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School Rumble (Broom and I)

Kitten couldn't understand why he was taking her hits. Sure he was blocking them, but she could tell that they were injuring him! But his words were what really stopped her in her tracks, and her eyes slightly dulled as she started to think. It was hard, everything was cloudy. "But..Zhao said that Sejae attacked him...what you said makes sense, but it doesn't make sense that Zhao would lie to me. He wouldn't lie to me.." She muttered under her breath.

Would he, Master? She questioned in her thoughts, knowing he'd be able to hear.

"Tch, your silence means nothing to me. He needs to know the truth, he needs to know that I just used him to hurt Mei." Keeping a secret was the same thing as lying...Adam would find out, if not from someone else than her herself. She fucked up, she fell for a guy she didn't mean to fall for. She fell so hard she forgot what she was doing at DC in the first place. It being with him.

"He needs to know because you care about him, and you don't want to lie to him. But you still want to be with him, don't you?" Mei asked. Kokoro narrowed her eyes, but said nothing. She wasn't sure where all the fire went. She used to stare at Mei and curse her over and over, but now she just..didn't care. All she could think about was Adam.
Of course, he wouldn't! Why would you take this dog's word over Zhao? Everything we do is to help you! Komoku snorted, rolling his arms a moment as he shook off the impacts.

"Really?" Komoku muttered. "I can smell them all over you, girl. You stink of them, so is that why they call you Kitten? Because you're their little plaything? Even now, you got one of those freaks inside you. You can't even fight your own battles?"

"He'll know because you want to tell him," Jana murmured. "This is your last chance, Kokoro. Do you really want to fight the three of us?" Even as it stood, Kuki was ready at a moment's notice. The true fight was Zhao, and only Dujae was fighting him. He needed help, but he was holding his own extremely well for the moment.
Kitten flinched at Shi's voice and then she shook her head. "I..can fight my own battles!" She trailed off as she started backing up. "I don't know listen to.." She said as she started tearing up. Sejae was the first person that ever wanted to..just be her friend. Other than them, but now she wasn't so sure...ugh!

"No, I don't. But I will anyway." Kokoro answered stiffly before she grabbed her hammer with both hands and threw it at the three of them with ease. Mei jumped out of the way, sucking her teeth. She didn't want to do this, but she had to!
"Listen to your gut," Komoku insisted. "Shut that stupid fucker up in your head, and close your eyes and listen. What do you think Sejae would do?" he muttered. "I know what he'd do, and those stupid, manipulating shits want you to know what they think he did...but the only opinion that matters is yours, if you really think Sejae would attack anyone without a damn good reason, then I'll put you into the dirt before I do it to Zhao." he muttered. "If we're going to fight, I want to fight you, not that freak ghost inside you."

Jana weaved underneath, and Kuki surged forward. Katana drawn in a flash to slice at her side. Nobody would attack Mei with her around!

Dujae couldn't believe this guy, even wounded...he was a fucking monster. His spear was whatever it needed to be, how in the hell could he keep that energy up? He barely looked winded, and Dujae had been on the defensive the entire time. No wonder Sejae had so much trouble, he felt like even a graze hurt for days. His body was getting numb, and he had to keep moving to regain some feeling...ugh.
"He's not that type of person..." Kitten muttered as she shook her head. The bond she had with Shi was dwindling as she got more confused and less willing to fight. "I..I don't want to hurt people. I never wanted to hurt people. I just wanted to be able to protect myself...because..." She had a vision...for the first time she had a vision of something that she knew was from her past. Back when she couldn't protect herself, and nearly died...she remembered now! She remembered strange men, she remembered them just attacking her and trying to hurt her, but she escaped. But other than that, nothing. "I don't want to fight..anymore. I'm sorry, Shi..." She whimpered.

Kokoro stopped Kuki's sword, but she didn't attempt to disarm her Instead, she pulled back on a thin metal cable attached to the hilt of her hammer and pulled it back as hard as she could, making Mei have to dodge once again. Ugh, they couldn't get hit by that. It was such a silly weapon, but underneath that wooden decor was steel, and Kokoro was wielding it like a toy, catching it when it finally made it back to her. Her red eyes looked at Kuki, her next target since she was so close and she had a hold of her sword.

"Drop the weapon, or you'll regret it."
Kitten, stay focused! Shi murmured. He's lying to you! You know he is! We love you! We wouldn't hurt you! The bond was weakening! His spirit energy was starting to radiate off her, illuminating his figure. His teeth were grit in frustration as he tried to regain control, but to no avail.

"Sejae doesn't want you doing this," Komoku muttered. "Shit, I don't want to hit you either, kid. C'mon...just let us handle this, and I'll take you to Sejae, alright? Word as a boyscout," he grinned. "You can be one of us now, part of the pack."

"I will not," Kuki said resolutely. "Unlike you, I know where my loyalties have always been, and I will not falter at the first sign of trouble." she murmured.
He wasn't lying though...Kitten could see it in his eyes. Unlike the twin brothers, she could sense that Komoku was telling the truth. Sejae was like that too. Their words were to the point, and blunt. She understood them. " you too, Shi. But you and Zhao lied to me. I don't want to fight someone who doesn't want to fight me, I can't." She wanted to see Sejae, no one had to tell her what kind of condition he was in if Zhao attacked him. She was worried.

Kokoro felt the air suddenly get cool around her before she sucked her teeth. "Suit yourself." She grumbled as she jumped out of the way, letting Kuki's sword go in the process as ice rose from the ground in the spot she was once standing in. The moment she landed, Mei was in front of her.

"Jana, Kuki..let me handle her." She didn't want her cousin to be hurt. Kokoro wasn't fighting to win, she was just fighting to distract them.
Shi hissed in frustration as he was pushed out of Kitten's body. Komoku glanced at Shi and snorted in disgust, not even worth his time...typical, a rat that hides behind a bigger animal. Satisfied with that, Komoku moved past with a ruffle of Kitten's hair as thanks as he rushed to assist Dujae, teeth gritted in fury as he broke off into a sprint.

"Right," Jana said, tapping Kuki on the shoulder. Kuki hesitated a moment, but nodded and turned to join Komoku.

Zhao rushed forward with a snarl of fury, his skin pale and his eyes wild as he swung his spar. "I'll kill all of you!"

"Not today!" Komoku spat, fist colliding with his energy in a explosion that sent Zhao's weapon back. He staggered, and Jana and Kuki rushed forward. The pillar of energy shifted into something smaller and he blocked the three blades. Zhao grimaced as Jana blew him a little kiss and he hissed back at her, Jana had never really seen Kuki work through her paces. But Zhao was working the two of them hard, his energy spear was making them dance as they weaved in and out to get a hit in. His defense was incredible, and his reaction time even better.

Komoku rushed in again, weaving with Jana before he sent out a short jab that exploded inches away from his stomach. Zhao backpedaled and glared daggers at Komoku as his eyes narrowed in return, fists tightening.

"Dujae, you ready?" Komoku muttered.

"Oh yeah," Dujae said, shaking off the numbness as he moved forward.

"Four of you?" Zhao muttered. " need four of you to take down me?"

"No," Jana smirked. "But I'm going to consider it my personal pleasure to beat you into the ground like the scum of the earth you are, Zhao."
Justin casually strolled over to Kitten and held out his hand. She looked up at him in confusion. "You don't want to see this. The two people you love being beaten up. Let's wait for them in the car. You know Catalina right? She's there too." Kitten hesitated for a moment before she nodded and took Justin's hand. She really didn't want to see any of this...

Kokoro was about to join Zhao, seeing the one person they thought would never turn on them leaving the fight. But Mei stood before her and she sighed heavily. "Fine...a one on one with you? I've been wanting to do this for a long time, anyway." She grumbled before dashing in and slamming her hammer down. Mei dodged, making sure she was well out of the way of the shock wave that hit the ground. Kokoro was really good at manipulating her element. It took a lot of force to be able to crack pavement like that.

"Just tell me why," Mei muttered as she unsheathed her sword, sending a cold wind towards Kokoro almost instantaneously. She tried to move out of the way but one of her legs got caught. What was that? A new technique? "Tell me why you hate me, Kokoro!"

"..Because you're an insufferable bitch and you don't deserve to be happy." Kokoro hit the ice with enough force to break it but not harm her leg. She simply raised it up and dashed at Mei, fainting another ground attack, but at the last minute she changed and swung it horizontally with enough control that Mei could barely block it.

It didn't matter, she was skidding away and Kokoro threw her hammer right after her, using the cable to manipulate it. But Mei was fast and was able to move out of the way. Not before using her ice to catch the hammer and hold it in place. "What do you mean by that, Kokoro!? Explain yourself!" Mei demanded.
Shi wasn't finished, but right now...they'd deal with Kitten later. Right now, he broke off into a sprint towards Zhao as Zhao glanced over and smirked, taking a sharp step to the right to sprint towards his brother. Komoku blinked in surprise, and then cursed himself for leaving that alone. When the two of them combined, the aura got worse. The grass around them rippled as Zhao clutched his hands, smirking widely.

"Oh..." He said, his voice echoed by Shi's. "Now this is much better..."
Mei felt it from there. The moment she looked over, Kokoro took advantage of that. She tugged her hammer out of Mei's ice and swung it right against her side, causing Mei to cry out in pain. It wasn't with as much force as she could have used, but regardless it sent Mei to the ground, and Kokoro folded her arms as she started to walk closer to Mei. "You're pathetic.." Kokoro's hammer started levitating in the air as she focused all of her attention on it. Metal spikes suddenly jutted from both ends of the weapon, causing Mei to look up at it.

She had to move...even though her side was aching. She quickly got to her feet and then dodged Kokoro's attack just barely. She couldn't mess around anymore..she had to defeat her cousin. She had a really bad feeling about Zhao and Shi..together.
"Oh, here we go..." Komoku smirked, cracking his knuckles. "Now we have a party going on, huh? I can kick both of your asses at the same time, what a convenient trick that is!"

"You are a fool," Zhao Shi, in this case...snarled in annoyance. "You have corrupted Kitten against us! She will be punished in due time, but first-"

"Ugh," Jana muttered. "Shut the fuck up, you touch that girl again and I'll cut your dick off." Jana growled. "You're the fuck that is responsible for Blake, aren't you?"

"Ah, yes..." Zhao purred. "You're the little bitch that Blake made an example good of you to remind me." Jana's eyes narrowed, but she said nothing. She wasn't going to be goaded.

"Let's dance," Komoku smirked. "Hey, Jana! You know the steps?"

"Enough of them," Jana smiled faintly. "Ladies first?"

"You bet," Komoku grinned hungrily. Jana was off in a blur, moving low in a wave of fire. Komoku was right behind her as Zhao's spear slammed into the ground to part the flames and block her slash. He reared his fist back and slammed it against the spear in a powerful explosion, even when he avoided it. Dujae was right behind Komoku, his legs a whirlwind of fire as he unleased a flurry of kicks that Zhao blocked and parried before he caught the last kick with a vicious smirk. He was about to twist it, but Kuki appeared in a flash of wind, her blade coming down.

It hit nothing but air as Zhao's elbow slammed into Kuki's stomach and Komoku swung a fast hook that he caught with the other hand, even as Komoku's power throbbed in his palm. Zhao glanced at the furious face of Komoku, smirking in amusement.

"I can feel know," Zhao purred. "That energy that wants to unleash itself...what's stopping you, rabid dog? Are you so afraid to howl?"

"Don't tempt me," Komoku growled, hair whipping in fury. Dujae took advantage of his lack of mobility, bringing down a brutal axe kick as Zhao leapt back, the ground cratering at his impact as Kuki slumped down with a faint cough, hand on her stomach to shake it off.
Every time Mei tried to get close to Kokoro, that stupid hammer went flying after her. Blocking it was too dangerous..stopping it was next to impossible at the rate it was moving. Ugh..she'd have to take a chance. She stopped running and super cooled the air around her, concentrating on the right side of her body. "You're an idiot! I'll shatter your iced shell, Mei!" Kokoro shouted. She knew her cousin, she'd try to defend against it with that stubborn ice of hers.

The moment the hammer came in close enough, Mei summoned a huge iceburg, stopping the hammer centimeters away from her arm. Kokoro blinked in surprise as Mei suddenly closed in on her, not giving her chance to break her weapon free. "I'm not the same Mei you know," She muttered before swing her sword down towards Kokoro's chest. Kokoro just smirked and then concentrated on Mei's blade.

Suddenly it became much lighter...some type of thick, silver liquid spattered all over Kokoro's chest. Mei gasped when she realized the blade of her sword was gone..melted off like candle wax. "And I'm not the same Kokoro you know...I really like silver. It's hard to manipulate...if you aren't me." Kokoro sneered.
Zhao advanced without hesitation, spear appearing back in his hands as he moved in a wide spin. They had to avoid, and it allowed him to get close. Jana moved to strike with a downward slash, it was parried and countered with a sharp stab that skirted across her arm. She ignored it and moved forward, her katana skirting along the spear to move it aside as she moved to swipe with her wakizashi. He stepped to the side, also to avoid Dujae's kick before he lashed his foot out to slam against Dujae's shin with a pained curse and bring the other side around to slice him across the face. He jerked with a spray of red.

"Dujae!" Komoku spat. Shit, he should have brought his club...but no time. He'd make do with nothing. Kuki took advantage of the opening to slice at his side. A red blade confirmed a hit, but it didn't seem to slow him down. He grunted in pain as he turned to face her and bring his spear for a stab, Komoku rushed forward with a furious snarl. His fist slammed down on the energy spear in a furious explosion before he brought his other hand up in a wild swing and connected right on his chest. The explosion tore his shirt and jacket to shreds as blood splattered across Komoku's fist when Zhao staggered back with a choked squeal of pain, clutching his sizzling, festering wound.

"Yeah, how's that feel, you fuck!?" Komoku spat as Dujae clutched his face with a heavy pant, wiping off the blood. All of them were exhausted already, how could this guy keep this up!?
Mei immediately put distance between her and Kokoro to rethink her strategy. Also because she needed to keep herself calm. That sword meant a lot to her..and now it was destroyed. How did she do that?! Her father said that silver was too difficult to manipulate, that was the reason why he gave the sword to her. Kokoro was snaking it around her body, changing it from solid to liquid like it was nothing! "You seem confused. But I'm not surprised, you never cared to learn about anyone, not even your own family. The Sato's are famous for working with silver. We learn it from a young age." Kokoro never used this against anyone, mainly because not many people had blades made from silver.

"I see." Mei moved her hilt back into its sheath. "That's really impressive. Sato or not, even my dad can't manipulate silver like that." Mei complimented. Kokoro scoffed and then whipped the silver towards Mei. However, Mei was a step ahead and nimbly moved out of the way.

"I don't need your damn compliments anymore, Mei! There was a time when I looked up to you, but that is no longer the case. Don't you dare start pretending like you've changed. You are still the same, miserable cold hearted bitch you were when you locked up my boyfriend!" Kokoro started whipping the silver around, but she couldn't hit Mei. Was she getting too upset? Or did Mei just manage to surpass her speed? She watched her cousin pull her blade out, a thick mist of frozen air stopping the whip in its tracks. Mei was suddenly in front of Kokoro and she grabbed her, hugging her tightly.

"I'm sorry. I know I hurt you. I am sorry, Kokoro."
"Don't you dare mock me!" Zhao snarled, eyes glowing with power as an aura took over. Both of them were getting insulted, what the hell was with Shi and that fancy little ability of his anyway? "Do you know who we are!? We are the true inheritors of Turuga! our grandfather-"

"Shut the fuck up," Komoku growled, his own aura rippling off his body. "I don't give a fuck if you're the Queen of England, you hurt one of my people. And now I hurt you. I'm going to pull your stupid, pussy ass brother out of you and I'm going to beat both of you to shit." he muttered. "You want to see me howl? You're going to see it. Don't blame me if you're a bloody mess when I'm done, you fucking idiot. This is my town, and you aren't going to do shit to stop that." Zhao snorted in disdain, his eyes narrowing in annoyance.

"You're nothing but a hood rat, you hear me? Nothing you do will ever erase that."

"Good," Komoku smirked, rushing forward with his fist roaring with energy. "Because I wouldn't change a THING!" he spat, slamming his fist against the quickly formed barrier. Zhao slid back with a surprised hiss, smoke rolling off his body as Komoku advanced, catching him with a right hook that sent Zhao staggering to the side before Komoku spread his hands out in front of him, fingers splayed.

"Bye, you fuck." Komoku roared, the air heating up for a split second before a ear splitting explosion slammed into Zhao and sent him slamming into the side of the house, crashing through the window and buckling one of the bookshelves in a spray of paper and burnt books. Jana blinked in surprise at that, letting out a heavy breath of relief. Finally...was it over? God, that guy could take the worst sort of beating!
"Let go of me!" Kokoro shouted as she dropped the frozen pole in her hand and started pushing Mei away. How dare she! How dare she pretend to be a good person! She wasn't! She wasn't! If Mei was a good person, this was all pointless. She betrayed Adam and the rest of the people who liked her for nothing!

"No. I let go of you before. I shouldn't have. I should have comforted you. You were so close to your ex boyfriend. You did everything with him. But you have Adam now. Just let it go, I will make it up to you. Come back to DC. Please," Mei begged her cousin. "Just stop."

Kokoro looked and saw that the twins were done, or at least injured greatly. What was the point. What was the point of any of this?! " win. We lost anyway. We lost...a long time ago."
"Everyone alive? Holler if you're dead," Komoku grunted, hitting the grass with a miserable groan. "Fucking hell...who takes that much shit and lives?"

"You do," Dujae mumbled, his face stained with his own blood. Everyone was exhausted, just keeping up with him was a horrible ordeal, Komoku just looked like he was about to fall asleep.

"Ugh..." Jana mumbled. "You okay, Kuki?"

"Other than feeling like I want to puke," she grimaced. "Yes...I'm fine...oh, Mei!" she said, turning to face Kokoro and Mei.
"I'm fine." Mei said as she finally released her cousin from her embrace. Kokoro wiped her tears away as she turned away from all of them on shame.. Mei felt bad...she was settling her differences with her cousin and they all looked like they were about to keel over.

"I knew this would happen." A voice said from behind the van. Mei turned over and saw Catalina in a nurses outfit. When the hell did she change?! Why was she...ugh. Hopefully she actually had some sort of medical knowledge. Or maybe she thought dressing the part would help. The first person she went to was Dujae, not that that was a surprise. "Are you okay, Mi amor? What hurts the most?"
"...What the hell are you wearing?" Dujae blinked almost stupidly. "When did you change?"

"...Women," Komoku snorted. "Got a thousand different outfits, I swear..."

"Fuck you too," Jana sniffed. "Or do you forget that two girls were helping you big strapping boys?"

"Yeah yeah yeah..." Komoku said with a passive wave. "...Just know, lay here...forever, maybe."
"When you all were fighting." Catalina said casually as she opened the medical bag in her hand. "Hold still, I'll fix you guys up. Least I can do." She grinned at him.

Mei sighed and walked over to Komoku's side, getting on her knees as she ran her fingers through his hair. "I'm never going to get used to seeing you all roughed up like this, you need to get stronger so I don't have to see it as much." She gave him a smile. At least they had won...she had to thank all of them somehow and make it up to them.
"Yeah, that was pretty goddamn sloppy, Komoku," Jana smirked, hands on her hips as she leaned down. Komoku glared at her, sticking his tongue out.

"Bite me," he groused. "You know how hard it was to do that? I can't feel my arms, you know!"

"Maybe if you weren't so damn violent, we could have made it less strenuous on you." Dujae said, hissing faintly when Cat applied rubbing alcohol to his cut.

"God, no 'Thanks for being a hero, Komoku!' Just bitch, bitch, bitch..." he groused. "Remind me to piss off next time."
Kokoro watched them with a frown. How could they all be so damn carefree? Hearing Mei laugh was almost unnerving. Mei..really had changed. But she had stayed the same...maybe if she let it go, she wouldn't have ended up in this situation..she wouldn't have betrayed Adam.

"Don't be that way.." Mei told Komoku before leaning down to kiss his cheek.

After Catalina used an excessive amount of bandages on Dujae, she went over to Komoku and did the same with him. Her medical skills were..questionable. But amateur first aid was better than none.
Jana glanced inside the smoking crater and headed further inside where Zhao and Shi were unconscious and twitching. She tilted her head as she moved closer, blade still easy in her hand. So...these two were it, the people that condoned what happened to her. The people that just let it happen, and manipulated a girl in the process. Maybe they died from their injuries, maybe they didn't. The temptation was great, but...she was a better person than that, wasn't she? Yeah, she hoped so.
After Catalina patched everyone up and Shi and Zhao were tied up and thrown in the back of the van, Mei checked on Kitten who was in the back seat with Justin. She had fallen asleep, head on Justin's lap...figured. She looked like she had been crying a lot. And Justin..Justin looked like there was something on his mind. "That didn't take long," Justin pointed out, though he could definitely tell that it had been a tough fight. "Everybody alright?"

"Peachy." Mei raised an eyebrow as she stared at Kitten. "You look as comfortable as she is."
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