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School Rumble (Broom and I)

"No,'s fine," Jana said quickly, despite the fact that she felt like her arm was about to get disconnected. "I um, I don't know how good I'll be at something like this but..." Jesus, what was the big hurry? It wasn't like they couldn't furnish it some other time!
"There's nothing to be good at, really. We have three places we narrowed it down to. You just have to pick out which one is best...and Mel has told me you're good at going with your gut feelings." Megumi told her with a wink.

"You know our daughter better than we least when it comes to her preferences. Megumi seems to think she enjoys smaller spaces...but I think she'd like something larger. Especially now that she has so many friends." Alaric explained to Jana as they walked out of the building. Soon this building would be empty, and he already had a few potential buyers thanks to the way Mei had fixed it up.
"W...Well, I guess I'll do my best..." she blinked. Mei did like small spaces, but that was also true...she actually had friends now, people who liked being around her. Ugh, she felt like this was going to be a stressful experience. But, they'd be living together. That was...she liked that, she hoped what they did together wouldn't change anything between them. That'd be...awkward, and immensely depressing.
The first place they looked at was located almost right next to Central's construction site, only a few blocks away. It was a modest, three bedroom condo. There was another unit adjacent to it, so they would have neighbors. But it was definitely a nice enough building to keep out the noise. The floors were a beautiful hardwood, and the master bedroom was located down the stairs. Up the stairs were the other two bedroom, and there was a balcony right above the patio that linked to the second master bedroom upstairs. The last room was decently sized, good enough to be a guest room. In the backyard was a pool, and of course a high fence around it. This was what "cozy" was to Megumi, the one that she recommended.

The second place wasn't a condo at all. It was a house...a two story four bedroom, three bathroom house. Of course this was the place that Alaric thought she'd like. This one also had a pool..and a garden..and a huge garage for Mei and Jana's non existent cars. But the inside was beautiful, much fancier than the last place they were in. Megumi snorted, commenting that the place was for when Mei had kids..and Alaric got really uncomfortable with that remark.

The last place was the smallest. It was located the furthest away from Central, in a large twenty story building. The apartment they were looking at was on the sixteenth floor and had a beautiful view of from the patio. There were three bedrooms, thought the rooms were a little smaller. Still, it was nice...many things about the apartment were new, and it was already furnished.

"Well, that's all..what do you think, Jana?" Alaric asked as they walked out of the condominium and headed to the car. "Which one do you think she'd like more?"
"Tough choices..." Jana mused honestly. "But...I think the first place would suit us a lot better, knowing Mei, she wants to be close to work." She couldn't honestly blame her for that, either. Things would still be a little hectic until everything got honestly sorted out.
"Ha, I knew it. That was the best one!" Megumi told Alaric with a confident grin. Alaric sighed and shook his head.

"Even so, it didn't really give you the right to just go out and buy it without me seeing it first. Even if I was out on a business trip..." He told her, though Megumi seemed to be ignoring him altogether now.

"We'll have all the furniture ready by the time Mei's birthday comes along...are you going to throw her a little party?" Megumi asked. Her husband never believed in spontaneous decisions..but hers worked out pretty well. They didn't have to go look at other places...but at least Jana agreed with her choice.
"I'll see what I can do..." Jana grinned faintly. "Kind of short notice, but I think we can get enough people to make it worthwhile for her." And if she didn't, she knew Komoku would make people come anyway.
"Great...she hates surprises." Megumi said as she reached into her pocket and then gave her two sets of keys. "Make it a good one, make sure they're all in there when she opens the door."

"Make sure it's nothing too wild." Alaric added.
"Absolutely," Jana smiled easily. Pfft, yeah, whatever. This was a huge deal! Of course there'd be something wild going on! Komoku and Masami will have a blast getting things set up with her. "Everything will be fine, Alaric. You have my word."
"Alright, let's give you a ride back to Central then...before Mei gets back and realizes you're gone. We'll treat you to lunch on the way." Alaric seemed to buy into her word...sweet Jana could do no wrong to him, even if she was Mel's kid.

Though behind him, Megumi was winking and throwing Jana a thumbs up to be just as wild as she wanted.
Jana grinned at that, although it could be easily seen as gratitude for Alaric's kindness. "You're really too kind, Alaric," Jana said, hands behind her back as she leaned forward just a little. The very definition of a polite young woman. "Thank you," she'd be texting Komoku ASAP...they had a lot of planning to do...
October 31st...Mei hated this dreadful day. It wasn't the Halloween decorations that the students had put up some time during the slowness of their workflow. It was that today was her birthday, and people knew. How many? Well, all of her friends had to by now. The close ones. She just hoped that word didn't spread around, and luckily today was her day off.

She could only hide in her room for so long though...someone would eventually come knocking. Her parents would pop up some time too, she was sure.
Unsurprisingly, the first one that came around was Jana...but nobody else was really bothering her today, it was a nice...quiet day. Jana just had to ruin that.

"Hey, Mei," Jana smiled, moving closer. Hm, getting her off work early would be a monumental task...but she'd play a few dirty tricks. He first one? She settled her hands on the desk and leaned forward, giving her a friendly little peck on the lips. "Happy Birthday," she grinned. "C'mon, let's get out of here."
"Thanks.." Mei grumbled with a faint blush. She liked Jana's kisses..they were innocent enough. Though the grin made her wary. "Where to?" Seriously, she hated surprises. She told everyone she hated surprises...but sometimes she wondered if people enjoyed doing things she hated...
"Somewhere nice," Jana said, linking their fingers together with another kiss to goad her up. "C'mon, I didn't go commando just so you could hermit in your office all day! Komoku and I have something fun planned, promise. Trust us!"

...Nowhere in the history of anywhere was that a good idea, but she could pretend at least!
"W-what..?" The definition that Jana and Komoku had of fun rarely ever matched hers. She could kiss her as much as she wanted, Mei was now dreading whatever she was being dragged into. "I told you two that I don't like surprises..ugh. Okay, okay. I'll trust you." She didn't want to rain on her own party parade, she supposed. Now that she had people who actually cared about her.
"Good," Jana smiled, giving her a playful little peek. Sure enough, she wasn't wearing a thing underneath her skirt but a neatly trimmed bush. "Today is your day, and I'm going to spoil you rotten," she grinned, leading her out of the building to a waiting taxi. "Keep your eyes closed, got it?"
Mei's face went completely red, just because she didn't expect her to be serious. Why wasn't she wearing any underwear? Just what the hell was she planning with Komoku?

She could only grimace when she was told to close her eyes, but she did so anyway. "Promise me nothing weird is going to happen while I keep my eyes shut, Jana?"
"Come on," Jana laughed, setting her into the taxi. "What in the hell do you think I'm going to do? We're just going somewhere, that's all. You can open your eyes when we're there, promise." she said, fingers linking with hers. "So chill out," she teased. "When have I ever steered you wrong?"
"Never, it's just..." Just that she had just flashed her before they left. Was there a reason for that? Or was it just to shock her? She could never go out like that..not when she was wearing a skirt. "..Nothing. I'll just sit here quietly."
"Good," she giggled, arms around her neck. "You're gonna love this, I promise! And it's totally clean...mostly, mostly clean." she said after a moment. "...Clean enough?"
"..What?" Mei almost whimpered, though she continued to keep her eyes closed. What was almost clean enough? What was she talking about?!
"Calm down," Jana sighed. "I'm teasing, Mei...promise, everything is on the up and up," she assured, patting her leg. "I just want you to have a perfect birthday," The drive wasn't too long, about twenty minutes or so from the rumble of construction of the new DC HQ. Jana paid the driver before helping Mei out. "Keep your eyes closed," she smiled. "No peeking!"
"I'm not, I'm not..." Spending twenty minutes with her eyes shut was tiresome..but she couldn't say she wasn't curious as to what it was. Ugh..hopefully something that wouldn't horrify her. No..she trusted Jana. "Alright, I still can't see anything so don't let me trip."
"I won't," Jana smiled, moving her through the lobby of the condo and to the elevator. "You're gonna love this, I promise!" She could barely contain her excitement! Sure, she hated surprises...but this would be worth it!
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