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School Rumble (Broom and I)

"..I think so too." Kitten said with a smile before she moved her hands into her jacket pocket and produced a thin piece of metal. She stuck it in her mouth and then used it to unlock the cuffs around her wrists and then let them drop to the floor. "I...just want to be happy. Like all your friends are..."
"Well, that's a good start," Sejae smiled. "You look better out of chains...we'll need to get you some clothes, though." he mused. "Can't have you walking around in that."
"In what? What's wrong with my clothes?" She lifted up her jacket, revealing the short pair of designer jean shorts and a tight fitted black T-shirt with some band name on it and lot random neon colors. "What's wrong with what I wear?"
"..." Sejae arched a brow at that. "...Alright, fair enough..." he murmured. "...Then why are you wearing that ratty jacket?"
"Because it's all I had left...of wherever I came from. I thought wearing it might help me remember, but it never did. I just kept putting it on out of habit after a while..." Kitten explained as she pulled it off. "Guess I don't need to wear it anymore. I remembered something...but it wasn't because of this. It was because of your friend. Umm..that scary guy."
"...Komoku?" Sejae chuckled faintly, wincing just a little. "Yeah...he is a little scary, isn't he? Him and Mei are dating, can you believe that?"
"They're dating?" Kitten smiled a little. "That's really romantic. I am glad for the two of them. I bet they do cute things all the time, even if he's scary." Relationships were nice...she wondered what it was like to only have one boyfriend. Then again, she never felt like a girlfriend to either Shi or Zhao. Just a pet, or a toy. Before she didn't find an issue with it, but being around other people made her feel abnormal.
"Probably," Sejae chuckled. "But really, he's not so least, he's not scary to people who don't deserve it, like you."
"..Thank you for asking him not to hurt me. The truth is...I don't like fighting. But whenever I feel threatened, I lose control. That's why I hurt Mei so bad..because I felt threatened when she drew her sword..." If Komoku would have swung at her..the night would have ended differently.
"Hm," Sejae murmured. "I wish I could say I agreed, but...I don't," he admitted. "Fighting is my life, I suppose. It always has been...but that means different things for different people. I see fighting as a way to understand myself, to find out who I really am. Like you," he grinned. "Don't think I would I have met you if I didn't fight. I'm kinda flattered, really. Must have really gotten into Zhao's head for him to want to do this to me."
"Fighting..has never been fun for me. I respect strength, and people who like to fight. But it's not for me. I know that I'm strange...but I only got strong to protect myself and the things that I love. I won't hesitate to use my strength when the time is right." Kitten sat on his bed for a moment before smiling a little. "Actually..I've always thought that going to school might be fun. I like books..."
"Well, that's certainly possible," Sejae smiled. "We could enroll you in Blue, Masami would be great for you to go to school with."
"Komoku's sister," Sejae chuckled. "Don't worry...she's not anything like Komoku, still has a vicious streak...but I bet she'd like you."
"Really? That sounds nice." She felt...happy. People other than Shi and Zhao would like her? She could have more friends now..and have fun. "Thank you, Sejae...I still feel bad about what happened to my Masters, but...I feel like this is for the better..."
"We all must feel pain before we can grow," Sejae murmured, reclining back carefully. "I'll have to tell you a few stories when I feel a little bit better for talking, my throat hurts...could you get me some water, please?"
"Sure, I can do that." Kitten said as she quickly got up and hurried out of the room. She could always do what anyone asked, maybe a little too eagerly. But she owed Sejae..even more now that he offered her a place to stay.
For once? Things were actually slow. Mei officially being stated as the leader of the DC was quite the news around Turuga, but everyone in DC thought it was about damn time. With the actual induction into her leadership came a handful of occasionally new responsibilities, but for the most part...things were progressing at a nice, relaxed pace. There was no big bad guy, no person banging against the gates for a different way of doing things. Truth be told, Jana rather liked was kind of nice to settle into the new situation without some pressing problem weighing on their shoulders.

With the official declaration also came funding, a lot of funding. They wouldn't be staying in the old building for very long, Central was going to get a new DC HQ. But more importantly...Mei's birthday was coming up, and Jana was freaking out because she had no idea what to get her! Ugh...Jana banged her head against the desk with a faint sigh, glaring at nothing in particular. They had gotten so wrapped up in all of this, she had forgotten...ugh, she was a terrible friend!
"What's wrong, Jana? Tired already..? It's not even lunch." A familiar voice called out as two people entered her office. It was none other than Mei's parents, Alaric and Megumi. Mei was no where to be found, mainly because she was off doing some leader duties. Or rather, she was off doing errands for her father. They purposely sent her away today so they could nab Jana. But they didn't want Mei to know, otherwise she'd get suspicious.

"Don't pester her! We need a favor from her, remember?" Megumi told Alaric as she crossed her arms. She didn't seem like her normal self..she seemed more..abrasive than usual. It was rare to see Megumi in such a mood.
"Huh?" Jana mumbled, glancing up curiously before she sat upright. "...Alaric? Megumi? What are you two doing here?" she said curiously. This was a surprise...
Alaric ignored his moody wife, smiling at Jana. "Well, it's about Mei. We need your help picking out her birthday present. We're buying her a condo, and we can't decide on which one to buy her."

"Yes, we've been arguing for weeks on this, we can't decide. And since we want you to live with her, we figured you'd be able to give us some better insight." A flustered Megumi said as she ran her fingers through her hair. Apparently where Mei got the habit.
"...Huh?" Jana blinked faintly. "Wait...what? A condo? For...for us?" She didn't know what to say, she...didn't even think that Alaric liked her like that.
"Yes. You're her best friend and I'm sure she misses living with you like before. So you're apart of the birthday present. Hope that's okay with you." Alaric chuckled a bit, slipping his hands in the pockets of his expensive tailored suit.

"Of course you don't have to move in with her, but we figured you'd might want to. You both are old enough, we not live at the school." Megumi added before stepping forward and taking her hands. "But please, Jana. This is so stressful, we need your help. Our daughter really doesn't tell us what she likes or dislikes, we figured you'd know best."
"I mean...yeah, I'd...I'd love to," Jana said, slipping off her desk. "Sure, I'd love to help." she smiled. Help them with something that was completely out of her head...the nicest place she had ever been was the dorms and Mel's was she supposed to be a good judge?
"Oh thank God," Megumi gave Jana a hug before grabbing her hand and pulling her out the door. "We have to do this quick..because of Alaric's business trip we had to wait until the last minute...hardly enough time to furnish the place...ugh." When it came to her daughter, Megumi wanted things to be perfect.

"Megumi. Everything will be fine, I promise." Alaric told her as he followed them easily. "You'll tug the poor girls arm off if you keep dragging her like that!"
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