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School Rumble (Broom and I)

"It does smell good though," Adam agreed, taking a slice for himself as well.

"Komoku's a great housebitch," Sejae smirked, much to Komoku's stubborn snort of annoyance.

"Uh huh," he said dryly, cake halfway shoved into his face. "Keep talkin, buddy...and your other arm is going to be in a sling too."

"Says the guy who yells at them regularly for being dirty and lazy," Masami added in with a smirk.

"He does keep a nice house," Jana mused. "Maybe we should hire him as our butler, Mei?"
"We should...I don't think I've ever had to keep a space this big so clean before...and I've never seen anyone's floors as polished as Komoku's." Mei smiled as she moved too pour herself some sake. It didn't smell very appealing, but she would at least give it a try. She felt like she kind of needed it..there were so many people here. And even though it didn't quite feel...wrong to have Adam and Kokoro had been a while since she had seen Adam, and they never quite..talked anything out.
"Uh huh," Komoku said dryly. "And what kind of sex am I getting out of being a personal butler?"

"I don't know," Jana grinned playfully. "I'd do a lot to be lazy, especially if I get a steady stream of sex."

"Don't encourage him," Masami sighed. "He's got a fat enough head as it is!"
"He won't be taking you up on that offer." Mei told Jana in a stern voice just before raising the cup to her lips and starting to drink. It tasted interesting..she didn't exactly like it..but she didn't hate it either. There wasn't much more commentary on the matter. Catalina was too busy drinking her whiskey to come up with anything smart to add to the conversation...Kitten was stuffing her face and Justin and Kokoro just kept their mouths shut.
Adam put a hand on Kokoro's shoulder, nudging his head politely. Truth be told, he wasn't...quite sure what it was she was apologizing for, Jana noticed...but didn't give any indication other than that. She had...politely requested that people kept quiet about it until Kokoro wanted to tell him. It was...confusing, to say the least. He felt out of the loop, and that frustrated him considering his job was staying in the loop. Not that it didn't take some liquid courage to approach her about it.

"Got a minute?" Adam asked with a faint smile.
"Umm..sure." Kokoro got up from her seat and then headed over to the sliding glass doors, where they could talk outside. She didn't really know who she was going to tell him...she had thought about it for days but nothing she ever came up with sounded right. She felt bad for hiding this from him when everyone else knew...perhaps this was as good a time as any.
"...So I'm feeling a little confused," Adam admitted. "I mean...I'm glad we're going to Brazil of all places and everything, Kokoro...but what's going on?" he asked. "Did something happen?"
Kokoro narrowed her eyes a little, looking away. "..I'm sorry I've been keeping this from you for so long, Adam. I can't hide it don't deserve being lied to. I've been lying to you since we first..met." She had told him that she had gotten very sick, which was the reason why she disappeared for a while after Mei had brought Kent, Daichi and Amelia in. "I was working for Shi and Zhao..the whole time. As a double agent..." God, he would hate her. Why did she wait until a time like this to tell him?"
Adam glanced at her a moment, taking his hands in hers with a faint, heavy sigh. "...Yeah, I know." he murmured, head tilted to regard her. "I knew when you were...sick, Kokoro. I did some digging. Found out a few things..."
Kokoro stared at him with astonishment when he said he knew. She looked down at his hands and blinked before turning her gaze back to his face. "..Really? But...why? Why didn't you say anything when I came back?" Why was he still with her?
"...Well," Adam said, giving a slightly bashful grin. "...Would it be wrong to say that I...really liked the lie?" he asked. "It was rebound sex, Kokoro...I'm not denying that at all," he mumbled. "Losing Mei to Komoku over...well, things that I thought I had no control was frustrating, I was angry. I just...wanted something to vent, and I shouldn't have done it like that." he said, glancing out towards the construction site. " know...after a while, I started to like you being around...I didn't know if you wanted to stay with me or not, but...I figured I'd enjoy it while it lasts, right?"
"Well, then I guess we both used each other at the beginning. But the difference is, I knew you were using me from the start to get away from your problems..and I didn't care." Kokoro smiled at him as she caressed his cheek. "I'm still sorry for lying to you. I really enjoy you being around too. I like cooking for you and having you over my empty house..."
"...I could move in," Adam said suddenly. "...I miss seeing you when I'm not there, and...I mean...if you're okay with it?" Was that too fast? That seemed like it was too fast.
"If you want to...I don't like only seeing you when I come to work.." Kokoro smiled. She was sure neither of her parents would care..and her brothers had moved out a long time ago. Was it too fast? Too fast for who? Not them...
"I do," Adam smiled, fingers linking with hers. "I don't like seeing you with clothes on," ...Well, that one...slipped out a little as his cheeks darkened just a fraction, clearing his throat. "We should uh...get back into the party, right?"
Kokoro's cheeks blushed a little before she raised an eyebrow. "Probably..or we can just kiss out here for a little while." She pulled him down for a kiss, pressing his lips hard against his. She was really happy...happy that he didn't care about what she did to him and everyone else.
Adam blinked a little in surprise, stumbling just a bit as he returned the kiss eagerly...even more so, he slid his arms around her and hoisted her up. Happy didn't begin to describe it, she...really wanted to stay? Everything wasn't a lie? Well...thank god. He didn't know what he'd do if she said anything else! God, he almost gave himself a heart attack!
Mei was on her second cup of sake, and she glanced over to the balcony, seeing Kokoro and Adam kiss. She smiled a little. Guess they had finally talked things out. She was happy for them..two people she had wronged in the past finding comfort in each other.

"We should get more drinks! We'll make it a real party..." Catalina told Dujae with a grin. "Come on, look at Mei! She totally knows how to handle the booze!"
"She's had two drinks," Dujae said dryly. "And they haven't even settled in yet!"

"Bet you five bucks she's a lightweight," Sejae smiled in amusement. "And Komoku is going to love it."
"That's not much of a bet, Mei's tiny. How about betting on what type of drunk she is? I'm thinking she'll be the slutty kind." Catalina butted in as she grinned at Sejae. "Five bucks says she'll start blowing Komoku under the table!"

Surprisingly, none of this was bothering Mei. Her cheeks were burning, and her head was swimming. But she just silently stared at them while she continued to sip from the cup.
"Hm..." Dujae said, eyes narrowing as she regarded her. "Nope, not doing it...that's a fool's bet."

"Oh come on, you guys," Jana said, taking an easy swig of her sake. Wasn't her first rodeo. "Be nice! At least on her birthday!"

"Sorry," Sejae grinned. "She's our boss, we don't get to tease her that often."
"I am being nice. Not very many people out there who I can say I'd be interested watching. Komoku and Mei make so much damn noise though, so I'm curious!" Catalina told Jana, shrugging a bit. "But I'll leave it alone, if it's bothering her."

"Komoku is rough, that's why I make so much noise. He's also so big I can barely handle him. If he was fucking you, you'd be making just as much noise as I do." Mei sat her glass down and then proceeded to fill it back up. Maybe that would satiate the strange fascination Cat had for her.
"...Hey," Dujae frowned after a moment, making Sejae snicker just a little. "I don't have a small dick!"

"Down boy," Komoku said dryly. "She wasn't saying that."
Catalina just laughed and then leaned over the table. Drunk Mei was an honest Mei! "I highly doubt that, girl. I'm sure Dujae could make you squeal just as hard if he actually tried. But he doesn't try, so fair enough."

"Hmm, I don't think I like this stuff, Sejae. It tastes bitter." Kitten told him, ignoring the topic at hand. She wasn't really interested in other peoples sex lives...even though she had been getting a little..frustrated as of late herself in that department.
"Hey! I do try!" Dujae frowned in annoyance. "I try all the time!"

"Uh huh," Sejae said casually as he took the cup from Kitten with a faint smile. "Here, let's find you something else, okay?"
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