just salty because Dujae isn't letting her drink as much as she wants.
"Yeah..." Mei looked around the actual, full kitchen. Filled with stainless steel appliances. So much counter space, even an island in the middle of the room. She could definitely get used to this.

"Close to work is right, I can see Central from here. Looks like it's close to being finished soon!" Justin commented as he looked out the sliding glass doors that led to the patio.
"Yup," Jana said, arms crossing. "Thanks to the Council-"

"Hey hey," Sejae mumbled, his arm still in a sling...but at least his voice was better. Kitten seemed to hover around a Kitten. "This isn't about work, this is about celebrating. I could use a drink after all this mess."

"Right!" Masami grinned, sitting the cake down on the island. "This is about Mei's birthday!"
"I'll get you a drink if you want one, Sejae." Kitten told him, looking at him with a concerned expression. She waited on him hand and foot, even if he didn't want her to do that. But she couldn't help it, she wanted to take care of him.

Kokoro moved over to Mei, almost reluctantly. They hadn't really spoken since before, and truth be told when Jana asked her to come with Adam she didn't know what to think. "I got you a present...and umm...something else." She told her cousin as she gave her a small bag filled with tissue paper.

"Kokoro, you didn't have to get me anything..." Mei told her with a smile as she hugged her cousin tightly. Kokoro sighed, however..she returned the hug in full.

"Yes I did. I feel horrible about what I did to you."
"Thanks," Sejae said, hand on her head. He had tried, insisted almost...that she not do it. But Kitten was as persistent as she was loyal. Dujae had been teasing him relentlessly about it. But, the truth was...he still wasn't anywhere near one hundred percent. He was just glad his stomach wound was healing nicely. Even if it did have a nasty, jagged scar along his gut. Some would find it attractive, given that Sejae was supposed to be a rough thug after all.

"Aw, Koko," Jana smiled, giving her a one armed hug. "You've really come around, you cute little thing."
Kitten was used to getting him water honestly, so that's what she did. She got a glass from the cabinet and then went over to the fridge, using it to fill up the glass with ice and then water. She was back at his side within a minute, offering him a glass. Catalina couldn't help but laugh at that..Kitten hadn't changed much, even with a new Asian around. At least she wasn't wearing those chains and that ratty jacket. Now she looked like a normal girl...a cute one at that.

Kokoro wasn't much for hugs, but she let Jana have her way. It was the least she could do. She watched as Mei opened up the bag, and the first thing she pulled out was two beautiful silver, diamond encrusted bangles. "Oh wow..these are beautiful..."

"They're made from the silver of your sword..I kept it so I could make it into something for you. Sorry it's not a replacement weapon...but I hope it's sufficient." Kokoro explained.

"You made those?" Catalina asked in disbelief. Shit..Kokoro was quite the silversmith.
"Talented and cute," Jana grinned easily as Sejae took a drink of his water with a satisfied little smile. Couldn't take the Kitten out of Kitten just yet...but hopefully he could work on it. "Must run in the family."

"Frigid personality would be another one," Dujae said dryly, opening up the Sake. "C'mon, Mei. You're not getting out of today without a drink!"
"Ugh fine. Just wait a second, there's something else in the bag." Mei reached into it and then pulled out a stack The first one had her name on it..wait, these were plane tickets. She flipped through, there were twelve exactly...and there were twelve of them here. "Kokoro is this..what I think it is?"

"Yes. You were not the only person I wronged, so I figured this could be a birthday gift and an apology to all of you. My family owns a beach house in Brazil, so I arranged for us all to go next week."

"Brazil!? Catalina cried out in absolute surprise. She then started speaking in excited, Spanish gibberish before she made a beeline right for Kokoro and grabbed her, lifting her up in the air. "Kokoro, te quiero! Gracias, gracias!" Kokoro could only kick her legs, not enjoying being lifted up like a child.

"Ugh, you're welcome! Just let me go!" This wasn't even for Catalina..Catalina was only invited because she was Dujae's girlfriend..ugh.
"Wow," Jana grinned. "Brazil!? That's awesome! I've never been down there! A beach house, too!"

"Alright!" Komoku grinned, cutting off a slice of cake. "Perfect time for me to try a speedo."

"Ugh," Masami grimaced. "...Now I feel sick."

"Ditto," Dujae sighed. And he had such wonderful images of Cat in a bikini, too...or nothing? Ooh, he hoped nothing.
"It's on a private beach. But the boat ride to the mainland isn't too bad if anyone wants to explore the tourist attractions." Kokoro explained after Catalina rested her on the ground.

"Hell yeah! We all gotta go bathing suit shopping! Komoku has the right idea, the more revealing the better!" Catalina suggested as her eyes scanned all the girls in the room. "Oh yeah, I'd love to see the Ice Queen in nothing but a sling bikini!"

"What's a sling bikini..?" Mei asked, though she honestly didn't like the sound of it.
"Nothing you'd wear," Jana grinned. "But I'm with Cat, we do need to go shopping for that, I don't think I've got a swimsuit."

"Let's not use Cat's judgement, shall we?" Masami teased her gently. She liked Cat, she was fun, beautiful...energetic. Dujae got lucky.
"I don't either. I don't think I've ever swam before." Kitten commented as she shyly stood next to Sejae.

"Well I've got great judgement! I'll help you find something, little Kitten...better keep an eye out on you too, or the big scary ocean will sweep you away, and we'll never see you again."

"Really?" Kitten asked with a slightly terrified tone.
"Sometimes," Sejae sighed. "But not like...that, the tide can be very strong, but you won't be swimming that far out anyway. Stop scaring her, Cat."

"C'mon!" Dujae grinned. "I got the drinks set up! Everyone is getting some!"

"And cake! I cut you a piece, Mei." Komoku grinned. "C'mon, c'mon! Try it!"
Cat gave Sejae a sheepish smile before following Mei to the huge table. It was enough to sit eight people at the most..but there were more seats that were pushed over towards the table so everyone could sit together. Mei took the first bite of the cake and she smiled. "Mnn, it tastes like's really good." She told Komoku before leaning over to give him a kiss. "Thank's amazing."

"Alright, alright. Drinking time!" Cat said as she set the bottle of whiskey in the middle of the table.

"That can't be enough for all of us." Justin casually commented, giving Catalina a grin.

"Nope, it's not. But when we're at the beach, we'll have plenty more than this. Some Tequila, Corona's, coolers, mixed drinks, the works!"
"Drinking less, remember?" Dujae said, draping his toned arms against her shoulders to kiss her cheek. "Moderate yourself, beautiful."

"Kitten, you should try some," Sujae suggested with a faint smile, offering her the small cup of Sake. "Just a little drink, alright? It's not too bad."

"Is this less about a party and more about Cat getting drunk?" Masami smirked playfully, but unscrewed the whiskey cap regardless.
"Sejae, give her some cake first. She's been eyeing it all day. Wouldn't leave Komoku alone when he was making it...even loved the batter on the spoon." Catalina told him, paying Dujae no mind. All she did was push her cup over to Masami with a smile. Mei just shook her head, content with finishing her cake before she drank.

"I don't drink sake after having sweet treats..." Kokoro said as she took it upon herself to give Kitten a piece before she got some for herself.
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